I have a few things I have to say:
1.) My sincerest condolences and apologies to all the translators, proofreaders, and other staff who have to read and potentially re-read this abhorrent filth to give us the chance to read this as well. I feel bad for you people but at the same time...
Edit: acutally on second thought the translators seem to be having fun with putting in their own jokes, anything to cushion the psychological blow that "he soaked her green striped panties in water and drank it all in one gulp" deals.
i'm glad they aren't taking this seriously, god save them of they did
2.)...the ridiculousness of this manga is kinda funny. There is not a single likable character in this hideous chimera of tropes and wishes, but while individually I hate each character their interactions are funny if only because of how absurd they are.
3.) Haven't read the LN, right now I could see a way to salvage this mess but in light of the first 11 chapters, I really don't have any faith in this author, maybe it'll keep escalting towards the funny option which i'm cool with
I'm still gonna read this though I wanna see what this author is cooking.
Back on the first of September after making this comment mid-August
Yeah this is objectively bad, but I'm still here to point and laugh