Level 1 Dakedo Unique Skill de Saikyou desu

Apr 1, 2019
It's not that bad honestly, I've dropped others with a similar rating. The MC has his moments of "come on dude" and "resting sad-face" but it's decent with decent progression.
Mar 24, 2020
this isn't that bad, but I'd say it's like soup. You're reading it not because it's interesting, but mainly because you're warming up for the better stuff or you don't have anything better to kill time with.
Aug 15, 2020
Hell yeah! another isekai prob there's so many of em' that you'd be bored of and give em a down rating.
Apr 10, 2019
This one's ok. Nothing to write home about, but it's fine for wasting your time. The MC is dense as usual, but I don't find him annoying most of the time. Emily carries this manga because she's so precious and I'm a sucker for it.

In short for me it's like a soft drink. Nothing special but it's comfy and there's nothing especially bad to make me drop it.


Jan 11, 2019
I think it's fine. Considering it's a generic isekai(unexplained status screens, overpowered MC, and girls that like the MC just for existing), I think it's well above average.
It actually foreshadows stuff like the guns not using mana and the rare drops instead of just repeated asspulls .
Obviously it's not a great manga, but considering it's a generic isekai it's a miracle that the title is "I'm Level 1" and the MC is still level 1 20 chapters in.
Apr 10, 2019
The garbage nonsense is a huge plot hole. "Oh no, if we leave this garbage too far outside of camp it'll turn into dangerous monsters... lets stack all the garbage far outside of camp."

No, fuck that. Even a child would know to stack it INSIDE the camp just like every other fucking item and have her burn it there. Hell, how did it turn into monsters this time when they were all standing right fucking there?! I can forgive a lot, but not this.
Oct 18, 2018
this guy abducted her and then forced her to stay with him, and she was just like ok, ill sleep, wtf, straite up stupid shit, im out. trash manga, and trash author.
Active member
Sep 16, 2020
I glanced at the rating and I was bewildered when I thought it said 8.4. I had to double check and I was relieved to see it as a 6.4.
Active member
Dec 20, 2020
So the MC is now the double gunslinger with Golden B... um, bullets. What will top that? 🤔

I am here just to witness how much more absurd the premises will get. 😄 I am really biased against (cooked) bean sprouts¹. My school cafeteria² served them³ every single meal. 😓 Then many many moons later, I went to a "popular ★★★ restaurant" in Holland. They served the exact same dish as a Haute Cuisine 😱

¹Best served raw 🙋
²Grade 1-4 at a certain SE Asain Country.
³Sauteed B S
Dex-chan lover
Nov 6, 2018
Child: "Mom, I'm taking out the trash."
Mom: "No"
Child: "Yes, I will. Someone has to do it"
Mom: Shoots child.
Dec 14, 2020
The art is ass pure ass, the story uninteresting, it’s a shame that making shitty manga like this is incentivized because there will always be losers who will buy 3 or 4 volumes of this
Apr 13, 2019
I wish there was a way to blacklist names.

“I am level 1”
“NEET in a new world”
“Slow life”
“Maxed out my stats after betrayal”

Gouge my eyeballs out
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2020
This story has more holes than a fishing net. And the main character is a complete idiot.
Jan 12, 2020
mangadex y u like this, it was on my reading list but it was removed
Jun 10, 2020
Hm i would say this is an okay one.
Not great, not trash, just okay.
May 1, 2023
Tbh I like reading isekai's because I like to see the different "mechanics" the world functions under and this one was decently interesting regarding the idea that everything is a monster drop and that people had skills that influence those drops. It has the same problem 99% of Isekai's have though, its just slowly turning into a generic fantasy world thats repeating the same generic character arcs without anything meaningful happening in the story. I read 37 chapters and the biggest change is that he's friends with some people and he owns a house, thats it. Its not really exploring the fact the dude is OP, nobody is really reacting at the fact the MC is just breaking the logic of the world damn near constantly, and after reading 30 chapters you'd assume something would happen to set up the main story but there's been nothing. This series deserves a slice of life tag with how the pacing of the story goes
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2023
Before starting the review, let me give you a quick tip: the manga only have 37 updated here, but you can find 50+ translated chapters on other sites like Manga Clash.

Quick edit: Seems like this wonderful mango will get an anime adaption that will air in the next month, July.

I'm gonna give a lengthy review as someone who read the 50+ chapters and genuinely enjoyed the story and if you only want a shortened version, here it comes:

The manga is a harem with dungeon exploring in a world where you can drop everything from the dungeon, it's slow pace and full of wholesome and slice of life moments it also has many moment of MC trying new ideas to farm better or get better drops. The romance slowly develops over time and Emily is best girl, best wife and the wholesome moments between her and MC are one of best parts of the story.

