Live Dungeon! - Vol. 4 Ch. 21 - The Gathered 4 Person Party

Fed-Kun's army
Apr 21, 2018
He should join the guild since that's where all his friends and allies are, but I can totally see him saying no to that. It would be neat if the story went in that direction though.
Double-page supporter
Apr 29, 2018
Although, what the report did was wrong, being abused everyday by adventurers, does seems a bit too much of a punishment for her. Even though it may be somewhat cathartic to some readers.
Apr 15, 2019
Delighted that she got what was comming to her. Hopefully she will be humbled by how hard it is for a white mage.
Double-page supporter
Jan 23, 2018
From that evil grin those three guys made you can expect her to be r*ped and maybe they try to sell her off as a slave later to hide their crime.
So it is gonna be worse for that girl than just becoming a white mage.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
@metaldog564 Too much as punishment? You do know that if MC didn't turn things around, he would've been abused everyday by everyone for the rest of his life, right? She didn't just try to make him leave cat girl, she literally destroyed his whole life, for no reason at that.
Active member
May 11, 2018
satisfying to see a yellow journalist eat shit

it will always be satisfying

because journalists are cretin~
Aggregator gang
Sep 10, 2018
@Talh I don't think this manga would go that far, but I do expect her to be figuratively dragged through hell and back. Maybe we'll get to see the process of her complete transformation.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
@Sandy you mean Mirul? would you still say "poor kitty" after she wrote a career-ending slanderous article about you? i would not be so merciful towards the person who wrongfully puts me in such a disadvantageous position
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
Nice to see Mirul being on the receiving end of what she did to Tsutomu. Serves her right.

Also, no way Tsutomu wants to be a guild worker, at least not currently. His end goal is to find a way back home, which he believes he will by conquering the dungeon. Anything distracting from that is a no-no. It's the reason he was so pissed off at Solit, after all.
Oct 21, 2019
@Sandy I wouldn't even say poor kitty, she basically reduced Tsutomu to being labeled as equal to a rapist/pedophile and you know how bad their reputation are in the real world, imagine how bad it is when you have to be relied upon as a white mage and you don't have any skills to actually earn a living or survive.
Jul 27, 2018
Finally, an isekai protagonist with a modicum of foresight, basic communication skills, and the stones to follow through.
Active member
May 11, 2018
i think its worth remembering that, as tsutomu pointed out, the retraction only came after he did something everyone but him assumed was impossible. even though they were being pushed to issue the retraction prior to that.

so what we have is this irrational psychopath who wrote a career ending slanderous article accusing him of a crime with no evidence nor actual investigation done, and with just that little his entire life was almost ruined. he would not have recovered from this if he was anyone else.

after all, he had a friend or two in high places to put pressure for the retraction, and it still had the agency dragging its feet because no news agency wants to admit to publishing false news they didnt look into. and after all that, both the agency and the reporter were assured that this was going to be a mere roadbump for the reporter. that she could just get hired at another company. and then what? she'd do the exact same type of shit. journalists arent the learning type.

he had every right to destroy her career and reputation, and she had no right to continue working in that profession. anything that happens after that? who gives a shit? if tsutomu didnt actively cause it, then its a seperate thing.

@monotant possibly, im pretty sure the adventurers she hooked up with are the same people who harassed tsutomu and cant accept anything he does. they'll pick a fight with him again.

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