Kuro no Maou - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

Apr 27, 2018
Bold of you to assume its /my/ Buddha, but ill take the bait in asking how you being a fem has anything to do with necessity. lol.
Nov 1, 2018
To who read the LN/WN, why is the Church doing this ?

I know that Churchs being evil is nothing new to the Japanese media but there's some kind of reason for it like an evil deity, is corrupt or something, do we ever get a reason ?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 21, 2018
Somehow I feel this adaptation pace isn't exactly capturing the original. The pace of the story that this manga had isn't very good at capturing the struggle, and the pain that kurono had in the earlier chapter. It's supposed to be very depressing, I only read the WN version a few years ago, so I can't talk about the LN version.

@Centurionzo, I forgot exactly, but IIRC the reason Kurono got summoned and become an experimental subject is because the church, who were responsible for this experiment, wanted to create a new kind of super magic soldier. The soldiers that they planned to make were supposed to behave like machine who followed any order, hence is the tortorous ring on the Kurono head is for. The church on this manga didn't want to use the human from their world to become their experimental subject, so instead they choose to summon the human from 'our' world to become an experimental subject.
Group Leader
Nov 29, 2018
@Centurionzo Their god told them to get people from another world to create a holy army and conquer the demon continent of pandora.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
How LN readers, does this story compare to the other revenge isekai out there?

Also lol at the tech differentials
Jan 21, 2018
Now, I haven't caught up to the latest chapter of the novel. But MC mellows out but his harem... Well... They're special.

And so begins the first of the yanderes.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
He should keep an eye out for this pixie... ?

Especially if she keep his eye in a glass jar in her magic storage, without him knowing... ?
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
In position for...
surprise, buttsex!

Dunno if the pixie is Shirohashi from ch1.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
another evil church... you know i'd like to find manga where the church were the good guys.
Apr 19, 2018
Church are usually the bad guys because it's easy to justify the (borderline) insane fanatiscim necessary for the villains when actual gods exist, you know.

Also, it's not like the god is evil or anything, after all they are a being which we are unable to comprehend, look at how many histories there are in the bible, from a mostly 'good' god, about people getting literally fucked over for some petty shit
Jul 18, 2018
@Thegreatnerd Her appearances are pretty sparse for the first few hundred chapters, but super important whenever they do happen, so I'll have to give spoil some of the other events for them to make sense. Even with skipping all non-essential arcs and even skipping/glossing over some extremely important characters, this'll probably be a huge post with spoilers covering the first few hundred chapters of the WN and will still probably jump around alot.
Kurono has actually landed all the way onto another continent, Pandora (also called a continent of demons), and eventually settles down with the fairy Lily who shows up at the end of the chapter. They pretty much have become a family and are living together. Lily makes medicine that she sells, and Kurono becomes an adventurer and hunts monsters for a living, with Lily's help. Kurono then hears that the church is actually preparing a crusade to invade and conquer Pandora, but that it'll be fine because the king of the country they're in (Daedalus) is Dragon King Garvinal who is pretty much undefeatable. Perspective switches to Sariel who is an Apostle (someone who is granted Divine Protection from the White God and as a result is essentially a Demigod). Sariel is also the Crusader Supreme Commander in charge of the expedition, and when the crusaders attack the capital of Daedalus Sariel duels Garvinal while the two armies are fighting below them. She wins but loses an arm and has to be sealed inside a special coffin for some time in order to heal. During this time, the crusaders have completely locked down the capital so that news can't get out. Kurono feels uneasy that there's no news from the capital and decides to sneak away by himself and check it out. He notices that the capital has crusader flags in it and figures out that the crusaders have already captured the city, and was going to return when he noticed Sariel by herself outside the city and decides to try and assassinate her. In summary he fails, but does wound her hand. Sariel doesn't finish him off though, and wishes that he would quietly live somewhere in peace, for the sakes of all the experimental subjects who have died. Lily rushes out to save him and retreats once she has him, and Sariel just lets them go without trying to stop them.

Kurono and Lily return home and find that their entire town has been massacred, Kurono goes berserk and slaughters all of the crusader soldiers there. Kurono and Lily go to another town and warn them ahead of time so they can escape while a huge coalition of Adventurers holds off the rear and then retreats after them. Lily convinces Kurono to fight for the leadership of the coalition (Lily wants them to be in charge so that she can easily toss them away as bait while she and Kurono escape on their own if things get rough) Kurono agrees because he knows firsthand how dangerous the crusaders/church are, and are worried that other people might take them too lightly. Kurono challenges a higher ranked party leader named Vulcan for the leader spot, and wins. Later when Kurono worries about whether he can lead everyone to safety, Vulcan reassures him that Vulcan will take over if Kurono screws up (with the meaning of, if Kurono screws up Vulcan will take care of things, and will cover the blame basically).

