Lamia Orphe Is Dead

Feb 24, 2019
This isn't as confusing if you think of it this way: the first 3 chapters are just prologues that are not part of the current timeline/present. The actual chapter 1 is chapter 4.
May 9, 2019
Lamia's prejudice and jumping to conclusions cause she's such a brocon is a bit ridiculous lol
Jun 23, 2019
Gonna until it is fat asf before I read. Just doesn’t feel good until It is at least 60 chapters long
Group Leader
Mar 8, 2020
You really have to use your brain for this one. I love the dark and suspense concept. I'm glad that I read when it already had 10 chapters but I gotta be honest, it's not enough. Definitely looking forward for more.
Oct 13, 2019
Lamia confuses me.
I get that Lamia is a brocon but her brother is NOT fit to lead a dukedom based on what I’m seeing so far. One traumatic injury has made him mentally shaky and he needs to be made of tougher stuff for the aristocratic world and leading others. I get that he can’t continue knight duties because of his hand but I thought he would at least have the mentality of a knight: they see pretty gruesome stuff and expect death so one injury shouldn’t be enough to completely change them mentally.

Lamia wanting her brother to lead a dukedoms (which is a position that has rippling affects on many lives because dukes usually manage fiefs) is really irresponsible to me. It shocks me that someone who understand all this so much would choose a single siblings feelings over securing the wellbeing and livelihoods of all those who would be under him.
Active member
Dec 16, 2019
I think lamia is illogical person. She can not thinking straight and only thingking about revenge.
The first prince also shady, why he choose to sent second prince

I got felling that the previous duke is with second prince.
Jan 24, 2020
I swear, every single time I read the title, Bauhaus start to lament Bela Lugosi's Dead in my head. I can't stop it! 😵
Apr 27, 2019
Is it just me or what we are seeing is a separate timeline already? In chapter 1 most likely the second Prince rewound time, and took care of her brother's hand to change events in the future? Anyone else with this possible theory?
Nov 25, 2019
He is handicapped and he can NO LONGER use his hands. Though he may be a knight, they DON’T ALWAYS experience gruesome things. It’s like saying police officers always witness murders and be ready to get shot by some mob. Also another example would be saying that all soldiers who knew that they will experience war should toughen up, in reality they get PTSD. This is what happened to Lamia’s brother, we can see that he has PTSD.His constant flashbacks and nightmares (which are symptoms of PTSD) he experiences is holding him back.

“a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock, typically involving disturbance of sleep and constant vivid recall of the experience, with dulled responses to others and to the outside world”

As a kid who was never expected to be a duke, he was not trained to have a mature thinking as Lamia. I think he’s around his teenage years of 17, which is a young age for him to have a traumatizing experience. That’s like saying a 17 year old soldier who got his hand severely in midst of a fight. Even I would be traumatized. He was not prepared for that, he has dreams. Imagine getting it ruined by just some prince who happen to be stronger than you.

But you’re right, Lamia is spoiling her brother too much to the point that it can lead to disasters if he becomes duke. In this part I agree. I feel like Lamia should know better than taking revenge. BUT if you read chapter 4 again, Lamia is not only doing this for her brother but the abuse of the royal family’s power. Lamia FELT WEAK against them, she felt useless even if she become the duchess because the royal family can do whatever they want. Everyone has their own selfishness for those they love. Lamia was born to be a duchess with responsibilities. But remember, she was born with it, she didn’t choose to become a duchess. She was just a person with no will and only accepted her fate. Imagine as a child you can’t play, you’re forced to study everyday. She may be rich but she never really get to enjoy life. But what comes to play later on is her will to revenge her brother. Is it selfish to protect the ones you love? Is it selfish to create your own path? Is it selfish to go against on what you were born with? She never chose her life of becoming a duchess, but she CHOSE to protect those she cares the most. I understand that being a duke/duchess is a big responsibility which can affect the life of others. But her brother is willing to improve to become a good duke. He isn’t a duke YET. He is only getting this inheritance thing to be recognized to become the next duke. So he still have room for improvements.
Oct 13, 2019
I know you’re expecting me to see this another way but I still don’t. I totally can see he has some symptoms akin to PTSD (though I don’t like to self diagnose, personally). When you join the military or becomes a police officer you definitely go into those occupations with some expectation that gruesome things will happen around you. That’s why they usually ask if you’re prepared for that before hand. The same for a knight. You are definitely not expecting an easy life on that path. He was in a spar (I think) so that’s not expected to be a near death experience but it is expected that you can get hurt. His whole mindset is off because of a hand accident.

Since we are making comparisons that don’t really have anything to do with the story anyway, my boy Jamie Lannister got his dominant hand cut off and rather than sink into despair what did he do? “Oh okay. Let’s just learn to fight and function with my LEFT hand.”

His current mental state is why he shouldn’t be a duke right now. At least, not until it’s positive that he will improve, which there is no indication of at the moment. He can’t even hold a pen or meet with tons of people without freaking out. Also Lamia still basically carries the burdens of making decisions for everything because she’s more capable in that sector

If you go back to my previous comment. I didn’t call Lamia selfish. I called her irresponsible. Which she is. She’s only thinking about herself and her brother, but with the many privileges there are being an aristocrat, there is still one major responsibility: noblesse oblige. It is their duty to ensure the prosperity of those they rule. That’s why noble families have fiefs, etc. that they run and this helps augment their wealth when they collect taxes.

