Kouritsu-Chuu Madoushi, Daini no Jinsei de Madou wo Kiwameru - Vol. 8 Ch. 48 - Beginning Of The End

Double-page supporter
Jan 24, 2018
@TNT261 That's all assuming a lot, including the fact that he rebuilt anything physical. He said he redid his magic and that could include just changing the very way he performs magic. The strain issue is why he isn't human any more. His limitations on casting magic have obviously been changed or even removed, he's not operating under common logic any more.
Whether it's all bad writing or not depends on how things pan out from here on.
May 13, 2019
So we bring back a random as a god and kill all the waifus.

What the hell is in the author's head
Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2018
That was fucking stupid, if they don't retcon this asap I'm dropping. Blatant asspull god powerup for no reason.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@Wyrm thats assuming inventing new magic is possible in the first place. Just cause you have infinite time, does not mean you have infinite resources, and you are still constrained by the laws of the world.
Lets assume you have infinite time, and you decide you want to find a way to fly, without the use of planes or other type of external assistance, just your own body. Would you be able to? the answer is no, you wont.
You are still bound by gravity, no matter how much you think ways to do it. You may find a way to build a machine so small that its imperceptible (a little suspect, without the ability to test it and trail and error, but i could let that one pass), but you cant just decide that you want to fly and then do it.
Its true the laws of magic were never properly explained in this world (and thats ALSO bad writing, if you ask me) but to assume that those laws can be avoided altogether would be like "finding another way to breath, without using oxygen", you body isnt just going to breathe hydrogen just because you want it to.
Aggregator gang
Sep 5, 2019
@TNT261 I agree with you. I had enjoyed the story so far but then making this random asshole suddenly the strongest mage in all of existence killing all of these characters is just stupid if you ask me. Next chapter he’ll probably do something like reincarnate again but that’s just a big why? Why let us go through all of that, build up all these characters and their relationships just to throw it out of the window and start over again. There are certain stories where this could work but in my opinion this is not such a story. Another option next chapter would be for the MC to pull a way to kill him out of a hat and while in most stories I can give the MC some slack after the strongest wizards out there were all killed in a split second I cannot do such a thing
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
he cares more about Milly
than he does about his teach
like barely looked like that shit phased him
same with his dream being wiped clean
Aggregator gang
Mar 5, 2019
Then the story does a hard left turn and goes from their adventure to him trying to have a good life and we see the ripple. there is a korean webcomic that is doing something similar to this, I find it entertaining because the same set of people are generally left each round but a new way to 'win' happens each time.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
@nfzeta I mean, I would say the fact that I have to or even CAN assume anything with a plot point this huge and important is bad writing. "He's not operating under common logic anymore" is 1) a cheap explanation and 2) just wrong. Everyone still operates under logic. Rules are established - and aside from reality bending gods - they have to be adhered to. It doesn't matter how broken the character is; they cannot have attained that strength or be using it in a way that doesn't work with the established rules. Not establishing rules beforehand is less bad writing and more cheap/lazy writing (which is arguably the same thing). When you're writing fantasy or Sci fi or whatever you have a responsibility to establish rules and world building and then adhere to them; that would be good writing. I don't see how the author can turn this into anything but worse writing. The very angry villain isn't likely to explain his full power set and how it makes any sense (which in of it self would be out of character and bad writing); a retroactive flash back is just stupid; and that's not even addressing the fact that when an all powerful antagonist like this is introduced and they kill tons of main and side characters there are VERY few ways to turn it around and NOT get bad writing. Continuing this story means losing the lifeblood of the Manga (the companions and side characters); solving this means: a) stupid power up (destroys pacing and the literal ONLY REASON WE HAVE A STORY) b) time travel shannigans c) another reincarnation starting the whole plot and story and character development for everyone but the Mc from 0 and probably making things worse (getting rid of the improving relationships). This is bad writing at its finest. Even if it wasn't it's STILL bad writing because it leads to bad writing and there's no good way out of this for the story. No matter what happens the author has permanently derailed and screwed their initial story (which will piss most readers off seeing as we're nearly 50 chapters in). Anything the author could do to solve this would still be bad writing because it would make the whole event irrelevant and meant I just wasted my time completely. The author physically cannot solve this without it being bad writing because of how he setup the story and played this chapter.

