Love Quest for a Servant Girl - Vol. 1 Ch. 22

Mar 7, 2019
Thanks For Your Hard Work!!!! ♡♡♡ Can't Wait For More!!!!! ♡♡♡ And Stay Safe!!!!!
May 9, 2020
Ahhhh I can't draw or translate ಥ‿ಥ

I really hope y'all get the help you need. And, as always, thank you for the update (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Active member
Apr 21, 2019
@duskyloltun Thanks for the clarification, their ages are not that apart and I don't truly mind whom Nina will end up dating (though it's kinda obvious) as long as the romance is well developed.
May 13, 2020
Guys... Please... This is not ok.. Stop trying to make it ok. Gimme a timeskip. No justification makes this ok. Just continue reading knowing it could possibly develop into something inappropriate and move on, but don't make this seem ok.
Dex-chan lover
May 9, 2019
@9453 time skip does happen, but she is 15 and in this time period setting that is considered an adult usually so understandable to a degree
May 13, 2020
Damn, I'm sad now. I really liked this manga, maybe I'll read up until that point and duck out when it becomes too much.

Even though it's set in a vague time period, only people of a certain status or those being used as trade would marry at a young age. Putting that aside, given that this is neither based off a true story, nor does it follow many of the other rites and rituals of the vague era is was set in, and is written in the 21st century, there wasn't a need to to portray a romantic relationship between a 15 year old and a 20/21 year old 😑, it's as simple as that. I really like the set up and dynamic of the characters but this ain't it chief. Wait till she's in her twenties when her frontal lobe has developed enough for her to be fully conscious of her relationship and the decisions that are made (maybe gain experience), even if she is a 30 year old with a brain of a child.

Vice versa, let's say her brain is fully developed and using her previous 30 years experience, she manipulated the 19 year old king. That's still not ok.

TL;DR just because it's a part of a culture, doesn't make it ok
Apr 25, 2020
@MaliciousBurial okay don't compare GOT to a children's manhwa. the whole show is messed up. people watch it and love it but they definitely don't justify it. we all know that it's wrong. anywayysssss I'm fine with the maids and kings relationship as long as it's platonic.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2019
lol. I like how consistent this story is- blood is still there
@MaliciousBurial I agree- I know a little about Eng. Lit. like how Alice in Wonderland was the first book targetted towards children. the many people prized nudity back then- modern age has this blurry gap on what to censor. so far the development hasn't treaded the dicey path and is believable and natural. and fiction is fiction, if there is good development I see no reason to drop it. care more about real cases than get upset over fiction
takes the cringe nn and spins it out smooth
Sep 5, 2019
Man, I thought throwing up blood was just comical but nahhh...she spitting blood for real 🤥
Aug 20, 2018
Why do I feel like this is the most carefree confrssion? Also, I thought the blood puking is just figurative, lol. She did really puked up blood. Hahaha
Active member
Nov 11, 2018
@Vannie The ammount it was comedy, but she bits her lips on page 8, then proceedes to take a chunk of it when he talks about his brother.

And then he proceeds to drink her blood.. I... I.. I don't... know if this is cringy or disgusting, maybe both.
Jun 3, 2020
You know that girl were married off around 16 right.They were considered adults by this age.And thats just biology.Girls develop much earlier than boys so that why the considered age for becoming an adult was different in those times.Now it is standardised to 18 for both.
May 25, 2020
@9453 uhh so its obvious that its in the past lol idk where ur brain at. along with that, 15 and 20/21 is NORMAL if u dont like age differences like that then u prolly havent been out in the real world
Double-page supporter
Mar 23, 2020
@9453 you’re right, it also creeped me out. I’m gonna stick around a little longer just in case though.

Also... everyone defending the gap is weird. One, this is a work of fiction. You can make shit up. Magic exists, but you’re saying the age gap must be ~true to history~? And even then, I really doubt relationships genuinely worked like this, given how few records of middle and lower classes there are.
And the weird girls/boys development pseudo-shit... yikes

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