Thank you for the translation.
Your intent and effort to localize and share manga are very appreciated! It's great to see your thought process when electing what terms to use in the text, and I respect the consideration you put into them.
Constructively, though, I think it's not so much about just the meaning of terms like "innit", "sodding", "bugger" and similar dialect... Despite having the right linguistic meaning and tone of voice, these words unfortunately have a bit of a negative effect on the feel and flow (or vibe, if you will) of the story in a way that diminishes a fair amount of the intended tension and drama that was supposed to be present.
This may be because most manga translations are done in american or international english* so we, as readers, have unconsciously already built some expectations on what "sounds right". With that in mind, such specifically british terms end up feeling like they'd be assigned to someone with a local accent/dialect rather than just anyone speaking standard japanese.
(I hope I managed to make my point without being rude, as I have found more than one great manga through your translations and I'm very thankful for that.)
*Footnote: I'm not from an english speaking country, but american english is still the most commonly found form of english from my personal experience. I can't speak for others on the matter.