I like how mc's servants don't delay and just kills
Yeah, it's not like any of the people who were slaughtered had friends, lovers, family, or anyone depending on them. Fortunately all of the killed people existed only in a vacuum, completely separate from the town that they lived in, and no one will mourn their passing, feel a need for retribution, or have their lives affected in any way. None of these people killed were anything other than completely evil in all aspects of their lives, and everyone will celebrate their unceremonious mass execution.
As an American, I can assure that this is exactly how it goes every time my country goes into a region and supplants the people in charge. Everyone there stands up and applauds, thanks us for vanquishing an obvious evil, and throws us a parade. Am I right, foreigners? Nothing you guys enjoy more than an abrupt regime change caused by the universally accepted World Police Force.