Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Ch. 323 - The abilities of a lord

Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
As of late all he's been doing is watching from the benches. I'm not saying make him the new demon king right now but there hasn't been any actual, visible growth these past handful of chapters. Every time he tries to step into the center, he's been violently shoved out by someone else.
But there's nothing wrong with that, right now we're in the setup stages for why Iruma and co SHOULD get stronger at a more rapid pace. After the fall festival there wasn't much need for rapid growth, but these demonstrations of the gap between them and the adults shows jus how much room for growth they have. Asking for them to be the center all the time is just asking for the series to be rushed to its conclusion
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2020
is it necessary for iruma and friends to be as powerful as theese people tho. I dont see iruma kun manga can pull off a hyperbolic time chamber arc.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
Can he actually reach their level? Don't forget that he can use magic only thanks to the ring, without it he's a normal human. And the ring gets power from someone that periodically recharges it
I wonder if the author will retcon Iruma's ability to use chants? This was within the first 10 chapters(might have even been chapter 1) so maybe they'll say it's not really magic, but he didn't have the ring at that time. Gramps simply told him what to say and Iruma said it over the mic and the effect happened.

Anyway I used to think he had his own source of mana that was quietly growing, but since that went ignored for so long I'm going to assume it was just for gags. : (

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