I don't get why some mints are so concentrated that it feels like it's burning your mouth, you can't even taste the mint at that point! "Oh, but it's super refreshing" STFU, i want my taste buds to be healthy so i can taste.
@Richman so like I've had normal mints before but i also had mints and then drank water or w.e after or before? cant recall, the combo makes the cold feel like its burning your mouth so imo she's just really weak to mints like how some people are weak to hot drinks or bitter tastes aka coffee
@dokidoki I once did that with some HallsTM that were labeled "extreme" or something like that, they were color black, it burned so much after drinking water that i started crying and spat out the candy, i've never bought another one of those ever again.
another cute and endearing couple in this anthology also another one I wish we could see more of I also think this is the first time I've seen gay panic used as an offensive tactic.