@Allexio First, you actually can get married in the US in some states before 18 with parental consent so you're not exactly 100% right either. Also giving statistics about marriage now doesn't exactly change anything about what we said about the past. So really your argument amounts to nothing.
@LVLBeginner What you've said, is just really dumb. Firstly, marriage at such a young age in those times was out of necessity. Because women were pretty likely to die giving birth to a child. What's more wrong, marrying the woman early enough that she can have a couple of children safely(relative to the standards at the time), or waiting long enough that her first child is in the risky area that increases the mother's chance of dying?
Also, while I do not condone pedophilia, using that as an argument is really really dumb you know? The reason why is that the cut of age of 18, is an entirely arbitrary number that has nothing to do with body development. Genetic development stops after puberty. So
genetically you would be an adult then. Physically people don't tend to stop growing at 20, so
physically you'd be full grown then. And as for
mentally? Your brain stops developing around the mid 20s so you'd be an adult then.
Notice how 18 is only close to one of those and 2 years early. You need to realize that the concept of when someone is a minor is a social construct of the time, and is less about true right and wrong, and more about what society finds acceptable at the time. This can be highlighted by the fact that in america people can legally drive(which means trusting them with their life and everyone else on the road) before they are allowed to make a decision about having sex. And last I checked them messing up sex isn't going to result in a bunch of people dead or hospitalized.
@Allexio @LVLBeginner And a final point for both you fools who think you've said something smart. This manage was written in Japan where some parts still have a legal age of consent as low as 13 with 16 to 18 being the more common choice of prefectures. So 16, even by modern standards in some parts of Japan is fine. So don't talk about legality or right and wrong, when all you know is your standards and no one else's.