For those confused, the chapter numbers aren't sensible. There's not missing chapters, it's just weirdly numbered. It might actually be better to reorganize it so the chapters are numbered linearly for the site, and then the canonical chapter number can be included as part of the name.
After reread some pages, I think I see another twitter manga that has inspiration on this. They have weird mysterious black cat being. But, protagonis is a boy and the world is just everyday life.
Edit after read all of it:
As for this manga, the world building is interesting. Though.. the ending isn't up for my taste.
Man the numbers of those chapter really confused me. At the end they are i nthe correct order but weirdly numbered...
The series is quite strange ubt cute at the same time, the theme is a really interesitgn conept to explore, I woudl love to read a proper horror manga with that theme.
The ending is so happy while many details are omitted.. it feels like a fake happy ending.. (although bad end would be more nonsensical so I'm prone to think it's a real but somewhat rushed ending).
Such a good mix of lighthearted and eerie atmosphere, 11 kuros of 10!