Friendly reminder to all the shippers that sexually assaulting someone is not OK, and portraying being assaulted in that way as arousing for someone leads to very unfair and unhealthy implications and assumptions. Arsenio is also entirely straight and thinks of himself as a man as far as I'm aware, so having him get so easily aroused in a body he's not even comfortable in and one he doesn't even think of as fully his own is also unfair to the character. This is all doubly poor writing on Arsenio's side of things because he would never look at Sauro in that way. Familiarity and friendship with such a long history (4+ years of history together) when you don't swing the way of the friend in question means that for Arsenio to feel that way would be even less likely. Speaking as someone who swings both ways, if someone makes an advance on you when you don't see them in that way and aren't interested, it feels horrifying. The question of their gender is irrelevant. Whether they are attractive and skilled at seduction or not doesn't come into the equation.