Kuzu Rouninsei, Jinsei ga Tsurai no de Yoru no Onee-san wo Yondemita - Ch. 82 - Sleepover With The Scumbag

Dex-chan lover
Nov 9, 2023
Lol, I'm sort of starting to get bad vibes from this manga - I'm not a huge fan of the direction it's going, but I get that the author wants to keep things spicy so I guess........
Dex-chan lover
Dec 3, 2023
It doesn't really look like she took her underwear off, but, yeah. She probably should have just looked up a picture or diagram online. Makino being upset is totally justified.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2023
Makino made it extra clear that she didn't like Mashiro giving her sexual lesson or whatever it is called. That's her boundary in their relationship. Instead of clearly addressing that boundary, Mashiro went to another level, What's next after that? Is she gonna show how she masturbate? That's the whole point of previous chapter.
Showing private area without letting their partner know is the initial step of cheating physically. It's the same as sending nude privately except in person.
One doesn't get to unilaterally declare a boundary about what other people do. That's controlling the other person, the opposite of a boundary. A boundary is about what you do or other people do to/with you.

In terms of relationship agreements, they basically had none, other than Mashiro saying she wanted to be faithful. Clearly this didn't violate her understanding of being faithful, so they will have to talk about it more specifically now that there's disagreement. Once they have a mutual agreement, it would of course be different if that agreement was ignored.

Mashiro's understanding of being faithful is not the majority one, but it makes sense in terms of her extremely specific life experience. She's not being dishonest. She also is not really trying to hide anything. She's been consistent in letting Makino say what she wants and then going back to the mentoring, so Makino has no reason to think Mashiro will do something else. If she wanted it to be a secret, she would have picked somewhere else to meet up besides the second most likely place to run into Mashiro.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 13, 2023
ahhh these sweet commenters thinking explaining how to shave your pubes is cheating lmao. Makino kind of just went off on her own misunderstanding like the lil bean literally just wants to explore her own sexuality (not even with mashiro because she literally is doing this in preparation to do it with someone else lol). maybe im just a bit too openminded ahahaha but yeah it hardly classifies as the "sexual lessons" makino was implying
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2019
One doesn't get to unilaterally declare a boundary about what other people do. That's controlling the other person, the opposite of a boundary. A boundary is about what you do or other people do to/with you.
Controlling and boundary walk a fine line of differentiating each other. Not wanting your partner to give "sexual guidance" to other people is not controlling especially when you walked onto your partner showing off her private area to that person. If that's controlling then, you might as well say "Don't have sex with other people" controlling because that's declaring about what other people do or don't.
She's not being dishonest. She also is not really trying to hide anything.
Mashiro was whispering to the person that her partner didn't want to continue doing 'sexual guidance', exchanging contact detail without letting Makino and showing that said person her private area when her partner wasn't around. She isn't being unfaithful but she is initial step on it aka being dishonest with her partner. If she want to continue giving that girl sexual guidance, she should have been forward about it. "Hey baby, how about you trust in me that I'm not gonna do anything physical?" and discussed about what is the limit of that sexual guidance. now that basically is gone with Makino walking in to that in-person send nude scence
Dex-chan lover
May 4, 2024
Binged the whole series today and I did not expect to love it as much as I did, especially our scummy MC. I want it to keep going for many more chapters. Despite the dark subject matter at times, I feel like some here take it a little too seriously...it is a comedy first even if the romance and drama also plays a central part. Given the author's habit of cleverly subverting these types of tropes for punchlines I half expect Makino to let her inner scumbag out and end up demonstrating sex with Mashiro in front of our aspiring yuri otaku sex worker as some wierd jealousy/dominance play.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 13, 2023
Controlling and boundary walk a fine line of differentiating each other. Not wanting your partner to give "sexual guidance" to other people is not controlling especially when you walked onto your partner showing off her private area to that person. If that's controlling then, you might as well say "Don't have sex with other people" controlling because that's declaring about what other people do or don't.

Mashiro was whispering to the person that her partner didn't want to continue doing 'sexual guidance', exchanging contact detail without letting Makino and showing that said person her private area when her partner wasn't around. She isn't being unfaithful but she is initial step on it aka being dishonest with her partner. If she want to continue giving that girl sexual guidance, she should have been forward about it. "Hey baby, how about you trust in me that I'm not gonna do anything physical?" and discussed about what is the limit of that sexual guidance. now that basically is gone with Makino walking in to that in-person send nude scence
you do realise makino was implying like literally having sex as "sexual guidance" right? she is a literal degenerate lmao

idk as a lesbian you get the urge to pass on some of your knowledge to the smol starter lesbians and yknow its very clear mashiro isnt trying to take advantage of the situation. sure she probably could have done it in a better way but like neurodivergent people exist and her sense of boundaries are probably a bit wonky from her occupation.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2019
you do realise makino was implying like literally having sex as "sexual guidance" right? she is a literal degenerate lmao
And walking into that scene would only confirm her suspicion. lol.
idk as a lesbian you get the urge to pass on some of your knowledge to the smol starter lesbians and yknow its very clear mashiro isnt trying to take advantage of the situation. sure she probably could have done it in a better way but like neurodivergent people exist and her sense of boundaries are probably a bit wonky from her occupation.
Hence my 2nd part of reply.
If she want to continue giving that girl sexual guidance, she should have been forward about it. "Hey baby, how about you trust in me that I'm not gonna do anything physical?" and discussed about what is the limit of that sexual guidance. now that basically is gone with Makino walking in to that in-person send nude scene
Dex-chan lover
Jun 13, 2023
And walking into that scene would only confirm her suspicion. lol.

