Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? - Vol. 10 Ch. 50.1

Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
@DeathDonut Well said. Personally the introduction of all the other classmates(?) was a really big turnoff to me. I believe its because the casual reveal that there might be other isekai people in her new world was much more interesting than just dumping it right at the beginning. It also takes some edge off of the premise of the dungeon and how her was situation at the time. Not only that, but as the story is told from the perspective of the female protagonist, I find it more interesting to learn about the world at the same time she does. I only watched the first ep of the anime, but after what you said, I'm glad I stopped there; I'll be sticking to the manga until it 'finishes'.
Active member
Aug 17, 2019
@frubam: I'll be watching the anime anyway, but, uh... it is significantly weaker than manga version. I really hated all the secondary character scenes so far.
One other problem is that they use CG heavily (not surprising, given how many monsters are there), and it is not that great. It is not horrible (like in Overlord anime) but it is very obvious and I can spot it right away. I guess japanese studios in general haven't nailed cool anime CG look yet. (There are some decent and good looking CG anime though. For example, Houseki no Kuni, Seikai Suru Kado, 1st season of Ajin, and Sidonia no Kishi)

Regarding manga, the release speed became slow, and it will probably take years for it to complete. So... *shrug*
May 24, 2019
@DeathDonut "This kills the sense of mystery"... that's just wrong, the lack of the human side in the manga only gives lack of information, not mistery. Having the human scenes doesn't destroy the mystery, not having the human is what destroys the mistery. That's one of the main reason why a large part of the LN readers hate the manga, because the lack of the human side destroys the vast majority of mysteries, red herrings and plot twists the novel has, and all these things are one of the main selling points of the story. And I say all this as someone who started with manga and ended up ruining a large part of the mysteries for myself.

A big example is the Demon Lord. In the manga, she just randomly appears in a meeting scene out of nowhere, and then appears in front of Kumoko a few chapters after that. In the novels, she is one really fucking big red herring (I would say 99% of the people fall for it). Basically, everything about her before she meets with Kumoko is made to make you think that she and Kumoko are the same person. That scene of the meeting that she is seen in the manga where she uses her threads to stop a fight and the mention of abysal magic (it just makes more sense in the novel because of the context given by the humans). Then the other reincarnates are seen mentioning how the current Demon King appeared more or less at the time they were born and how she/he could be another of their classmates, but for that to happen she/he should have been fighting for her life since birth, Kuomoko literally receiving the skill "Demon King", then another a chapter called "The Spider Demon Lord" where Ariel is seen literally mentioning the name "Yamada" and
She smiles as she takes a scraf that Julius was wearing from his corpse, a scraf which was made using Kumoko threads that were stolen when her nest was burned for the first time.
In the end, she appears in front of Kumoko when the reader was completely convinced that they were the same person, which gives much more impact to the scene. And then you have the manga where it's "Oh, is the demon lord", and that's it.
Active member
Aug 17, 2019
that's just wrong
Nope. Because "mystery" is lack of information and having questions without answers. Also, "What is going on with the world" is more interesting than "what happened to this or that character". Because "the world" is a bigger mystery.
Mar 10, 2018
Happy that human side is limited here, didn't like in the anime, was generic and waste of time apart the dragon girl, i prefer Kumoko pov and her amazing evolution adventures. 😀
Feb 14, 2019
@DeathDonut You're going to be that person who years down the road when the manga team HAS to get to the human side plot is going to complain about how boring it is because literally every scene will have no surprises in it as a result of seeing everything from Kumoko's side up front, aren't you? You seem to have decided that "Dark Souls" no information is the more entertaining variation on the story where in fact the story is designed to drip feed information from both sides to surprise and inform context from the other. When EITHER side is viewed in its entirety before the other, various surprises and mysteries are ruined. Knowing the most basic information that the class reincarnated due to a battle between the demon lord and hero is LITERALLY PROLOGUE TEXT for volume 1 of the light novel.

The exact text:
"Once, there was a world where the battle between Hero and Demon Lord repeated itself time and time again.
During this battle, an enormous space-time spell was fired and exploded in a certain classroom in a Japanese high school.
The spell hit everyone in the classroom, and all of them lost their lives in an instant.
The souls of these victims were scattered into another world, and each was born again in a new life."

It's unfortunate that the mystery you think is most interesting is something the author never intended to hide or have the story written around, but that's just how it is. Also, when by your own admission, you haven't read everything that's coming, it's kind of short sighted to think you know what's been gained or lost from the way an adaptation is going. The anime isn't in fact a good representation of the original story either, as it's had multiple things cut and rearranged itself.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
She's not vetting the people she's saving right? Lol
Many thanks
Jul 8, 2018
@unime well it doesn't say here, but I'd like to think, she can at least avoid swindlers, thieves and such scum by using her appraisal, no? I don't know if she'll care enough tho. She was killing bandits for exp and notout of some sense of justice.
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2018
@DeathDonut I beg to disagree. Having read the LN after YEARS of following Kumoko's boring dungeon crawling in the manga, I could confidently say that the mystery aspect is more apparent in the LN, and the lame isekai cliched trope of her classmates actually made the story more interesting in the long run. Try to read the first 5 volumes of the LN, and you might change your mind.
Active member
Aug 17, 2019
@HawkEyeTS: Dude, this kind of argument isn't going to fly.

I decide what is entertaining for me, and you can't dictate me what I am supposed to enjoy. So, I haven't "decided" that "dark souls crawl to the cave is more enjoyable". It IS more enjoyable. Once again, for me. Vastly more enjoyable, because modern isekais are usually poorly done (honestly, most of them are trash) and full of cliches. So the work that isn't touching any of the cliches is more intresting. "Hero academy" is one of the cliches.

Additionally, you have no authority to claim what author wanted to create and what their intention was. Because you are not an author and whatevr you say their would be YOUR assumption. Because it is an assumption, it can be wrong or baseless. If you could produce actual words of the author, however, that would be another story.

What one conclude from all those arguments, however, is that manga version accidentally produced a superior reinterpretation of source material. Given that things that it omitted were added back in the anime, and given that I hated them, it means that manga picked all the stuff that set this work apart from the rest and removed everything that was cookie cutter cliches. Sometimes this happens during adaptations.

For example, one of the "improved adaptations" that come to mind were "Joshikousei no Mudazikai" and "Devilman Lady". Anime version of Mudazukai was made from the best of the source material and in the process transformed into something completely different. Devilman Lady anime version managed to turn Nagai's source material (that often looks silly by modern standard) into some sort of very enjoyable Gothic Horror/Tragedy.

Same thing, apparently hapapned here, where manga produced more enjoyable interpretation of LNs events. All comments so far indicate that Anime is closer to LN, and that means that if I get to the LN then I'll end up disliking it.

@fernaldi01 Maybe I'll check it one day, but it is unlikely that this will happen any time soon. I have ton of the stuff on my backlog (and not only reading), and "Release that witch" would be higher priority than this one.
May 12, 2019
Off chapter topic

Just noticed that as time goes on, Human Kumo's
boingg boing in the cover are getting smaller and smaller

Sugoi dekai in Vol 3, almost flat in (current) volume 9

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