Lady Baby - Vol. 1 Ch. 39

Aug 1, 2018
I mean, this guy was already lucky enough to leave the Rustichel's home alive after trying to hit their son, and now he wants to talk about what happened that day???? Really????
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 29, 2018
Her brothers reaction to her calling hildert brother pfft
This girl is gonna have the majority of her social circle wrapped around her finger
Apr 2, 2019
How can an adult want to revenge a kid? And he is an smart adult? Such... discusting
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
Man, this guy is ambitious and a social climber but doesn’t even understand this basics of sucking up to your patrons. It’s not enough to tutor the lady’s beloved child, if she recommends you to tutor another’s child it’s because she trusts you to make her look good by sharing a talented subordinate. Instead you fail to read your employer’s intentions and embarrassed her in front of her piers. Even if he makes himself look good he has lost his patrons trust. Truly a dumb ass.

Edit: also did he just imply he did something underhanded to the low born first place scholarship student girl in order to get first place?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
Self-destructive in 3... 2... 1...

@Mojo I don't think he ever mention anything like that it's just commoner graduated at top of the class make academy look bad aka he envy her when I read raw(which I can't) I think he use underhanded trick too until translated version come out and we all know he just envy that commoner lmao what an adult
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2018
@MelisaArtemis Yeah, I see your point there, I also don’t like the term “nobility”, instead, when they occur in a story, I refer to them as blue bloods .... I don’t know why they’re called that, maybe people before thought blue blood was good or something, but since we know (now) blue blood is no good, red is better, I guess it made it fun to refer to them as blue bloods. I don’t have a personal grudge or anything, but in general, when stories tend to go that way, calling them that makes me laugh!
On another note, I totally wish he self-destructs! For example should lippe say- “that’s right brother, you should hear to both sides of the story”...
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 29, 2019
i already knew he was an asshole but the part where he blamed the commoner made me internally scream???
Like damn bro this commoner he spoke of probably worked so hard to enter a school filled with nobles and accomplished a feat of getting such great marks and all he can do is blame her for taking your place? Grow up man that's life people better than you obviously get to better places you just gotta keep working and improving + how petty does he have to be even envy a commoner??? at least he always gets food served on his plate 🙄

I don't know about the ambitious part man-😆 like he can't even properly do his job as a teacher or bother trying because he's so high up in his head. Like he could have been a b*tch and still have done his job like a professional but... Just sounds like some dude who's delusional after surrounding himself with those up high in society.

And hm, I think he's saying that basically some commoner, who's a "disgrace", took a place that was rightfully his because she got higher grades/marks than him.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2018
On the one hand dude has lost it, on the other hand he’s 100% correct about her being unnatural and having been taught before. She’s a reincarnated adult living in a 5 year old body.
Mar 30, 2019
He's too focused on what he thinks is 'normal'. So when his normal is challenge, he blames others for his failures and attacks them.
If Lippe was a real genius, he would still do the same thing. He can't stand being wrong. Sigh. Sadly there's a lot of people/characters like this.

Thank you for the update 💕
Aggregator gang
Sep 23, 2018
Wow, for a supposedly smart guy, I feel like he's not just stepping on a landmine but bulldozing directly through it haha.
I'm really sad I didn't get to see the wonderful explosion during this chapter :(
Double-page supporter
Apr 20, 2019
Even if he does reveal it, it's just proving that she's right - what kind of pathetic man does that? (emphasis on pathetic)

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