Hence my 2nd part of reply.
why should she be obligated to beg for makino's trust when yknow that should kinda be a given... makino is just being weirdly possessive and toxic about the whole thing, going so far as to call hotaru a perverted woman for literally just being curious about the same thing she is.

and yeah mashiro literally did explain herself in the previous chapter lmao, but makino just reacted selfishly and demanded both mashiro and hotaru fall in line.
"Makino-chan, I don't really intend on doing anything with Hotaru-chan. She just wanted some prior knowledge for when she calls for lesbian health delivery..."
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
why should she be obligated to beg for makino's trust when yknow that should kinda be a given... makino is just being weirdly possessive and toxic about the whole thing, going so far as to call hotaru a perverted woman for literally just being curious about the same thing she is.

and yeah mashiro literally did explain herself in the previous chapter lmao, but makino just reacted selfishly and demanded both mashiro and hotaru fall in line.
"Makino-chan, I don't really intend on doing anything with Hotaru-chan. She just wanted some prior knowledge for when she calls for lesbian health delivery..."
Trust is earned not freely given. And that's the problem, it was left at that with no further discussion and went to "fuck her concerns, I'll just do it anyway in secret". They should have continued to discuss the situation, laid out their boundaries, and come to some sort of compromise or agreement rather than just mutually running off and doing what they want regardless of their partners feelings. Disagreeing with a partners feelings doesn't mean you disregard them.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2023
In case it wasn't clear, let me start by saying I don't care if people interpret this differently than me, as it's just fiction.
Controlling and boundary walk a fine line of differentiating each other. Not wanting your partner to give "sexual guidance" to other people is not controlling especially when you walked onto your partner showing off her private area to that person. If that's controlling then, you might as well say "Don't have sex with other people" controlling because that's declaring about what other people do or don't.

Unilaterally telling someone they can't have sex with other people while in a relationship with you is being controlling, regardless of if your culture backs you being controlling in this instance. Telling someone that you don't want to be in a relationship with them if they're going to be having sex with other people is not. The two might seem similar, but they're actually very different.

Speaking as someone who's been involved in some less common relationship dynamics, this is something we've always talked about before commencing the relationship to make sure we're on the same page. If we can't agree, we don't proceed. That's not very dramatic compared to communicating badly and then seeing the misunderstanding play out, but thankfully I don't have to worry about this since my life is not a manga.

I know most people assume exclusivity without talking about it instead, but inevitably people will have different understandings about where the line is drawn that way. At that point, it's neither person's fault if there's a misunderstanding, unless we want to say it's the fault of both.

Mashiro was whispering to the person that her partner didn't want to continue doing 'sexual guidance', exchanging contact detail without letting Makino and showing that said person her private area when her partner wasn't around. She isn't being unfaithful but she is initial step on it aka being dishonest with her partner. If she want to continue giving that girl sexual guidance, she should have been forward about it. "Hey baby, how about you trust in me that I'm not gonna do anything physical?" and discussed about what is the limit of that sexual guidance. now that basically is gone with Makino walking in to that in-person send nude scence
We're probably going to get that discussion next chapter. Unlike most arcs like this in other stories, Makino started by asking for an explanation. I wouldn't be surprised if we get an apology from Mashiro for failing to understand Makino's feelings in this situation, since she did tell Makino she wanted to be faithful.

We still need to remember that Makino was acting completely ridiculous, shouting, etc. Mashiro was literally trying to avoid getting yelled at.

Mashiro seems to process this type of behavior by not taking it seriously and accepting it as something Makino does sometimes that she shouldn't worry too much about. That helps keep the dynamic between them peaceful, as Mashiro can let Makino be who she is without there being conflict or hurt feelings. However, it makes it harder to tell when Makino is having a more serious problem if Makino's default when she dislikes something is always to dial it up to 11.

