Kusuriya no Hitorigoto - Ch. 66 - Sekiu

Sep 18, 2020
Ikr having read the ln too I thought I'd get a better understanding of the scene from the manga but he's just going 120% there not caring about etiquette at all :dogkek:
It's kind of understandable, though - Mao Mao is the kind of person who'll emphatically /not/ register his romantic interest in her (though not necessary because she's not aware of it, she may just be choosing to ignore it for any one of a number of different reasons), using any other sources of power he has may be his only chance.

Not that it's /commendable/, mind, given the ridiculous power imbalance between them (even taking Mao Mao's family connections into account), but neither of them are exactly normal people, so it doesn't play out quite the same way it might in other circumstances.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
I didn't doubt it would work, but seems really slow and thus more painful.
I've never got it done, so I can't say anything about it pain wise, but it's really quick depending on what you're going for. For a whole arm, yeah it'd take forever but usually it's done for a small amount of hair (like it was here). Most people use it for shaping eyebrows, which is more precise and could take a while, but by a minute at most.
Sep 18, 2020
Nah, he just likes her. He's also not particularly worried about her spilling any secrets.
Yeah, he's definitely got some serious (though not entirely /normal/) romantic interest there, and he's also /very/ confident in his judgement about her trustworthiness and reliability - I suspect the main reason he hasn't been explicit about his position and interest is that he's pretty sure if he did drop the truth bomb she'd just disappear to avoid having to deal with all that mess, and he'd have to spend ages chasing her down . . .
Sep 18, 2020
Finished LN7 and no romance so far. At current manga pace, that would be chapter 120-130, I guess.
Lot's of interactions though. Maomao figures out who Jinshi is and Jinshi is quite open in his love and Maomao cares for Jinshi. However, nothing romantic.
Sadly, it also makes sense. Maomao had to grow up fast. It makes her grounded and interesting, but it also means she has problems with romantic love. When she applies her logic to the problem she sees an insurmountable difference in status. Also she knows Jinshi is the rightful heir and that would/could make Maomao the empress.
Generally agree, but with some caveats (anyone who hasn't read the LN shouldn't open either set of spoilers, they're not /massive/ spoilers at this point, but these are core parts of the underlying story, and one of the things I like most about this story is how well these kinds of things are dealt with)

Jinshi definitely likes her a /lot/, in the romantic sense but also in the broader sense - whether you'd call it /love/ is hard to say, given his position and character, but by the second half of the LN story (vol 5-6 and onwards) it's pretty clear he wants her as his "lifetime companion".

Mao Mao is just so totally . . . guarded is the word that came to mind first, but it's not really the right idea. Self possessed, maybe? I think the frog incident may be the only time in the whole story so far where she's genuinely freaked out, which even includes a couple of times where she was moments away from death - she just never loses her self-control and self-possession, there's /always/ something in the back of her mind running calculations about what the best thing to do next is. It's understandable given her family background - the La/Ra clan (can't remember which way the translators here went) seems to just be built that way, which makes them extremely formidable, but also extremely difficult as people. For all that she barely acknowledges her relationship with her biological father, she's /absolutely/ typical of that family. Which is probably one of the reasons why people in the know (all the way up to the Emperor) treat her the way they do - they see the enormous value that her particular talents can bring, combined with that familial tendency to be totally predictable (even in their unpredictability) and reliable (even in their unreliability). And she takes after her adoptive father far more than her biological father, which is a great help there . . .

