Made in Abyss - Vol. 13 Ch. 69.5 - Volume Extras

Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
The big bad of this layer seems like a flying octopus with how its morphology and abilities come together. Maybe mixed with a jellyfish for general appearance and how it interacts with the environment to sustain flight. But a heavy metal version of all that with the helmet like face (?) and spiked tentacles that double as mouths.

And ah, a completely unobstructed view of the extra nipples. Interesting, interesting. Tells us a lot about the mutated biology.
But I think we need indepth coverage of Nishagora and Srajo's asses...for uh...scientific curiosity, Akihito-sensei.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 12, 2023
If costums officer checks my order wallahi im finished...
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 30, 2019
Fun fact: Kentaro Miura, author of Berserk was openly a lolicon and vocal defender of loli art. He also drew uncensored little girl slit on Berserk, something Tsukushi never did even in doujinshi. Funny thing how looking like an ugly bastard changes how people judge you.
Just because Miura was a pedophile doesn't change the fact that Tsukushi is a pedophile.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2018
At this point, I'm just here for faputa lookin like a deranged puffball

I'mma be in retirement when the mystery of the abyss is revealed dog
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2023
Fun fact: Kentaro Miura, author of Berserk was openly a lolicon and vocal defender of loli art. He also drew uncensored little girl slit on Berserk, something Tsukushi never did even in doujinshi. Funny thing how looking like an ugly bastard changes how people judge you.
Different rules for monstrous butterfly girls I suppose.The framing makes a big difference. In that case the surprising nudity made the character come off as tragically unhinged and wilfully naive, in a manner which really made her stand out among the other apostles. Like she was fully immersed in her "innocent" fantasy world. Seems most people find that easier to swallow than how Tsukushi Akihito draws ALL his child characters the way he does, and often includes sexual overtones for no apparent reason other than that he feels like it.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 17, 2018
Is it just me or do the ends of their limbs seem to have holes in them? Tell me I'm just imagining the resemblance to a certain object.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
Fiction flourishes when limits are not imposed.

Sadly, it's a mixed bag even when limits are imposed so I'll just hope Nanachi's okay. All else can be discussed when we're at the true end of their journey.
Active member
Aug 3, 2023
Is it just me or do the ends of their limbs seem to have holes in them? Tell me I'm just imagining the resemblance to a certain object.
You’re just imagining the resemblance. That’s just where the relic limbs plug into them, not that.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 15, 2019
Given the mention of Nanachi's Trivia "taking a break", I have a feeling she mightn't be dead, but that curved box makes me think of a makeshift coffin to fit her currently twisted body.. Conflicted, but here's to hoping the Abyss in Akihito's heart isn't devoid of mercy for our fluffy friend!
Logically, a normal person would be dead from injuries like that, but Hollows aren't that. If her sister-Hollow ended up with immortality, it's at least within the realm of possibility for Nanachi to have something similar.. and damn, do I hope that's the case.

All the same, thanks for the translations so far, and a random side thought:
If/when those siblings enter adulthood and the sister ends up having kids with her husband, would the nipples work for delivering milk to the babies as well? Due to how mutations can end up functioning like perfect additions to the body, probably, but how would she even need to dress if that's the case? A sleeveless button-up with an absorbent pad covering the front until milk stops being produced, or would that end up being too stuffy/hot due to the higher body temperature? Aki's interests aside, I'm just wondering about how their bodies function outside of the badass augmentations.
They'd make for a terrifyingly effective parent/aunt/uncle, though - one (literally) murderous gaze from either of them, and poof, the perceived threat's gone.
Group Leader
Jan 25, 2018
People need to understand that the raw power of underage horny is the only thing keeping Tsukushi sensei's high cholesterol blood pumping through his ojisan veins, he's said before on livestreams how his health literally failed him when he had to work on manga without kids in it, dude lives and breathes for lolis and shotas.
Both funny and sad how people act so entitled and demand authors to cater to their specific tastes, and conveniently ignore the fact that everything beautiful they love about this work comes from the same place and mind as everything that makes them squirm, too.
Some people want their stories artificially sterilized and made safe- I say shut up and let the man COOK.
Always so telling how the best arguments people can come up with always boil down to "it's gross, it's creepy." It's fantasy, deal with it :cool:. At the end of the day it's just adults drawing for adults and moving on with their lives. If it's a niche that you hate then stop reading and find a new hobby- Tsukushi will never draw to appease people like you.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023

seems her life is in the process as well.

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