It would actually be completely inappropriate for Makino to need to approve Mashiro's friends or to ban Mashiro from talking about her work history or engaging in 'shop talk' with an aspiring professional. "Let's not show our underwear and/or genitals to random lesbians while talking about sexual topics" (not clear which she showed) is something they could talk about, though.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2019
Unilaterally telling someone they can't have sex with other people while in a relationship with you is being controlling, regardless of if your culture backs you being controlling in this instance. Telling someone that you don't want to be in a relationship with them if they're going to be having sex with other people is not. The two might seem similar, but they're actually very different.
I don't really see how it is different between "I don't want you to have sex with other people while we are in a relationship" and "I'll end our relationship if you are having sex with other people". Both are unilateral in a relationship between two people One is stating unacceptable action from one PoV and other is threatening to end relationship if their partner did something. If anything, the first one sound less controlling because they are just stating what is unacceptable from their partner. Every relationship need to address what's unacceptable actions from each other. That's a part of setting boundary
I know most people assume exclusivity without talking about it instead, but inevitably people will have different understandings about where the line is drawn that way. At that point, it's neither person's fault if there's a misunderstanding, unless we want to say it's the fault of both.
Unless they agreed at first to be "open relationship" or poly, exclusivity is given in a serious relationship. I don't really see what line has to draw in monogamy relationship aside from cheating and abuse. If there's other person involve, they should be clear about it initially before dating. Of course, the couple can always agree to open their relationship if both side mutually agree.
It would actually be completely inappropriate for Makino to need to approve Mashiro's friends or to ban Mashiro from talking about her work history or engaging in 'shop talk' with an aspiring professional
It would be unacceptable of course. But Makino was fine with Mashiro being friendly with that girl until she heard that her girlfriend is giving "sexual guidance" to that person which she feaked out like everyone would be if they were in her shoes. Of course she would freak out that unreasonably because she only had herself to compare to when it comes to relationship aka self-aware scambag herself. Makino was in the wrong for acting completely ridiculous but if Mashiro didn't agree with what her partner was saying she should've made sure that she would find middle-ground between them instead of going back on her own girlfiriend.
why should she be obligated to beg for makino's trust when yknow that should kinda be a given...
When her partner is freaking out, she should remind her partner that she should trust in her more. That's not the same as begging for trust. Makino was freaking out unreasonably and Mashiro instead of reminding her and leading the discussion to setting boundary, she let Makino control the conversation and she continued in secret anyway because she belived that she didn't do anything wrong. Of course she didn't do anything wrong until she continued in secret but. she went another levlel by this chapter end when Makino walked in on their sexual guidance session.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2023
I don't really see how it is different between "I don't want you to have sex with other people while we are in a relationship" and "I'll end our relationship if you are having sex with other people". Both are unilateral in a relationship between two people One is stating unacceptable action from one PoV and other is threatening to end relationship if their partner did something. If anything, the first one sound less controlling because they are just stating what is unacceptable from their partner. Every relationship need to address what's unacceptable actions from each other. That's a part of setting boundary

The difference is that one doesn't threaten. Instead, they say what they need in a relationship, which can include discussion of possible compromises. If the other party doesn't agree, the right choice is not to stay in the relationship while making threats about what one will do if other party doesn't act in the way one would like. It's to simply end the relationship- or preferably, have this discussion at the beginning and never start the relationship.

The right relationship for any person is one where the other party can freely agree on basic dynamics, not where they have to strong arm the other person into doing what they want with implicit or explicit threats. Anything else is semantics, done in an effort to dress up the threats and strong arming in respectable clothing.

Unless they agreed at first to be "open relationship" or poly, exclusivity is given in a serious relationship. I don't really see what line has to draw in monogamy relationship aside from cheating and abuse. If there's other person involve, they should be clear about it initially before dating. Of course, the couple can always agree to open their relationship if both side mutually agree.

Well, some people might not find nudity to be a big deal, especially if everyone is the same gender, and be comfortable discussing different ways of shaving of their genitals, while another person might find nudity and private discussions of shaving genitals to be a very big deal. People do relate to these kinds of topics in different ways.

It would be unacceptable of course. But Makino was fine with Mashiro being friendly with that girl until she heard that her girlfriend is giving "sexual guidance" to that person which she feaked out like everyone would be if they were in her shoes. Of course she would freak out that unreasonably because she only had herself to compare to when it comes to relationship aka self-aware scambag herself. Makino was in the wrong for acting completely ridiculous but if Mashiro didn't agree with what her partner was saying she should've made sure that she would find middle-ground between them instead of going back on her own girlfiriend.

When her partner is freaking out, she should remind her partner that she should trust in her more. That's not the same as begging for trust. Makino was freaking out unreasonably and Mashiro instead of reminding her and leading the discussion to setting boundary, she let Makino control the conversation and she continued in secret anyway because she belived that she didn't do anything wrong. Of course she didn't do anything wrong until she continued in secret but. she went another levlel by this chapter end when Makino walked in on their sexual guidance session.
I genuinely think Mashiro didn't realize how serious this is for Makino. Makino freaks out almost as much about people liking her favorite video game characters, after all. All Mashiro's behavior suggests she sees what she's been doing as no big deal.

They do need to talk, but, again, I expect that starting in panel 1 of the next chapter. This was the dramatic manga framing to set up the discussion.

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