Mairimashita! Iruma-kun: If Episode of Mafia - Ch. 5 - Smile, Smile

Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
Only 5 chapters, but all of them have been top notch.
Hiroja-sensei knocks it out of the park with their designs.
I wonder if this version of Clarin is a bit older. In her introduction in clown costume, her body seemed more adult, but maybe it's the way Hiroja-sensei draws. Then they showed her in her chibi-fied version.

Also, I think her family... must be truly gone. Now I think about it, I wonder about Azz-kun's family. Does Amu-chan live in this reality?
Group Leader
Feb 4, 2019
Only 5 chapters, but all of them have been top notch.
Hiroja-sensei knocks it out of the park with their designs.
I wonder if this version of Clarin is a bit older. In her introduction in clown costume, her body seemed more adult, but maybe it's the way Hiroja-sensei draws. Then they showed her in her chibi-fied version.

Also, I think her family... must be truly gone. Now I think about it, I wonder about Azz-kun's family. Does Amu-chan live in this reality?
She's probably the Chief of Police or someone high ranked in the government
Aggregator gang
Apr 10, 2018
Iru Army, together(?) at last!! And that circus leader... is he the vending machine scum in the original? The one who tricked Clara to give him snacks and drinks? If he is, damn, he's more trashier than his counterpart. His design is cool, tho. Both the outfit and makeup. I did brace myself since Clara's arc could be heartwrenching, but kidnapping and human trafficking weren't what I expected. Save her, young boss Iru-boy!!
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2023
Clara as a clown, its like the author knows my soul. Such a fantastic combination. Also I like how this mafia Iruma is much darker than Demon World Iruma.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2019
I was absolutely mortified thinking her family is gone in this story, we know Clara loves her family A LOT. The human trafficking sounds like her family might have sold her out, but no way! I truly do think Clara got separated from her family and the circus muddied her trace.
I just realized that the ring master is also the same demon that bullied Clara in the original story. Also for anyone curious about how many year 1441 days is, almost 4 years.
I wasn't expecting the last panel~
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2019
It's funny to me that the main series is an isekai but the non isekai Iruma is the one that wants to buy a slave.

I wonder about Azz-kun's family. Does Amu-chan live in this reality?
Mark my words, she'll be the head of the vice department.

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