I get the feeling there's going to be a scene down the line where Selverie finds out that her mother isn't all that bad and was just "working for her sake" or something, and is just as bad at communicating as Selverie. The fact that the note said "buy yourself something tasty" rather than just a perfunctory "get food" or something makes it sound like she cares but is bad at showing it.
I dont think kissing someone when they are asleep counts as molesting.
But yeah, it's a bit odd but still fairly plausible.
And while its unlikely, she might be physically an adult but not mentally because of the childhood trauma and her loner tendencies.
@Goldenzeal I think, we can argue wheather its rape or not, what I don't think it is..
But its definitefly molesting, molesting is any kind of non consentual 'lewd' physical contact(or even verbal agression). Especially since MC was in a vulnerable position (sleeping).
BUT we all know MC would do his master without a second thought. So, ye, no, idk?
While you are absolutely correct, this is rape (too many people find the idea of a woman raping a man to be 'funny' or 'stupid' - or complaining about having been molested by a woman as being 'gay' ((negative for some reason?)), which is aggravating to the victims who are never taken seriously). He also wouldn't press charges in such a situation. From his temperament he'd probably just be flustered and confused - mentally he's much older than she is. Not as much as the other girls around him, but still easily enough to be her father. Especially since he looks UP to her, her finding him the aspiration of her heart (thus looking up to him) would just make him awkward.