Love Score - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Yuuji and Mia

Double-page supporter
Jan 9, 2020
Interesting that the chapter ends with us hearing HER thoughts. Maybe the next chapter will focus on her? I don’t know if these chapters will keep being “Yuuji and somebody”
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2019
really curious why so many people despise the mc, i know some people reading this lacked reading comprehension, and thus somehow didn't manage to understand that everything was simulations and not actually real, but that cant be everyone. I mean he's a relatively normal and flawed young college teen with an interest in fashion who simply wants to find the best person he could to live a happy life. God forbid he isn't instantly satisfied by a 78% rating, and atleast wants to see if he could find someone with a higher compatibility rating. You best better believe in a world where this app exists, especially when your young and have time to choose your relationships, you're probably gonna be a little picky. I mean were talking about the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with, sleep every night with, possibly raise children with, and die together with, its a pretty fucking big decision. And yet he's willing to take the risk pretty quickly after a quick search of a few girls doesn't give him as high of results, its not like he searched through 10,000 women to desperately find someone with a 100% rating

Unfortunately for him his hesitation caused him to lose out on that person he could've had a good relationship with, teaching the lesson of sometimes you gotta take risks because you'll probably never find "perfection", if you can, you gotta make it yourself, an app will never do you justice. Big deal, he's young, and made a poor decision, now he'll hopefully learn from this mistake and just go for it the next time. There's nothing foul about his personality, or the way he acted for anything and although its not like we get a ton of details about him, the obvious focus of this story on the app doesn't exactly allow for a lot of room for characterization, especially if this might be the last chapter we see of this guy(I doubt that though)
Double-page supporter
Sep 18, 2018
I mean, the manga's moral is pretty obvious. Yuuji is just a stand in for the average person who is afraid of a bad relationship, whether they have been jaded by one previously, don't want to put in the energy just to have it end, thinking they could have something better, or are just plain scared of falling in love and having it fail. But if you always be scared of what COULD be, you'll never even have a chance of what WILL be. He saw a 78% chance with Chise, but instead of thinking "Wow, that's pretty high, she's really cute, and I think we have good chemistry", he kept thinking "But what if somebody else would be better?"

So the moral is just "Instead of being scared of something failing, take the step forward and enjoy what you could." and "Problems will always arise in a relationship. It's just how you handle them that matters."
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 27, 2018

I actually don't find anything he's done in the simulation objectionable. With Chise, he wasn't willing to commit to marriage right away, which is normal. With Sumire, he struggles to respect her wishes but he manages to do so, which is probably a lot more than what a typical hormone-filled twenty-something could do. With Ayaka, he wants a committed relationship? What a bastard. And with Moe, he's sweet and caring for her, and it's really her over-infatuation with him and hiding her situation that might cause conflicts later. And Mia is just a train wreck and he has the backbone to end it. So what's really bad about any of that? And in real life, it shows him having good relationship with people around him and doing well in school and in part-time job.

I think the premise of the story is that the simulation is pretty accurate, and he's as nice and normal in the simulation as he is in real life. As weird as it sounds, I gotta say that people might be jealous of him. As to how sad your life must be to be jealous of a fictional character, I can't say. And as far as Yuuji waiting too long, it's not like a typical manga where the MC is indecisive for years. The span of time Yuuji considered the percentages looks to be just a few days. I think anything shorter, that's closer to being impulsive than anything else.

I mean, if someone could tell me what they find so objectionable about him, I'd love to talk about it.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2019
@ThePaulBunyanTrophy I dont find what he did in the simulations questionable. but some people who werent exactly paying attention thought that the things happening in the simulations were real, so they basically thought he did everything with chise, then dumped her once he found out the rating, then moved on to the next girl, had that relationship, so on and so forth, which would obviously make him petty and kind of gross, but they were all simulations, meaning he wasnt doing that. Within themselves, i also find nothing wrong with him in those.

and yeah, he had the free options so why wouldnt he use them just to see? I mean i can only imagine the amount of "WE had a perfect rating!" clickbait youtube and social media vids that would exist in such a world that would put this pressure on the young to find it for themselves. If anything, going for 78% is either being really wise in a sense, or desperate in that you dont have high self esteem (like moe who thought a 39% chance was higher than what she was expecting....sheesh) this is why all the "deserved" and comments of the sort feel off to me, its such a normal thing to do in such a world
Feb 16, 2018
Sweet that they pulled an Asimov technique of psychohistory for the underlying mechanics of the score. Honestly I would sign up for this app over what we have now.
Jun 25, 2020
@dojinshi @ThePaulBunyanTrophy i agree with what you guys said about yuuji, he looks like a pretty great guy overall and way better than the typical mc. That being say, dont know about the rest of the ppl but for me it looked like he had it coming because i dont know the exact amount of time it took him to decided (it could be just a few days like paul said to even more than a week) which makes him seem indecisive.

I just thought "well you sleep you lose" after reading this chapter. Ah, and chise and the new guy look better as a couple
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2019
Yeah i mean what happens is what happens, thats just life, though i dont see "a few days" as being indecisive really, and certainly not "deserved" like he royally fucked up. he was thinking about an important choice not sleeping. So it feels more like "thats just life" + "Insert lesson and theme of the manga here" than him really deserving it. but thats just me, I am admittingly more of a "consider all my options first" than "just go for it" type of guy, and you need a mix of both to be successful in life
Group Leader
Jul 16, 2018
All these comments about the MC, and I'm just laughing my ass off at the hentai artist gone mainstream incorporating NTR-but-not-really into his manga's topics. That's what I thought the comments would actually be mad about.

So yeah, Mia's simulation was a little predictable but not bad for a change in pace, but all in all, I liked the "Now Dating" twist the most; this author's cliffhangers's have always left me interested in the next chapter so far.
Double-page supporter
Sep 10, 2019
@Knighto He wasn't "punished", and dating her wouldn't have been a "reward". He missed out on an opportunity. If he's smart, he'll learn from that and apply what he's learned going forward. That's how life works.
Dec 10, 2019
Exactly just how much data does this shady app even collect. Not to mention that Chise thought is quite opposite to narration of the last page, as she seems more open to experiencing rather than look for some perfect match.
Also one of biggest questions will we stay with same MC? If yes will he still try to confess or at least talk with Chise to close things for good.

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