Kurono manages to lead them in holding off a Crusader army several dozen times their size for much longer than planned, and they're retreating to a nearby country of Spada with just a handful of casualties when they're ambushed enroute by an Apostle Ai, who tells them that she'll let the others go ahead if Kurono (and his party) fight her instead since she was only interested in Kurono, since she noticed that Sariel seemed interested in him. Skipping over the fight, Kurono and his party and defeated, and Kurono is shot right through the eye with an arrow. He rips it out and leaves it on the ground (where it is picked up and stored into a potion bottle by Lily). Apostle Ai doesn't finish them off, and leaves after the fight so they continue on the road and try to meet up with the others, but the others were ambushed by a second Apostle, Misa, who completely wiped them out and offhandedly mentioned that also slaughtered the refugees that Kurono was trying to buy time for. She was going to finish off Kurono, Lily, and their party member Fiona as well but Ai made her stop, and the two of them left. They (and one survivor) manage to make it to the neighboring country of Spada, but Kurono is depressed afterwards. For Lily all those "comrades" of theirs were basically just "somewhat useful" meat shields, but she also knows that Kurono actually considered them comrades and is depressed over their deaths. When she manages to convince Kurono to go outside for some fresh air because she heard that some refugee survivors made it to Spada as well but when they meet up the survivors blame Kurono for getting the convoy killed. Kurono monologues about how no matter, he can't save anybody, and decides that from now on he won't try to save people. Then he hears what sounds like a girl about to be robbed/raped, and then starts running off to help, but then remembers how he just decided he won't try to save anyone from now on and laughs about how he's a man who will change his mind after just taking three steps. He saves her, but then the space around the alleyway warps, and the whole thing was just an illusion. He was being given a trial by a god, Demon King Mia Elroad. He passed and was given a Divine Protection. Apparently one of the conditions for gaining it was that one had to be someone who had tried to save people but failed, and yet couldn't throw away his kind heart and tried to save more people anyways. Here and there while Kurono isn't paying attention Lily and Fiona are secretly experimenting to try and get Divine Protections of their own. Fiona gets hers by doing tons of human sacrifices while Lily gets hers from the Fairy Queen Iris on account of being a Fairy, and being on the road to "True Love".

An important thing about Divine Protections is that the God granting them doesn't have full control over it. Any person who fulfills the conditions for a Divine Protection will be able to get some Divine Protection even if the God hates the person. Conversely no matter how much a God loves and wants to help a person, they can't give a Divine Protection to that person unless that person fulfills the condition to receive a Divine Protection from that God. The conditions are usually related to that God's life (it's possible for mortals to ascend to Godhood).

Skipping ages and ages ahead, the Crusaders are finally preparing to conquer Spada. Kurono, Lily, and Fiona team up to fight Sariel. Fiona seals them off into basically another dimension related to her God, meaning that the Divine Protections of other Gods are way weaker than normal if not completely unusable. Lily uses a special fairy magic that fused her and Kurono into a single body, and able to both control the body while also using both their magic attributes (ordinarily Kurono is only able to use Dark attribute magic, while Lily is only able to use Light attribute magic). Kurono manages to cut off one of Sariel's arms, one of her legs, and then the foot on the other leg; but an artifact that Sariel has activated opening a teleportation gate. Because Sariel is an Apostle, she'll regenerate her arm, leg, and foot if she escapes and has time to heal, so Kurono jumps in after her.

Kurono knowing that Sariel is also an experimental subject purposefully uses magic that will unlock the seal on her memories in order to break her concentration for just a second so he can finish her off, but because of the link between the magic he cast and himself, he sees her memories in reverse from the most recent to the oldest. Both of them are seeing visions of Sariel killing off experimental subjects one after another, Sariel is still crawling away with Kurono chasing after her in the meantime while the memories continue in rewind. As Kurono is choking her to death the memories go back to the very beginning. Sariel was actually made from the soul of Yuriko (the girl from Chapter 1 who was going to confess to Kurono). Kurono monologues about how he was prepared to kill Sariel, even knowing that she was an experimental subject like him, and was probably an innocent person who was kidnapped, tortured, and brainwashed, and was still willing to kill Sariel knowing all that, but can't bring himself to kill Yuriko. Kurono recognizes the forest they've been teleported to as the same forest where he met Lily, and carries Sariel back to their home. Sariel warns him that if he lets her live long enough to heal, her Divine Protection will force her to kill him. Kurono asks Sariel if she's a virgin while thinking to himself that's awful, and she tells him she is. Basically he's betting on the fact that maybe by making her not a virgin, he'll break one of the conditions that allows her to receive the Divine Protection of the White God. He tells Sariel that he won't kill her, but he won't let her kill him either, and that both of them will live. (NTR time) He laments over the fact that he's betraying Lily, having sex with their enemy in the precious home he had so many important memories with Lily in. He casts aphrodisiac magic on himself basically, and the scene ends. His gamble works though and Sariel loses the Divine Protection of the White God, which also means she seems to lose her super human regeneration so she's unable to regenerate her missing arm and leg.