And don't worry about OP MC oneshotting everything because while the dude gets strong over the course of the story, he also faces many unique or common mobs and bosses with some crazy conditions to beat and that forces him to be very creative and rely on his girls, because he can't beat alone or just brute force them.

In my opinion its a comfy story to read for when you want a break from more serious/drama/tragedy mangas and its totally worthy it. You might encounter a character or two that annoy you, but pay no attention to them and keep reading the story, author manages to make them better.

Now to the lengthy review...

As I said the premise of the manga is that everything is dropped from the dungeon, food, livestocks, items, minerals and even money itself. Its a nice and interesting premise and it makes sense when we get a glimpse of the world MC lives: its mostly wasteland and rocky places, there's few forests and other faunas here and there, but all in all humans would be doomed without the dungeons to provide resources to them.

Since humans get everything they need from dungeons that means the adventurer job is always in high demand, of course the humans have other jobs like: Blacksmith, Cooks, Guild Managers and so on, but the majority of the people are adventurers / dungeon explorers.

MC is a typical no-lifer, black company worker that probably died from overworking since it's clear he was forced to overwork very frequently on his previous life. He comes to this world as a "drop" of a girl named Emily (the best girl of the story and one of its best parts).

Thanks to his bad previous life he's very depressed, has a rock bottom self esteem, has a high anxiety and is scared of everything, these problems only worsen when he discover his stats on this new world: he's stuck at level 1 and won't get stronger and all his stats are trash...

... Except his drop stats, they're all S and that means if by some miracle MC manage to kill a monster or deal the finishing blow, he'll get drops with the best quality and in the highest quantity. And so far he's the only person with S Rank drop, the others have A at most.

About MC himself, he's a good man, a gentle and hard working person, he makes the women around him feel very safe and appreciated, he's also very empathetic and always to help people in need.

He's oblivious to romance in the beginning (but later on he starts becoming more conscious of the women around him) and we can blame this obliviousness due to his lack of relationships in the past life coupled with his rock bottom self esteem and traumatic experiences from his black company life (his entire life was spent working).

He's scared people are only around him because he's providing them with something and that when they get what they want, they're gonna toss him aside like his superiors did in the black company and that makes sense based on his previous life experiences...

... Until he meets Emily, the best, cutest, most wholesome girl of the story and the best wife in my opinion. By sheer luck or by some stroke of fate, Emily is the first person MC meets in this new world.

Emily is a poor girl that lives on the first floor of the dungeon, she's a power house herself, but lacks agility and dexterity so she's a bad match up against agile enemies, for this reason alone she's been stuck on the dungeon 1F for a few years slowly trying to get stronger, her drop ranks are bad and all that forces her to become a Slime Slayer to not die of hunger.

In one of these hunts, she manages to "drop" Ryouta from a Slime and after a fun interaction between the two of them, Emily helps Ryouta with many informations about this world and she's the one that helps Ryouta discover his stats and also give him a bamboo spear to kill slimes and discover that his drops skills are the best in the world.

Right after that Emily proceeds to make some delicious food for the two of them and then MC, whose head is already messed up from his previous life, has a emotional breakdown because its the first time someone took care of him and it's also been so many years since he ate food with another person.

This scene lead us to the moment this manga got me invested and cemented Emily as the best girl: Emily quickly embraces Ryouta and manages to comfort him and soothe his sadness, she offers him her kindness and warmth despite them both being completely strange, its no exaggeration to say that Emily saved Ryouta's life with her kindness, because the man was so messed up that it wouldn't be a surprise if the dude offed himself right away.

She quickly became so important in Ryouta's life, the most important person to him I must say, that right after their encounter Ryouta decides to shut himself in a dungeon for 3 consecutive days, with barely any resting time or any food, and kills around 100 slimes just so he can rent a house for Emily live (for her alone, he tells her that he'll pay her rental fee for as long as she lives in that place).

Keep in mind a few things:
  • Ryouta is modern human, so that means he's not used to killing or situations of life and death.
  • Ryouta is very scared, anxious and insecure thanks to his previous life.
  • On top of that his stats are F rank and that means 1 or 2 hits from Slimes would surely kill him.

And yet despite all those factors, he managed to kill about 100 slimes alone just to give a stranger kind girl a house to live. That goes to show how much of a best girl Emily is and how big of impact her presence was on Ryouta's sad life.


Seriously look at this face, look at Emily's cute and wholesome face, this alone is worth a 10/10 rate to the mango.

And after that Emily gets so touched by Ryouta's action that she invites him to live with her and then many wholesome moments happens between them (one of the best parts of the story).

And we follow the story of man and a girl living in a dungeon world slowly climbing their way to live a comfy life, over their course they create new ideas to farm better items or levels (for Emily) or new methods of farm, they also meet many quirky characters and slowly get a more comfortable life thanks to their hardwork.

It's worth a reading guys, give it a shot.
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