Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Vol. 21 Ch. 185 - The Evidol Games

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 22, 2018

I wonder who they're gonna call to fill for the spot of the stolen member... o3o

Thanks for the chapter♡
Active member
Jul 23, 2018
@Loblite. Hey you need add
. your image middle.

I'm jealous because you are smart talk interesting.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
@Echonic I honestly couldn't tell you why our side is so vitriolic. It's not even strictly with Anime/Manga that these suicides happen (they were also Steven Universe fans btw), it seems to be any time homosexuality is brought up. I remember a porn star once shared that she wasn't willing to do a shoot with a guy who had previously done gay porn work because she was worried about contracting an STD. She was mocked, derided and ridiculed by her own industry, calling her bigoted and homophobic and every kind of thing you can imagine, to the point that SHE committed suicide.

The reaction from those in the crowd? "Well, we didn't tell her to do it!" and they moved on like nothing happened. Something about America's culture just breeds these self-entitled fetishists and sadists and they just flock to anything that has gay in it. They're so intensely combative and toxic to anyone and anything not on their bus that it's nuts.
Jan 29, 2019
What? Are you that delusional to believe that only the yuri and yaoi fandoms are that extreme? Or are you not familiar with the many shipping wars like the NaruSaku ones or the IchigoXRukia ones that resulted in death threats being sent to their authors? Or of the many harem mangas that ended in ..... unsatisfactory manners(ie stuff like "best girl" not winning) that led to Japanese fans sending death threats to the author and all that. Or of Japanese fans sending in hundreds of letters ... protesting when girls aren't "pure".

Why the hell would you ascribe such behaviour to only the " western fanbase of yuri and yaoi" when you can find this kind of behaviour in the japanese fandoms and basically every-fucking-where.
Aggregator gang
Mar 14, 2019
@Echonic Edit: forgot to @ the guy cuz I'm dum
The first thing they do when they encounter a mainstream anime or manga is get genuinely fucking delusional and ship the closest male or female characters for no other reason like that 'hey think their cute together'.
*Sweats nervously*

And then after that they defend their stance with everything they have.
phew, I don't think I viciously attack other people for liking other ships.

It's kinda weird that only- fucking ONLY the western fanbase of yuri and yaoi are this fucking extreme.
IDK about when it comes to Yuri or Yaoi specifically, but other fanbases can also go full on rabid but for different reasons. The Japs will murder you if you talk shit about their waifu or nippon (not sure about the later). The (south or inferior) Koreans (the other one that aren't interested in KPop) will stab you if you even mention one of the south korean (admitedly very extreme) feminist groups (see Girls frontline K7 debacle), and the chinese west taiwanese HOOOO boy. Remember kids, communism not even once.

to get that emotionally invested in an anime/manga to get other people to kill themselves for not seeing it the same way they do
Something something, parents don't love them, something something, participation reward, something something, have nothing in real life to be happy about.

What pisses me off is when they start demanding authors to follow what they want and have no other say to it. No reasoning why it would be better for the series, no desire to understand why an author would think otherwise, and they'll start ripping in to anyone and everyone who disagrees. If they want it that badly, then start making their own fannon or fanfiction and be content with just that. Be thankful when the author does align with you idea, be understanding when the author doesn't align. If they want to bitch about it, then give a logical and reasonable explanation why they think the direction is wrong, if the author agrees then good on them, if not then accept it. Anything other than that should never be acceptable. Even less when they start harassing anyone who thinks otherwise.

These kinds of chapters always opens a can of worms in the comment section
(assuming You're referring to the LGBT topic)
And what kind of chapter is this? Was this about Homosexuality? Was it about how Gyari was oppressed in a homophobic, patriarchal, racist society? Was it about how Iruma realizing it's okay to be gay, dumps any romantic interest in Ameri and goes after Alice's sweet azz? The only reference to LGBT (more L than anything else) was a bubble that's stating the CHARACTER thinks "gender doesn't matter when it comes to love" and everybody whose sexuality is more bent than their mothers is jumping on how Iruma can finally marry Azazel while memory holing Ameli or excited for lgbt representation when there's the literal demonic embodiment of a fruitcake in the last chapter.

Warning mean rant and mean words ahead.
I understand that the only way people like these could find happiness in their otherwise void of a life is by doing shit like this, but can ya not gaslight everyone by saying "I r U m A c A n B u T t F u C k A z Z - K u N, n O w" as if he couldn't do so the first time they met and can only do it after a lesbian (who objectify Kuromu, mind you) told him that gender doesn't matter in the demon world. Holy hell.
Aggregator gang
Mar 14, 2019
I tried to be one, but They told me I wasn't toxic enough so they kicked me out, now I'm cursed to haunt the comment sections of Mangadex with rants, analysis no one reads and dumb jokes.

No really that was just a joke, I'm sorry if you got offended


Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2018
@nutman451 the "Girls frontline K7 debacle"? What happened, was it the usual day 1 "modesty" patch?


Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2018
As usual, the new clothing designs are atrocious
The mangaka really needs to attend some fashion courses
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
The line has been crossed. Irumi chan doesn't tolerate insults!!!

Also very powerful gay evildol haha
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2019
I kinda dislike characters like Gyari who are inconsiderate of other people
Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
It's a good thing Azz and Clara weren't around. Calling Iruma ugly would've gotten her killed.
Mar 5, 2019
@nutman451 Bruh. Did you just write a whole piece of literature on here, lmao?

And, yeah, I got a bit pissed off. It’s just that I started this manga a few months ago and read up till chapter 30, after which I left it on hold until the MC got better, or gained some new power. You know, to be worthy of the future king. And, when I saw that the new chapter was at the top, I got excited, hoping to see some power-up and decided to check it out, but all I got to see was absolute BS.

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