Magical Explorer - Reborn as a Side Character in a Fantasy Dating Sim - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Active member
Oct 18, 2018
I didn't wanted to enter this talk but okay, let's go.

"guys get offended at the thought that a female has previous experience like they are somehow retroactively cheating on you"
Back when I was a teen I also liked the heroines to be virgins, now I don't really care (MILFs for the win) but a woman having previous experience don't mean they are retroactively cheating, I don't think Japanese otakus (those that want virgins heroines at least) think like that as well. From what I have seen woman with experience are more talked about "used goods" (Isn't a nice way to talk abou someone) but is not like they are cheaters.

The thing with that VN that cumdumpster1 talked about I think is more of the heroine two-timing and having "you" the player as a rebound guy. I wouldn't call it Netori (you stealing someone's else lover) either, since from what I read it didn't looked like the heroine affection for the player was emotional in that way as well. It was more like accepting a girl that would rather be with someone else and having you as a second thing.

Anyway. This manga (Light Novel) don't go deep into that face of otaku culture, it becomes more of a gamer, otaku addicted to eroge and this game more than anything else. He also likes the game protagonist as his friend.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020

"oh come on, it's the other way around."

You're being forced to watch the person your character is supposed to love sleep with another guy. You the player are supposed to want to be in a relationship with her, yet they're forcing you to watch her sleep with someone else. You're supposed to enjoy that? I guess so because why else would they include it? That's not "the other way around" that's straight up cucking.

"You aren't losing her, your taking her."

Relate back to my comment on intentionally ruining a relationship. Most people would not be into the idea of intentionally ruining someone's relationship. The game is basically trying to turn you to be that guy who gets the girl to cheat. That's not a good spot to be in by most standards.

"It sounds like it was the first VN where you go and NTR a guy. It was truly ahead of it's time..."

Even Mr. Fantastic couldn't stretch that far.

".but more seriously, that's still the kind of over reaction that the mc is talking about,"

No, it really isn't.

"that weirdness where these guys get offended at the thought that a female has previous experience like they are somehow retroactively cheating on you."

Reminder: The girl I (the character) intend to date is sleeping with her boyfriend in front of me. I'm supposed to just take that on the chin? Also It isn't a hard concept for most people to realize that they do not want to date a person/character that already has a boyfriend, nor do they want to be the direct intentional cause of that relationship being ruined. There's a reason society looks down on people who intentionally cheat worse than normal cheaters, my guy.

That guy in anime that hits on the Female Protagonists when he knows full well that they're into someone else? Those aren't harps being played in the background and that guy usually gets beaten by Karma.

Nobody wants to be that guy except edgy teenagers and people who have the moral standing of a rat.

"That sort of attitude from fans lowers the quality of VN stories"

Haha, if that's what ruins VNs then sign me up as a man of pure ruination.

"that's kinda one of the points of this story."

No, it isn't. Didn't you read the text? The MC is clearly in agreement with the idea of not wanting someone else be taken from you or watching someone you want get taken from you. And I quote directly from the story "Even I would feel pissed if a character I really liked just got taken away"

The next part about him jumping on forums and crying all night is something you could argue is him exaggerating how some people approach that but the statement is genuine - People, the Main Character included, do not enjoy romance games where the romance is in danger of being destroyed by someone else. All the effort and affection you put into the game is then immediately destroyed. Nobody wants that and nobody wants to be the guy who causes that.
Mar 17, 2019
See, when I play a VN I see myself as some omnipotent sh*t, I'm not the MC, I'm just seeing his world through his eyes.

And I get to choose his "fated" waifu to lewd. Now... the MC from that route will only know that "reality", but I, as an omnipotent sh*t I know about it even if I choose another waifu for him in another timeline (route)

So, what if the girl from the first "timeline" gets with no-MC? the MC will give a F because he didn't remember his "happy ending" with her, BUT I, as an omnipotent sh*t, I do!

She isn't cucking the MC, because their relationship never happened in this timeline, true... but she's cucking me, the omnipotent sh*t! SHE SHOULD HAVE BECOME A NUN AFTER NOT GETTING DIKED BY MC! NOT FIND ANOTHER LOVE!

Yeah, Is stupid, but that's how I feel about it. Also, Is pretty obvious that the heroines not chosen by the MC in ALL VN will move on a find another love, but I don't want to see it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
First thought, partly because he said Ma-, and she's looking to be ara ara onee-san that's shorter than him: Mayumi(Mahouka)?
Second thought, is she's part of the heroines, or is she one of those 'women I like but aren't capture targets' he talked about.

I do wonder though, given that this guy seem like he's going to Bakarina it (i.e. accidentally capture all the targets he encounter), is he going to reverse protagonist it and leave the OG MC with nobody, or if/when OG MC express interest in someone will he help set him up with that girl.

Or will it be like that one ending in nest-making dragon
Where the two guys decide to remains unmarried and enjoy the bachelor lives, chicks and boozes without the angry wife.

@Neltharn : Hey now, you never know
In Mushoku Tensei, Orsted mentions that in the timeline without Rudy to marry her, Roxy never get married.
Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2018

he will acknowledge that a lot of weird changes are made to the story of the game so that they can focus solely on making the females more attractive and focusing on them more, including pushing this supporting characters whole backstory under the rug.
He may feel the same way but he isn't oblivious to the impact of pandering to the fans.

