And like a typical small-minded nobody villain-wannabe, he refuses to admit failure and digs himself even deeper into the hole known as self-destruct... Why can't they ever learn?
@Siikalahna Because they would have already if they were going to before they completely self destruct. Some learn when they hit rock bottom but regardless there are always more waiting around the corner. I mean surely you have run into a few of these types yourself?
The missing page 22 is on the scanlator site, it's just talking about why the power-boat team is being overtaken , and then they go "we'll overtake you all in the straight!" which segues into page 23.
@Wolvenworks @Siikalahna
To be fair to the villain, there is a reason he *has* to make sure she doesn't win, at all costs. It's not simply pettiness or ego. Probably gonna be another 3 chapters or thereabouts before we find out what it is.
@Amplify : except he very likely could have resolved that without interfering with the race, or drawing attention to himself
if I recall there are documents hidden on her boat he needs back (proof of his criminal activities), but after everything he has done to sabotage her, he could have easily had someone simply sneak on and retrieve them
I think he needed them destroyed and to basically stay as far away from them as he can / can't risk having his goons get caught with them. Burning the boat down would have been an ideal solution, but that got foiled too.