Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Ch. 350 - Everyone's Own Accolades

Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2023
In my theory, kaleago will probably ask iruma to raise the ranks of one of their team members, putting iruma at level 6 would put a lot more danger to his growth and especially with opera as the current acting principal, she probably wants to teach iruma some lessons before she thinks that he truly deserves the ranks of vav
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 18, 2023
I feel like itll probably be that his rank isnt going up because he wasnt the main contributor to the actual display beyond finding the talents and getting them to express themselves.

Could also be that theres other conditions for moving up to the higher ranks too.
I feel like it might also be that they won't promote him as a student but once he graduates he'll move up. I know Amari(?) Is rank 6 but she's also student Is council president and the daughter of the head of border security so her strength isn't questioned.
Nov 10, 2019
Well there goes Iruma's any% max level netherwold speed run. It tracks though, rank isn't just a school thing so there's gotta be stuff in place to maintain the power scaling.

That, and the whole ass battle arc with the teachers knocking the misfit class down a peg after so many successive rank ups.

Thanks for the chapter!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2023
I guess Sylvia deserves the rank up more. She risked her life making the backbone of the haunted house and beat the impossible.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
Double-page supporter
Sep 5, 2019
Knowing Kalego is Rank 8 and most of teachers are Rank 6 or 7, I Guess you need to do more to deserve be Rank 6 in your second year.

Ameri was a Rank 6 at the beggining but she was already the SC Precident.
Aggregator gang
Mar 29, 2023
I dont get why people just complain about the quality or if its sniped if what I only care about is reading it and thats it, im not even paying for it so why would I even care like god at least be thankfull you can read it
Active member
Jul 16, 2018
He went: "lol fuck you Iruma":ROFLMAO:

It's kinda nice that since Iruma's crew aren't really underdogs anymore, randos in the background are starting to fill in that spot
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2020
Could also be that theres other conditions for moving up to the higher ranks too.
I hope it's something like that, since I think he'd basically outrank the teachers if he keeps ranking up so much. He's only 2 ranks away from their own level, so that would definitely be something they'd want to avoid unless they can't stop it from happening
Dex-chan lover
Aug 30, 2018
Knowing Kalego is Rank 8 and most of teachers are Rank 6 or 7, I Guess you need to do more to deserve be Rank 6 in your second year.
To teach at Babyls one needs to be at least Rank 7. They said it some time ago in one chapter, and the TL noted with shock this includes Robin.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 4, 2020
In that case Nishi would just introduce "ranks in between the ranks" which aren't all actual recognized ranks, but measures of strength and influence between the higher ranking demons, when they interact with each other.

"quote I can't remember about difference between chess grandmaster(2500+) and master(2000+) being wider than between chess Master and an adept (1500+)"
that defeats the point and you get powerscaling issues yes maybe low level 7 or high level 7 but any more than that and it gets messy.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2018
Oh yeah, he beat Alice before Alice was even ranked... That's a big achievement....:rolleyes:
The closest defeat he gave to Alice, after Alice was ranked, was the dodgeball competition, and even then that was because Iruma used the momentum against Alice. He hasn't shown himself capable of beating Alice or Sabnok in their current ranking. Now if he did that, you'd have a point. If Iruma literally ranks up without being further tested to see if he's capable of it, then it literally would look like Nepotism.
rank doesn't mean shit other than status. it's real stupid to try and use that as an argument for why iruma's win doesn't count.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2018
i see lots of people definitely don't remember much about the start of this story. ranks are not limited for students at all and it's pretty much implied, if not out right stated, that the missing demon king went to this school and obtained his rank from attending school. it'd be pretty fucking stupid for that to change all of the sudden when the biggest reason so many demons attend this school is because it's viewed as the fastest and best way to become the demon king. it would completely kill their motivation to go to school if ranking up was limited to reaching only rank 5 or 6.
Mar 20, 2024
rank doesn't mean shit other than status.
Sounds like you either didn't pay attention to the manga or forgot most of it. There's been plenty of instances where a demon's rank have been used to gauge their strength.
1. Kalego when he revealed with pride that he and Balam were the only rank 8 teachers in the school. Kalego values strength over status, so there's no way he'd have pride over something that didn't have anything to do with strength.
2. When Kalego, Balam, and Opera oneshotted the fusion monster at the park. The terrorist theorized that "High Ranking" demons must have been the ones responsible.
3. Kirio, a demon that's a ranked 2 despite being in his third year and from a well established family has noted that his low rank is because of his lack of demon magic and weak physique, aka he's lacking in strength.
4. When Alice was fighting the fire teacher during the heart breaker exam, the teacher was actually mad and questioned why was Alice still a rank 4 when he was so strong and stated that Alice should be higher ranked. If it was about status like you think, then the teacher should've either been mad before fighting Alice or not mad at all since. But instead he got mad after he fought with Alice and saw his strength which means he thought that Alice rank should've been higher due to Alice's strength not status.

There's some more, but I'll leave it at that. Now you may think that it's shit that Iruma doesn't get a rank up, but Iruma needs to show that he has the strength to hold rank 6 or higher. And if you still have doubts then tell me how many demons have high ranks despite being weak? If you can't, then that proves that rank does in fact mean strength whether you like it or not.

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