@Ryu12 even in the case that makes sense and there's no BS (I say that because reading your comment I thought "Okay I didn't remember that" but then immediately thought "Okay but still. Why though?" Why test a ridiculously unfair and insane punishment? Sure they TRIED to keep him harmless, but if they treated this as an experiment they should have known ANYTHING could happen. And again why even risk that when there's literally NO benefits whatsoever. There would never be a reason to do this punishment or just killing someone or locking them up. Mage association still would have to be completely mental to have done this (still manufacturered conflict and therefore bad writing. And again anyone well versed in research knows you don't do the practical experiment without TONS of theoretical and testing to be prepared for every outcome and know it's completely 200% safe), that's just a single talking point. Bad writing encompasses SO much more than just things making sense (which they don't here). Consistent plot, good pacing, nice character development, realism, good world building, effecient use of characters, and way more check marks all need to be met for good writing. If the story doesn't reach them... It's bad writing (and there are varying degrees to that. Most have good writing at times and bad at others).

This would be bad writing for so many other reasons. 1) it completely details the initial story aand premise. We've had a specific plot for the longest and a good story should strive to abide by that. Completely throwing that away because you think it got boring (instead of just writing that better) I bad writing. Readers came to this series for its initial plot; not to see all that go away. Making the main character have completely unreasonable thoughts Is bad writing (I.e "I created this monster by not letting him kill me and my friends earlier and letting the magic association handle him like they were high..."). Destroying large portions of your cast all at once is generally bad writing. This is where we get into the "generally leads to bad writing" stuff. Death should NEVER be used lightly or massively for main characters. Killing characters mean they can't be used again, you poss readers off, and the only benefit you get is a few scenes of reactions generally. You can bring characters back to life but that just cheapens the whole concept of death (and lowers all stakes).

A huge HUGE HUGE NO NO for any writer that doesn't hate themselves is to NEVER EVER make an all-powerful antagonist (or one with an insanely huge gap to the Mc and bent on killing the MC Immedi). The options a writer has to resolve this are just terrible. 1) use time travel. This is a really cheap trick. It essentially undoes the entire plot and is basically I couldn't think of anything else 2) a random huge power up for the Mc. Again cheap (all of these are cheap) and terrible for pacing and character development. 3) roll with it. This one is worse than you seem to belive. In a situation like this the author is forced to undo and destroy all the character development he did for other characters, all the world building, the plot progression to this point, and everything to make some new story out of the ashes. There's just no good way for this to go moving forward and that in of itself means bad writing. Even an all powerful protagonist is generally a bad idea for writers. It just makes it so ridiculously difficult to have actual conflicts (and every good story NEEDS conflict). Even isekai don't make the MC fully all powerful and when they do they largely get away with it by not having a serious plot (a serious plot and legit God Mc is a quick way to write a bad story). This just generally makes it harder on the writer to write anything but a bad story

Beyond all that a good writer knows how to stick to their target audience and initial genre. It's not difficult to go completely off the rails and ignore that. It is shitty to readers who came to this series for a specific reason. I'm clearly talking too much on good or bad writing; just as in a writing class and someone who enjoys it greatly that's not something I can let go easily. Ultimately it doesn't matter if the writing is good, bad, great, or whatever. It's if we enjoy it or not. If you like this development that's all that matters. I'd delete this having come to this conclusion, but I already wrote all of it and that'd be too depressing
Double-page supporter
Jan 24, 2018
@TNT261 You can, but that doesn't make it right or even logical.

"He's not operating under common logic anymore" is 1) a cheap explanation and 2) just wrong.
Cheap, maybe. Wrong? How? He's literally doing what is commonly seen as impossible.