Also let’s go back to that statement about revenge for her brother’s injury. Lamia WASN’T there when it happened. Her brother is blurry on details (maybe because doesn’t remember? Maybe because f***ed up and did something to warrant his injury). She is basing her hatred largely on personal feelings and assumption. Idk I think I would be completely sure of the situation before I decide to completely send my house into disarray for revenge. Against the royal family, no less. If she screws up, she can get her whole house stripped of their lands and titles, but luckily the ML likely wouldn’t do that. Still, like I said irresponsible.

Edit: just read the most recent chapters, and I will amend that the brother does seem like he’s trying to lift a bit of his sister’s burdens (even thought she’s the one who is still making decisions). So he may have a chance to improve. Idk
Nov 25, 2019

You definitely never talk to or close to someone who is in military/ police in real life. Basing off your feelings base on fiction (ya this is fiction, but its also base on real life feelings). It’s pitiful that you lack sympathy because you never experienced it, but it doesn’t mean that you can base off your opinion on some random FICTIONAL character. Every human is vulnerable, you’re EXPECTING A CHILD who haven’t achieved anything in life to accept his fate already. Obviously you don’t have enough understanding to read a shoujo novel. As a knight, hands are the most important thing to represent themselves. Clearly, your so called character is an old man who probably accomplished things in life. Clearly a mindset of a CHILD and a MAN is different. You fail to comprehend these two differences hence leading you to push your ideals. You clearly read too much fiction, I suggest you read more historical real life based experiences if you really want to understand duties of a so called knight/army/police officers. Not every one of them is prepared to die or suffer injuries. People like you who fail to comprehend a mental illness is sickening.
Also if you want a guy whos not vulnerable enough, I suggest you reading a shounen. Because clearly this webtoon isn’t for you.
Its not diagnosing, but symptoms were already shown that he was suffering from mental illnesses so I am suggesting.

Many soldiers who fought from wars suffered heavy addiction due to PTSD. This is an indication that the brother is also vulnerable. If you lost your hand I doubt you accept reality easily.

It’s base more on people’s feelings. Not everyone is a badass. Just because he is a LITTLE BOY doesn’t mean he can’t have feelings of losing.

You saying Lamia is not selfish but saying that she only thinks for herself is contradicting. Clearly your also selfish for not knowing the feelings theyre trying to convey and instead only pushes your ideology on them without knowing their circumstances.

Again, SHE DOES NOT NEED to witness when the prince handicapped her brother. Her brother who lost hope and wasn’t himself is an indication that he was depressed. Again, LAMIA ISNT JUST A SISTER. She is an older person who also bear the relationship of a mother and a sister. You’re saying that she has responsibilities of a duchess but shes still human who has the responsibility of a sibling.

She doesn’t need to witness, she already know who did it to him because she TRUST him. Why would he lie to her? Again Lamia isn’t only doing this for revenge, but the CORRUPTION of the royal family. If you reread many families were also against the royal family.

You don’t have enough understanding of human emotions because you read too much fiction base on someones ideology. Maybe try reading non-fiction and we’ll see how long you can push ur so called
“hes too weak”. It takes years of experience to be strong.
Oct 13, 2019

This is the issue with assuming. I COME from a military family, dude. I JUST graduated from a division 1 military university and am about to join the Air Force on the officer track in few months. So when I say, the mindset of a knight, I am partially expressing the soldier standards that my recruiter expressed to me during my application process in college. And if you wanna fact check this, hit me up and I can totally give you my social media in a DM where you can find some pretty fly grad pics.

So yes, while this is my opinion, let me remind you that YOU came at me about my opinion lol. So yes, I can express my opinion about a fictional character the same way you expressed your opinion to me.

Also I don’t know my history? My man, I have a literature degree and classics minor. I know a lot about Greek and Roman history which includes their war history. BUT I know that many people don’t care for/believe when a stranger gives their scholarly background when expressing an opinion because it is indeed that, an opinion. I’m not pushing ideals on anyone or declaring that people should think the same. Lol, like I said, you came at me.

I’ll repeat, Lamia is irresponsible in the way she is handling this and I’m not changing my opinion on this because that is the way I personally see it. I only have one sibling too, who I adore. However, if someone hurts him, before I decide to go Law Abiding Citizen on them, I’m going to get the whole situation.

I’m sorry you don’t agree with my opinion but that sounds like a personal problem.
Nov 25, 2019

Seems like the only problem here is your pride being hurt. I’m not interested in your personal history 🤷‍♀️. But only conclusion is you lack compassion and understanding of human emotions. I don’t care if you come from a military family, the fact that you continue to disregard the mental situation within the characters is enough for you to stay away from this webtoon. I don’t know how this went from her “irresponsibilities” to your personal achievements. Your goals and achievement isn’t a justification again to say that she’s irresponsible. This isn’t a personal problem but being OPEN-MINDED to the cause of the problem and why she did it. Again, you didn’t find the cause of her actions and just assumed on your selfish opinions.

Let’s end the conversation here. If you want to reply that’s all up to you. I’m all ears but I’m tired of arguing to someone who lacks understanding the contradiction of fate vs self-will of a person. Again you lack compassion and especially SYMPATHY. It’s okay, since every human lacks sympathy🙄 Goodbye

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