All of which makes it really /really/ hard to judge how she feels about things. Particularly squishy emotional stuff like this "love" thing. And even more particularly when you consider how she grew up, and her experience with her biological parents. Growing up in the red light district meant that she has an almost perfect understanding of all the physical aspects of "love", but her understanding of the emotional side is far more limited. Her earliest experience is her parents - Lakan is completely bonkers, but he was /utterly/ in love with Mao Mao's mother, even if he totally f*cked up that relationship; her mother was . . . well, we don't get a lot of information about her, but she was clearly an unusual person even before she got sick, as well as being a high end courtesan. And as Mao Mao has grown and seen more of the various forms and ways of love she's seen most of the /worst/ aspects at the same time as the good aspects - the bit of her that's always running calculations is taking /all/ of that into consideration, along with all the other things going on (particularly with Jinshi and all /his/ mess), which makes it almost impossible for her just be a normal human being who's fallen in love. Her response to being poisoned is . . . atypical, to say the least; her response to someone trying to kill her is just as atypical; it makes sense that her response to feelings of physical and emotional attraction would be pretty atypical, too.

So yeah, "romance" isn't really what's happening here, even from Jinshi's side (though his side of their relationship is a lot more easily recognisable). But I don't think it's really fair to say that there's nothing akin to romance from Mao Mao's side - I think Jinshi is by /far/ the closest she's ever come to falling in love in the more normal sense, and I think the way she feels about him is actually a realy good match for the way he feels about her, particularly as she finally starts giving up her attempts to avoid letting him trap her into being his wife/partner/whatever the hell they end up being.

This isn't exactly a Mills and Boon (it's actually closer to Austen in its handling of romance - just don't tell any English Lit majors I said that, I'd rather not be lynched!), but I do think a romance tag is justified.
Aggregator gang
Mar 2, 2023
Isn't lady man here getting too handsy with Mao Mao?
I just hope she'll be fine.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
from ln volume 9 onwards we get 3? or so volumes taking place in the western capital which is ruled by Gyokuyou's family which reveals quite some things about Gyokuyou as well, despite her not being present. In fact they travel there before once but that's rather short so there's not much dwelling on back/sidestory (at least not Gyokuyou's) that time.
After Rifa's recovery there's not much happening around her other than getting pregnant but due to Mao Mao going missing before she's giving birth this chance for more interaction is missed.
plz tell me that they didnt go on stupid route like make Gyokuyou's family or even her become the next baddie or something
May 31, 2023
plz tell me that they didnt go on stupid route like make Gyokuyou's family or even her become the next baddie or something
actually you're quite close there. It really goes into that direction
for most of vol 10/11 as well but Gyokuyou's older brother (Gyoku'ou, Gyoku'en's son) is killed before he can stir enough trouble
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
actually you're quite close there. It really goes into that direction
for most of vol 10/11 as well but Gyokuyou's older brother (Gyoku'ou, Gyoku'en's son) is killed before he can stir enough trouble
soo does that mean gyokoku's still a strong ally ? i mean if i were rank it gyokoku might be 2nd fun chara in this series to me tbh
May 31, 2023
soo does that mean gyokoku's still a strong ally ? i mean if i were rank it gyokoku might be 2nd fun chara in this series to me tbh
well Gyokuyou will be empress by then so dw
in fact, the emperor taking her as his wife was with the intention of stabilizing the west
May 14, 2019
Maomao discovering Jinshi's cock I mean frog is like confirmation to all her suspicions and for her that's just getting into more shit she didn't ask for, that's why she was so adamant to convince herself that he's just some incredibly pretty eunuch lol even though she's been able to piece things about him together essentially right from the start lol. Love to see Jinshi getting less patient and being more upfront with her, he's a brat and he always gets what he wants. Also, Gaoshun being shocked is funny considering he practically raised Jinshi.
Dec 12, 2023
I might lose it if we need to hear about everyone's favorite eunuch's impressive frog every chapter from now on. Girl can act willfully ignorant about anything for literal years, but can't get Jinshi off of her mind once she realizes that he might actually be interested in her sexually.
She might be trying to convince herself that she doesn't want to think about it, but she's seriously down bad.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2018
On what dynasty this story was set? Is it the Qing Dynasty?
The character costumes looks more like it was set Tang Dynasty, but with the introduction of Flintlock in one chapter, there is a theory that this was a fictional Tang dynasty that never collapsed like in real history and continued to 17-18th century.

You can read comments in this thread to know more.
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