Since Sariel and Kurono are now stranded in Crusader territory, Kurono pretends to be a Crusader Knight who had deserted the battlefield, and Sariel was his younger sister who was grieviously injured by a powerful knight of Spada. Kurono then makes a deal with one of the crusader villages that he would protect the town until the winter ends, and in exchange they would take of food/shelter, and would let him live undercover as a priest. Of course there are people in the village who notice that he's bull shitting as a priest because he doesn't know any of the scriptures or anything, but that Sariel does. The children seem to be under the impression that Kurono was a Knight of Spada who fell in love with Sariel a priestess, and that they had eloped and fled the battlefield. Fast forward to finally reuniting with Lily and Fiona, he explains what happened to them, and Lily runs off crying, when Kurono tries to run after her Fiona stops him and tells him that he isn't in the position to comfort her, and he can't bring himself to argue. Fiona then uses the opportunity to blackmail him into dating her. She told him that if he didn't become her lover, she would team up with Lily and they would kill Sariel. Kurono is quite emotionally vulnerable at this point and agrees. Fiona makes him let her take care of Sariel's needs from now on (Sariel is still missing an arm and a leg), and while Kurono isn't there forces Sariel to eat off a bowl on the ground like a dog, then puts her foot on Sariel's head while she's eating so that soup gets all over her, but then says that Sariel doesn't have to worry because this is the only time she'll be doing it. She's really upset that Sariel was the one who took Kurono's virginity, but that Kurono would hate a petty woman who bullied other girls. Fast forward a bit later when Sariel finally has her arm and leg regenerated with very expensive magic and Kurono receives a message from Lily, an invitation to the marriage of himself and Lily (yes, one person in the marriage is only being told now that they're getting married and the date is already decided), she tells Kurono not to worry and that she'll come to pick him up later. Fiona drugs Kurono and has had him sent away while he's unconscious, while Fiona and Sariel go to stop Lily. Lily in the meantime has gotten her Divine Protection from the fairy queen buffed up and is told that she's the first Fairy in thousands of years to finally discover "True Love" and is given the title of Fairy Princess as well as a trial, both a Divine Trial, and a "Trial of Love". If she completes it she'll directly ascend to Godhood. However even without having ascended, she is described as the "closest to God" even moreso than the Apostles, and that she's basically only a single step away from a genuine God. Furthermore, she has copied versions of all of Kurono's Divine Protections that were given to him by Demon King Mia Elroad. Kurono's are named things like "Demon King of Fire" and Lily's versions are named like "Queen of Fire".

Basically after Lily solos everyone else, Lily asks Sariel how she feels about Kurono slowly getting Sariel into her tempo. Lily mindfucks Sariel at this point. Lily points out that "the one whose name Kurono was yelling during sex was Yuriko's. The one who Kurono was embracing was Yuriko. The one Kurono was trying to save was Yuriko. Even knowing that Yuriko is gone, her persona completely erased, and all that was left was a wreckage in Sariel, but Kurono was so unwilling to sever the connection with her that he couldn't bring himself to kill Sariel. Kurono needs Yuriko, not YOU, not a doll of the White God named 7th Apostle Sariel." Lily convinces Sariel to start acting like Yoruko, after all, Sariel still has all of Yoruko's memories. So even if their personalities are different, she has the exact memories of how Yoruko smiles, how she laughs, how she acts when this or that happens. Sariel ends up trying it, and does an amazing job of it, while Lily keeps egging her on, and telling her that Kurono will be happy, that she should just pretend that by some miracle Yoruko's persona managed to survive and was finally brought back out. Sariel eventually breaks free of Lily's suggestion and fights back but is defeated. Lily is purposefully not killing anyone because her plan is to seal Kurono away for a thousand years. After a thousand years, everyone Kurono hated, the crusaders, the apostles, etc, will have died. And so will everyone he loved (except her), and so she will be the only thing he has. She's purposefully letting them live because if Kurono knows they lived out a full life, he won't be as angry at her and will continue loving her sooner. If she killed them instead, he will be angry at her for a long time first, and she would be sad during the time it takes for him to forgive her for killing everyone.

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