I know, the basic idea is that of the Almighty Prince who saves and protects the poor and abused girl in danger, this time not only physically but also – and above all – mentally, and it is the leitmotiv of 90% of the romantic literature that has ever been written on this planet since the existence of writing.
However, it will be that I am now a certain age and I find the stories in the style of “amor vincit omnia” really unrealistic but I find that in the relationship there is a huge disparity of forces, exclusively in favour of the Duke (let us not forget that he is his protector, his mentor and his pigmalion; without him, she would still be a fragile and frightened mouse at the mercy of his torturers in prison); if he now develops an affectionate relationship between her, no matter how sweet, romantic or anything like that... it would not be different from what Ebony would have had with any other man, including Victor Sedell.
Because it would always be him who would decide the fate of Ebony in good and bad (if ever – putting it as absurd – an unfortunate day Dante went crazy and said “now i’m pretty pissed off with the world and i’ll take it with you by taking away everything i have given you so far” she would have no strength to rebel and defend since it would depend totally, both economically and psychologically to he).
Now as now Ebony could never develop a sincere love for Dante: his would always be devotion and almost “moral obligation” to correspond to the feelings of his savior, even in a completely unconscious way.
Perhaps, and I say perhaps, an honest and above all healthy relationship could have it alone and when Ebony has managed to completely recover her mental stability, after strengthening her ego, and perhaps with the economic power given by being the director of the school as Raven. Only then could it be not saying au pair, because it would never be possible unless she became a duchess herself, but at least not one who from the top of his golden throne drops his goodness and another who is crushed on the ground raises her hands asking for mercy.
On the contrary, a similar relationship between “father and daughter” would be perfectly normal, because in the concept that the parent does everything possible to ensure that their children live the best possible life without having to wait for anything or almost in return, is based the conception of modern society... at least the Western one.