you have a character who got his strength blown to ridiculous levels, then they try to establish a threat by saying "It's a really big bug! What do we do?!" Now, anyone with a functioning brain would remember this character is multiple tiers above people who can smash stone with a mild punch and think "well, I would probably punch it and kill it instantly, even if it's tough compared to the stuff around it, the MC is hugely overpowered for this level of stuff" but instead, the character uses his isekai-cliche handgun (which seems to receive no influence from the MC having high strength, but by god will he not acknowledge his backup of being one-punch man) and ineffectually shoots the monster instead of, you know, using his one maximized offensive ability which has been establish for a decent period by now. So how does he resolve the conflict? He keeps using the gun until it works. Wow, phenomenal, this MC is a goddam moron.