Everyone still operates under logic. Rules are established - and aside from reality bending gods - they have to be adhered to.
And what rules exactly is he breaking? When were they hashed out to the point you can tell what's being broken? Where is the wiki explaining what rules he broke and whether he's truly stepped onto the territory of 'gods' who maybe even don't exist in the world.

Honestly after that it all sounds like a rant to me with little objective points. What you seem to be calling bad writing is just things you don't like. I mean you're complaining about a potential reincarnation in a reincarnation story.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
The novel is ending right on this arc, so it will probably ends on a couple more chapters. Volume 8 is the last published novel released on 2017 and this part of the manga is on volume 8, yeah there's no more novel to adapt so it's the end of the journey.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2019
Okay, I really liked the story up until the really dumb part with the Yamato, and then this happens.

Why is the author driving the story off a cliff?
Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2018
3 freaking years for this, wth. The battleship was a flag, i ignored it, random evil guy trapped for a thousand years for no reason was a flag, i ignored it, MC going for the red title when he was aware of his talent for other magic was a another flag, i ignored i... I blame myself for still being here
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
@nfzeta okay you do realize that you also have to operate under assumptions to try and explain this as good writing? Right? You don't see any flaw in that? Also again cheap writing is arguably bad. It definitely isn't good writing

Okay I feel like you're entirely missing everything I've stated which makes everything I've stated a waste of time so things (well enjoyed it so not hugely).

commonly seen as impossible.
Commonly seen as Impossible and actually impossible are two different things. The author has a responsibility to make a clear discintion for the reader. For example in the real world flying even with an airplane was "commonly" seen as impossible, but there's nothing in the laws of physics that actually makes the technology impossible though. Which is this?

And what rules exactly is he breaking? When were they hashed out to the point you can tell what's being broken? Where is the wiki explaining what rules he broke and whether he's truly stepped onto the territory of 'gods' who maybe even don't exist in the world

Okay you're not serious are you? Literally all this consistutes bad writing. I feel like I've explained this pretty well. A huge part of writing fiction (not set in our world) is making and adhering to rules and mythos you create. Not doing that is bad writing. The God example was (at least I thought) I pretty obvious hyperbole and point. The point being EVERY character should abide by established rules with VERY few exceptions to that (and exceptions needing to be explained why they don't abide by the rules or how they even exist).

Honestly after that it all sounds like a rant to me with little objective points. What you seem to be calling bad writing is just things you don't like. I mean you're complaining about a potential reincarnation in a reincarnation story.

I'll tell you what I wroge at the end of the other comment, if you enjoy it it doesn't matter if this is good or bad writing, but objectively this definitely isn't GOOD writing. if that makes you feel better instead of calling it bad writing. I personally enjoy analyzing stories (and it's easier when they are this obviously bad; so much more to say). You say potential reincarnation in a reincarnation story as if that isn't completely insane nearly 50 chapters when you've never suggested that possibly. The reincarnation itself would just be a tool or transition, but what would happen as a result is bad writing. Completely disregarding 40+ chapters of character development (for everyone but the Mc), relationships, and plot progressive is bad writing (hell, that's straight up masochistic; does the author hate themselves?). Also just please please please please please please please never be an author (mainly of fiction; definitely of fantasy) if you read everything I said and came to that conclusion (well actually a rant with objective points is a compliment I'd say. Objective points literally means without opinion and if any of my points were right (which all centered around the writing being bad) then it's bad writing. A rants not entirely wrong either. A rant can be based on fact and objectiveness abd probably is more frequently than its based on opinion; you might want to work on how you discredit (a complete and 100% no sarcasm advice.)) just to be clear I personally enjoy explaining this stuff so I don't know if you see it as an argument but it's just fun to me. I do feel like I've throughly explained so I'm contempt but I'd love to see if you still find holes in anything. And yes, I love parentheses too much (my main weakness).

@BOTMAN Same... just... same. I forgot about the Mc going for the red title. Did the author themselves forget the whole point in reincarnation for the MC was to master the elements he actually had talent for? What happened to that?

@Kuraiaku okay this actually explains basically everything. The Manga author could at least have the decency to end this better, but this is understandable now

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