Also, yeah, you have it backwards. He wasn't her boyfriend, someone else was, so that guy is the one getting cucked. Whose perspective it is doesn't change it. It isn't always that any third party sleeping with your partner is you being wronged. Sometimes your the asshole that jumped in. Being stuck on the feelings of envy and not being able to enjoy the feeling of moving past that time (hence still being upset at seeing her with someone else even though she's with you now) takes away a lot of story material and cuts out most depictions of happy functional relationships (as few lasting relationships are the first ones). Yeah, it's bitchy of her to be fucking around with you while she still has a boyfriend, but that's the thing, the problem is that she's kinda a bitch for doing that while still with someone else not that she was with someone else to begin with. Don't act like your the one that was slighted in that scenario.

Though, I do agree that the issue was more that she was cheating than anything. It's only that there was a guy at the same time (and since your interfering, yeah both we and her would be the bad guys). The fact that there was someone before isn't something that people should get upset over.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
How close-knit are the two guys I wonder (maybe there was even a joke ending with them paired together, like poor Sunohara from Clannad; who was forced into it)?
Jul 19, 2020
The fuck are you on about? He agrees with the fans plain and simple. All that text just to say nothing. Next time read something before you reply and i might actually give a decent response. Its quite obvious that you dont understand what you're talking about. You're just spewing random shit. Go preach cuckoldry somewhere else.
Active member
Oct 18, 2018
@WhimsiCat The "Ma-" is from the Japanese version, he's saying "はいはいどちらさーま" (hai hai dochirasa---ma) basically he's going to the door saying "yes, yes, who's the-----re!?"
She isn't a heroine, she is the headmaster of the academy, but so far, I wouldn't put her in the "non-capturable" characters.

He is kinda of Bakarina. He said he would help the protagonist to be with a girl but so far the story has all heroines falling for him, like Bakarina, not the Original MC.
The author seems to shot down him(Original MC) being with some of the principal heroines, as seem in comments he did in the web novel at the end of some chapters.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@Jaylcs :
>She isn't a heroine, she is the headmaster of the academy, but so far, I wouldn't put her in the "non-capturable" characters.

By 'heroine' I meant girls you can have sex with i.e. 'capture target' and in the original game sense, so if the principal wasn't one of them then the MC would be overjoy he can do it now.

>so far the story has all heroines falling for him, like Bakarina, not the Original MC.

Welp, I guess MC will just have to complete his Bakarina-cension by adding the OG MC to the harem (it's a world with magic, I'm sure some madlad have looked into genderbending magic)
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@Meridis I think I know exactly the kind of person I'm talking to and, honestly, you're not someone who can hold the conversation you're in. You keep:

A - Relating things that are irrelevant to the topic at hand such as this weird idea that we're talking about or even thinking about a character having past partners.

B - Coming up with some weird justifications for being the douche cheater in every form of media and life itself (two wrongs don't make a right, my guy).

and C - Missing the obvious allusions made to illustrate a point. "Don't act like you're the one slighted in that scenario" is the biggest example of you taking what was said and going miles in the other direction.

You think pandering only exists in this genre of games? You think I play Doomguy so he can rationally have a conversation with demons? Pandering is in every genre of game because part of game development is MEETING expectations and desires of the player. Why? Because games exist to please the player, not the other way around. Another point you completely seem to miss is that understanding something is not the same as sympathizing with it. He's said it himself - he would be pissed, admitting to understanding WHY the game is the way it is doesn't betray the fact he still is against it.

I understand if someone wants to take the Doom series in a new direction and they've got all these cool ideas in their head. I don't care. Give me Doom Guy and Shotgun or keep it away from me.

All in all, you're clearly a guy who has no idea what is even being talked about and has a hard time coping with the basic aspects of why such a game is despised, either because you feel a certain way with the subject intimately or you're hardcore trolling. Either way, I refuse to carry on the topic with you because it's waste of time and energy. Enjoy your cuckery game and have a nice day.
Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2018

calm down dude, he'll go more into the stuff that was changed in the game later. I'm not "preaching cuckoldry" either. I'm saying that being in a relationship with someone who was in another before you isn't worse and has it's own qualities that can't be put into stories if most of the readers lash out at the thought. Hell, the heartbreak of seeing the one you love with another guy is also a story to tell and the fact they ended up together in the end is also kinda uplifting, though bitter-sweet from what Hitspark said. It's not even like it's some kinda fetish that I'm talking about. Most of your own relationships will probably be with someone who's been with someone else before too.


That's harsh. Ok then, walk me through what I'm refusing to understand here.

I'm pointing out that the character is currently and in the future will make commentary on changes that were made to this game and the specific reasons. Overall, things were lost because of that.

I'm not trying to justify cheating, I'm pointing out who was cheating who.

Yes, many games (and media in general) pander, and this is considered a problem by critics. Because, again, things are lost from stories in order to reshape them so that they are more palatable to the target audience.
Something the mc here may go more into in a chapter or two.

What is the irrelevant thing that I'm relating to the topic? If my line of thought isn't clear, I can explain it.

I'm not trolling and I believe the only things I missed where your replies that came while I was replying to cumdumpster1.
Active member
Dec 7, 2018
Wow i can tell from first glance that this comment section is in the middle of a debate class..... same old mangadex

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