The moment he said people are normally better than they believe, it was obvious he was worse than he believed. Neat style, though.
I like that he equates creativeness, being in touch with your inner self, and awareness of your surroundings as manly.
I mean, he's right. It is embarrassing to write romance if you're not used to it, or if you think too much about what people will think.
"People should be able to distinguish between what's real and what's art."
Key word: "should".
So that's why the tanuki...
What did he expect? An original story?
No, he's not being made fun of. She's enjoying it.
Also, always take care of your health before focusing on translation. Or keep grinding combos. And yes, that's a cute pic of her.
For me it's back to BG3.
He would've learned to draw okay manga if he had a Fujiwara
And a training montage.