Sounds good doesn't work...
In all honesty too much ambition in the art, and although there were a few good scenes (large salamander reveal), the rest is just a hot mess
The art fails in simple realism (knights f.b. scene), and slips in and out of the uncanny valley on character faces (btm. pg.39 eye)
Tries to be showy but there is always a feeling of awkwardness which breaks immersion (large panel bracelet scene, btm. of pg.33)
Fighting on pg. 42 lacks proper co-ordination and framing, and seems amateurish when compared to the complexity of the character detail, as well as perspective error on pg. 44
Plot wise it's a generic cliched development reminiscent of the shoujo genre intermixed lightly with fantasy elements, it tries to incorporate magic, but provides a light, half-hearted introduction/explaination
Overall, the manga feels like a tentative step forward from an amateur who is well versed in character drawing/profiling but lacks solid world building and a compelling narrative
solid 4/10