Love Agency - Ch. 28 - Cheat Day

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
Losing more than a couple kilo per week is generally not ideal. Though it depends a little on just how overweight you are and how you do it. Starving yourself isn't a good idea. And you can't really control where to lose weight.

Well, Mari has at least learned to interact with Seki and Pon without help. She's actually being a normalish friend. And to Seki's credit, he's not trying to push his own relationship with her.

She's also sneaking some food.

Funny how her suggestions keep getting denied. And he's craving like your stereotypical pregnant woman.

Now I wonder how he's going to keep his shape. That's usually the hard part about sudden or short-term weight loss.

Is Aka trying to make Mari get along with the main cast since she was quite unlikable during the previous chapters?
Coz ngl, she's so much more interesting right now
Well, I don't think she was supposed to be particularly likeable from the start. Enough to keep some interest, but not enough for readers to see her as a good person.

He's lost 15 kg over the course of a single month, am I understanding it correctly? So now he has a mass of flabby excess skin.
Usually ignored in manga. Yeah, that's one of the downsides for excessive weight loss.

What on earth was the FMC doing here? Being a mascot, a flower vase, or an NPC?
Leaning how to be a normal person.

This author is fucking braindead to think it is plausible to lose 15kg in a month, let alone without any professional help.
I've lost 10 kg in one week, and about 13 kg in three weeks. Though that was because I was sick and could barely eat for several days, like one small bowl of soup for an entire day (not counting water). So not exactly healthy either.

Man... Pon did all of these just to find out that Kon caught feelings for Seki... Gotta continue going to gym
Well, that'd be a dead end for Kon anyway, so she'd have to give it up eventually.
Active member
Oct 10, 2019
This author is fucking braindead to think it is plausible to lose 15kg in a month, let alone without any professional help. In context, it took Christian Bale 4 months to lose 30kg for The Machinist, and with severe health risks, both physically and mentally.

Not saying the author should kill themselves, but they should consider a career change.
If you learned how to read, they literally state that Pon already lost 6 point something kg in the month they started working out. Add another month and boom they reached the goal of losing 15kg meaning in that singular month, he lost roughly 9kg which is pretty fucking plausible. 15kg in 2 months doesn’t soundtoo exaggerated when Bale lost 30kg in 4months and with simple math they lost about the same amount of weight per month. But obviously we can’t use a linear scale for weight loss. If you learned about health at all, the first few months of a weight loss journey is the most impactful and substantial and plateaus in later months. Then we take into account that Pon is still a high schooler, and teenage hormones are absolutely insane. Very logical, in fact it’s downright insane to think that Pon only lost 15kg in 2ish months considering how rigorous his routine was that he had a singular cheat day after a month (also shows that he has some insane mental fortitude to keep going) and we don’t know if he got another one. And then add teenage hormones as well as a gymbro helping him out in most things.
Apr 4, 2020
This author is fucking braindead to think it is plausible to lose 15kg in a month, let alone without any professional help. In context, it took Christian Bale 4 months to lose 30kg for The Machinist, and with severe health risks, both physically and mentally.

Not saying the author should kill themselves, but they should consider a career change.

If you've ever went thru a cut before you'd know the first 5 to 12lb is going to be water. On top of that Pon is on keto which means no carbs which means even lower water weight on the body.

He's lost 15 kg over the course of a single month, am I understanding it correctly? So now he has a mass of flabby excess skin.
There is no male on planet earth that will get excess skin losing 30lb. Those excess skin people are from people losing hundreds of pounds.
Dex-chan lover
May 6, 2020
And here I thought Nori Tsukudani is a pun for fellow Author (creator of Himegoto, and close friend of Akasaka Aka sensei), it is an actual food XD

Anyhow, Seki girl power is so strong~
Thank you for translation
Jan 19, 2018
Kon when she sees that Pon lost weight:

Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
Truly only men understand the hearts and stomachs of their fellows.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2023
You can lose a lot of weight by simply fasting (while consuming necessary nutrients).
Exercise surprisingly doesn't contribute a lot due to your body's natural homeostasis and regulation.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
I don't know when it begin but suddenly the love coach ended up being coached by the clients instead.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2023
Gym bros’ relationships are on a whole different level jeez

Also Pon’s gonna look like a absolute snack
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2019
Page 9's "Seki-dono, I love you!", as well as Pon repeatedly rejecting Mari's suggestions in favour of Seki's, makes me wonder about the intended pairing in this manga.
Nov 24, 2020
Man I really wanted Kon to end up with mc (cus no one likes Mari let’s be honest) but I also want Pon happy 😭

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