@BlueCatMage Until the very end of their interaction the church guy tried to get some demming reaction from the MC, but couldn't so the church guy at the end thinks MC is innocent (due to his low level) but his behaviour was odd. Hinting that an otherworlder is using him to smuggle goods.
> As such the church guy let really clear to the MC, that if he is involved with an otherworlder, in any way, MC and, every single person related to him will die.
> MC not dumb, knows that he can take care for himself (he is strong), but his party members not (cuz they are not strong lel). So he left the party.
MC was real sad
> MC then finds a suspicious guy, that knows about otherworlders, that helps him to find a place to live without being a hunter.
> Later the Dragon finds where MC is, the old man mistaken by thinking that the Dragon dude is a girl, ends up thinking that the MC is a womanizer.. So he kicks him to go with the 'girl'
-- That happened cuz in the original language, you can actually hold a normal conversation about a person without identifying his/her gender, thats what happened in that odd chapter where Dragon dude was refered as she, even tho we know its a he. -
thats often used as joke on those things-
> Then they leave together, with MC having trusting issues since after all those years alone his first contact with ppl results in everyone wanting his head for he is an otherworlder.
*releases breath*
And thats it.