Love Quest for a Servant Girl - Vol. 1 Ch. 22

May 13, 2020

At 19 you're a sophomore in college, at 14, at most, you've just started 9th grade... in two different stages of one's life.
I did go off a bit, I'm sorry. I just can't stand peeps defending this, because even in today's context, some still think it's ok. It's not.

I didn't like that he treats her as a possession/experiment, yet we are supposed to believe he has feelings of affection towards her... Given his age, status, and power... It's giving me full on creep (given that she was 12 when this first started). I'm going to read until I cringe out of existence.
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2019
I've accepted that he's probably the ML. But gosh this is still so creepy.
A 4 year age difference wouldn't be a big deal if she was like 21 and he was 25.
But 19 and 14?? A nearly adult dude and a barely teen girl??? Disgustang
Oct 13, 2020
Bro... She's fourteen......... Pls treat her like a little sister and stop there........
Jul 18, 2020
Oh Wow should I stop ugh why is most interesting manhwas usually have this disgusting aspect???? Like how about you mating with someone your age????????
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Freakin horndogs. Is all of your brains filled with lust? The fk?

The king didn't specify if it was sexual. With all the clues for this matter currently at hand, he just adores Nina and wants to keep her by his side. I think it's understandable because he was suffering for most of his lifetime.
May 2, 2020
@Omled Dude, imagine your boss at work approached you saying that he likes touching you because he feels good. Now he even wiped blood from your lips then proceeded to lick it. Even discounting that she is a minor, this is creepy as hell. In a proper workplace, even amongst adults, this is grounds for sexual harassment. The fact you think otherwise is astounding.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020

You can't compare her situation to a normal, proper workplace. The thing you describe as a normal workplace was long gone when she reincarnated into a different, medieval-like world.

It could even be a sense of ownership of the king towards Nina. Wait, it is a sense of ownership, and that isn't sexual at all. At least not with the current situation and the way he looks at Nina.

Don't delude others to make themselves feel better about their own dirty mindedness. Stop reading too much doujin.
May 2, 2020
@Omled Dude, you are not making your defense all that convincing. Did you seriously just brought up ownership as your counter argument? That is even hella creepier. From the comments I have read, and my point of view as well, none of us questioned whether this king, in canon, had any right to do whatever the hell he wants in this story. He is king, he owns everything inside that castle. We are arguing in a moral standpoint. You cannot deny that he is being creepy. The normal workplace scenario I presented is just the closest analogy I could think up that you could relate to. Please do answer this question:
Is a person, who is basically a stranger and without blood relations to a minor, say and do things like the king did to Nina, not considered creepy? Yes or no.

Just think of Nina as someone you know personally. Then transpose the face of your boss (or professor) on the face of the king. Does that look appropriate to you? I think you are the one who should stop reading too much doujin.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020

In a normal standpoint, the answer to your question is that, yes, it is creepy. But it is in NO WAY her situation is normal.

What I'm getting at is the king wants Nina to stay by his side just like what he did to the saintess. And there is no way that is sexual

Also, you just set aside the first statement in my first reply which says, her situation can no way be compared to a normal workplace that you keep on pushing.

You also mentioned a "moral standpoint". Moral standpoint differs depending on very numerous factors. And there is no way your "moral standpoint" is the same to theirs based on their culture in which I also mentioned, medieval-like, and many other factors.

You keep on comparing the people's values in this world to a fantasy world's people with different values which makes no sense itself.

The fact that people connect the blood-lip thing the king did to a sexual sense is also nonsense in of itself.


Also, Nina said that she is a "kid" both mentally and physically despite reincarnating which is understandle if she took what the king did to a sexualish-romantic kind of way, but almost all the people that read this, as I assume, are avid readers, should know more than to take things to a sexual sense immediately.

This argument is kinda pointless anyway. Just a bunch of opinions from different people.

Sorry if you got offended in anyway and have a nice day.
May 2, 2020
@Omled Let me address your points:

"In a normal standpoint, the answer to your question is that, yes, it is creepy. But it is in NO WAY her situation is normal." - NO. Even in a medieval standpoint, what he did was creepy.

"What I'm getting at is the king wants Nina to stay by his side just like what he did to the saintess. And there is no way that is sexual" - Just like the saintess... Hmm... You mean the kidnapped saintess that is being held against her will? By the way, their relationship eventually turned sexual, so not a good argument.

"Also, you just set aside the first statement in my first reply which says, her situation can no way be compared to a normal workplace that you keep on pushing." - No, I addressed this. I mentioned that I used that analogy in the hopes that you could relate to the majority's POV. But sadly, you did not.

"You also mentioned a "moral standpoint". Moral standpoint differs depending on very numerous factors. And there is no way your "moral standpoint" is the same to theirs based on their culture in which I also mentioned, medieval-like, and many other factors.
You keep on comparing the people's values in this world to a fantasy world's people with different values which makes no sense itself." - Just because the setting is medieval doesn't exempt the characters to the morality of the modern viewers. There is a reason why such things (ex. Slavery) have been abolished as time went on. This argument of yours just won't hold. Just because he has the power and right, doesn't mean he is correct.

"The fact that people connect the blood-lip thing the king did to a sexual sense is also nonsense in of itself." - Never have I claimed this as sexual. Just let me tell you, a person can be creepy without it being sexual. For example, I find your defending of the king's action creepy, and that is in no way sexual. You are the one who has preconcieved prejudices. Here, the 1st definition of the word with a quick google search:
creep·y /ˈkrēpē/
causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease.


"Also, Nina said that she is a "kid" both mentally and physically despite reincarnating which is understandle if she took what the king did to a sexualish-romantic kind of way, but almost all the people that read this, as I assume, are avid readers, should know more than to take things to a sexual sense immediately." - I agree, not everything the king did was creepy. But there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. I for one hoped that they will be more like a family and he'll adopt her. I certainly did not "take things to a sexual sense immediately".

"This argument is kinda pointless anyway. Just a bunch of opinions from different people." - Morality can be subjective, but you have admitted it yourself, what he did was creepy. You just reject to view it as that, because you keep on insisting to look at it with your medieval-tinted glasses. Well, no, doing that even in medieval times is objectively wrong. The meaning of the word "creepy" will remain the same, then and now. He is creepy.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020

Whatever you say. Opinions are opinions.

Lastly, why do you keep saying creepy? I think I said "sexual" in my first comment.
May 2, 2020
@Omled I could say the same. I've been using the term creepy, and you kept on defending saying it's not sexual. Anyway, let's just agree to disagree. Whatever we say, we won't meet eye to eye since we are using different moral codes. Good riddance.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020

Yeah. You were barking up the wrong tree right from the moment you decided to reprimand my first statement.

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