Level 0 Demon King Becomes an Adventurer in Another World

Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2020
Thanks I need a daily dose of generic Isekai at leash once per day to remember that "Hey, at leash some Isekai are creative and doesn't follow the generic code of Isekai"


Jan 18, 2018
It's bad.
His entire backstory is shuffled through in 4 pages
He's all uwu blush when he sees a woman in damaged clothes, but seems absolutely fine with his cock swinging about in the air
He drops his identity in front of a magical lie detector after effortlessly killing some high-tier threat, and yet everybody around him treats him like some sort of insane child, because the plot needs people to act normally around him or else we might have an interesting story on our hands.
by chapter 3 he's geared up and already the bland adventurer he was destined to be, and i can't see any kind of truly interesting development on the horizon.

There are a couple core issues, first being his origins are monologued to us and over before chapter 1 is even finished.
Second, despite being some great evil king, he acts like a slightly proud isekai protagonist, saves everyone and uses magic to bulldoze his immediate problems. This isn't inherently a bad thing, but there's no intrigue, world building, or hints of personality.
Third, the plot of him being an adventurer needs everyone around him to underestimate or misunderstand him so we'll just have them do that, and then maybe let the romantic interest be in the loop because why the fuck not right? not like that's never been done before.

So many generic isekai have some sort of draw (Think deep lore, world building, interesting characters or interpersonal relations, unique art style, or just a damn good premise) that at least makes it palatable, this doesn't even have that. Even as someone who consumes vast amounts of trash isekai on the daily, i give this one a pass. 4/10, not impossible to read but so bland it hurts.
Jan 18, 2018
Very much generic. He doesn't really act as a king until he talks to the... guild master, and even that just sounds like a chuuni, not really a king? And a bit on his one liners when he attacks... Why does this have a 7 again?
Aug 16, 2020
I known this is going to be horrible but om bored so guess who is gonna read it anyways yes your right yours truly Mr Reptile now isn't this gonna be fun
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2018
The rating is sure high for this one. You'd expect it to be somewhat of a decent story with 7.63 but the first chapter sure didn't do a good job of selling that point (it's all we have in english at this point). Slightly above 6 would be more in line with the cliche density when compared to other similar series on the site.
Active member
Mar 25, 2019
@magneticmagnet it's less about the cliché density in my opinion and more about the delivery, which seems to be pretty good so far.
It's also a cheat isekai and people still tend to rate them high no matter what.
Sep 17, 2020
i think this is one of those reads where stuff happens then waaay later it says it was part of their plan all along
Jul 29, 2020
Demon king dies and gets isekai'd, immediately proceeds to act like a typical japanese protag except with Chuuni.

Has the power to back up the chuuni, but still has the trademark japanese isekai protagonists' "I'll listen to what you say and go with the flow, also boobs are threatening somehow." mentality.

Despite being a literal, genuine demon king.

Yeah, okay. Sure.
Active member
Aug 15, 2020
Pushover MC with a majorly self-contradicting personality.


People rate these shows highly because of the turn-brain-off enjoyment factor. Some people rate it low for the critical anlysis of it. I'm the former.
Sep 1, 2020
The thing I hate about all Demon/Evil King reincarnated in another world is that they literally lose their evil personality, like wtf?
The foxed girl is probably the most annoying character in this manga and also.. in Chapter 1.3, he literally told all of his back story and then they just said
"oH aRe YoU iN a CuLt" LIKE WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? It would've honestly become more interesting if they headed to them actually trusting him
instead of the author deciding that they would just think he is an insane maniac trying to keep his sanity.

Chapter 1.1-2 were actually decent, it got me hyped up but in Chapter 1.3, all that hype turned into honest disappointment. I still haven't dropped
the manga but hopefully it improves the story and head to the route of where it won't become a generic reincarnation manga.

Oh well, I have to wait for Chapter 1.4! Hopefully the pushy fox girl never get shown again!

Still better than Holy Sword Excalibur (Or whatever that manga is called again)
May 12, 2020
art is good. first chapters started normal not exciting. Typical op mc. Give it a try or meh i really cant call the manga bad
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I actually rated it low just because I couldn't even turn off my brain while reading it.
You don't really need to deeply analyze the story to figure that it's both boring and stupid for "an evil demonic being, reincarnated into a human form" -- to act like a chuuni teenager with no backbone. So much for previously being a mass murderer.
Sep 27, 2018
guildmaster:sees random boy with no identity and believes he's a traumatized kid

also gulidmaster lets have this little shit become an adventurer

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