I think the nurse is just trying to scare her off... Nothing would probably hurt worse then having her cute student try her hardest to help her out only for it to fail completely.
Haijima has long accepted her spot so Shiki trying to shake up the status quo by going after Nagai... of course Haijima wouldn't be happy with that. Just like Shiki wouldn't be happy by taking advantage of Yoshikawa transferring.
TO the DUMBASSES in the comments.The nurse is mature so she doesn't want to interfere in other people's relationships unlike the Megane bitch who we all hate so much
The nurse doesn’t want hope. She’s been hurt too much. She just wants to enjoy what she has. Pretty immature which is shrouded by a facade of a mature woman who controls the scene like with megane girl. This manga is about 14 year olds, and they are all 14 year olds. We are all 14 year olds
I wonder how this story will end, timeskip, or it will be a long one with them meeting up and this glasses girl trying to transform Tanaka because fuck what she thinks right lol
I think the nurse fake it too stop her. Why even "stay away from me" at the end if she just into this shit. I don't think the sad emotion she saw on the nurse with her own eye is fake.