The Witch's Servant and the Demon Lord's Horns

Apr 19, 2018
katelyngadd, stop being an ass who feels entitled to censor other people.
Slang and slurs are 2 different things, you'd know this if you'd spend more time educating yourself, rather than thinking the world revolves around your feelings.
Jul 13, 2019
@Goggers telling someone that maybe they shouldn't say something because its mean is not the same thing as censoring other people.
you'd know this if you'd spend more time educating yourself, rather than thinking the world revolves around your feelings. Or are you so insecure that you have to scream about censorship anytime you hear something even close to criticism?
Apr 19, 2018
Ok ok, it was an an attempt to try to censor another person, happy? Not genuine censoring.
Ofcourse my feelings don't matter, I mostly expressed my thoughts, not feelings, although I could've been friendlier.
People like you make me feel hopelessness for the future of humanity, the better life becomes, the more issues people seem to create about stuff that should not matter.
If a word is purely offensive, ofcourse you shouldn't use it. But come on, trap? offensive? Mean?

Trap has been internet lingo for since before the last decade which means a boy who crossdresses with the intent to fool other people in thinking they're a hot girl. The opposite is a reverse trap. It was named trap because people often fell for this deceit and it was funny seeing people react after finding out -insert Admiral Ackbar meme-.
It had nothing to do with the LGBTQ etc community at first, now it might, I don't know.
But why shouldn't you use it? what is offensive about it? Come on tell me.
In the case of this manga, Eric isn't a trap, he doesn't use his transfiguration to fool horny little boys, nor does he dress like a female. He magically transforms in to girl, nothing trappy about it, he does it because it elleviates his heart issues. All people around him also know he was born a man, no intent to fool others, no trap.

Originally, Trap was not a gender identity(is it now? I don't know). If you think it is and you're offended, find another word for it and use that.
It originated from 4chan for Gods sake. That should already be a big warning sign for not appropriating it
But do not try to censor the word because its' been wrongly used by others
Feel free to express your displeasure with my post, but know full well in my heart, I just want humanity as a whole to prosper, no matter who you are. But if you start bitching about every little irrelevant thing, you're slowing progress down and that irks me. your focus could be used for so many better things.

PS: Everyone is insecure sometimes but nothing I said implied me being that way, so I'm just thinking you're projecting. Get some real friends and someone who loves you and it'll improve, trust me.
Jul 13, 2019
@Goggers a couple things.

First, look up the word censorship. It does not mean what you think it means.

Second, the reason trap is offensive when describing trans women is because it is dehumanizing and denies the fact that they are women. Which makes it mean/rude.

Thirdly, something being internet lingo for a long time has nothing to do with whether it is offensive or not. That is one of the worst arguments I have seen in a long time because if you remove the internet aspect of it and then try to make the same argument about any other slur you sound like a prick. To give a more concrete example, you end up sounding like one of the free speech losers who thinks it's censorship that people get mad when a white person says the n-word.

Feel free to express your displeasure with my post, but know full well in my heart, I just want humanity as a whole to prosper, no matter who you are. But if you start bitching about every little irrelevant thing, you're slowing progress down and that irks me. your focus could be used for so many better things.

PS: Everyone is insecure sometimes but nothing I said implied me being that way, so I'm just thinking you're projecting. Get some real friends and someone who loves you and it'll improve, trust me.
Apr 19, 2018
1) the act or practice of censoring.
2)any person who supervises the manners or morality of others.
3)an adverse critic; faultfinder.

English isn't my first language, it would be sad if it's yours.

It shouldn't refer to trans people at all, especially if they find it offensive if referred to that way.
It should not prohibit the word from describing its original intent.
Trap solely should refer to a man crossdressing as a woman with the intent to decieve.

Your thirdly doesn't even make logical sense. It's not even an argument.
If you don't remove the internet aspect of bad words, they're still bad words.
Trap isn't in it's original internet meaning.
You just always sound like a prick.

I don't get what your problem is, I clearly stated it shouldn't be used in the way you say it's offensive.

Go bother your teacher with your faulty morals
Jul 13, 2019
@Goggers I'm glad that in order to "win" the argument you moved the goalposts so far that you just made the point of the person you were arguing with lmao. I'm glad that you now agree that it is offensive to refer to transgender people as traps. Which was the point of the original comment that you replied to. By saying that they were censoring you by using definition

1) an official who examines books, plays, news reports, motion pictures, radio and television programs, letters, cablegrams, etc., for the purpose of suppressing parts deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds
verb (used with object)
6) to examine and act upon as a censor

I apologise if this was all caused by a language barrier issue, but I'm glad that you now agree that trap is offensive to trans people!
Apr 19, 2018
You post 2 definitions that don't apply.
I posted the 3 that do apply and left out the others because they don't.
You have real issues with being wrong, don't you, twisting words and taking out the meanings that do apply so you withold information.
I just gave the information regarding the use of censorship here.

And I never said trap isn't offensive to trans people.
I just said: Don't tell other people to not use the word 'trap' if it is used correctly and not meant offensively.
Taking offense to the word 'trap' when it is the correct use of the word is like seeing someone fall and feeling pain.
Your logical faculties are pretty subpar.
Apr 19, 2018
How will I ever recover.
You win and never let anyone else tell you otherwise little buddy.

I'm just glad that after this moment I can exude the mental fortitude to not look at any of your comments ever again.
You've brought me to a very low level down with you and I thank you for that.
Now I can enjoy the good life more again, it's only uphill from here.
Active member
Jan 18, 2018
can't tell if this manga is good or awful wrt lgbt issues
Aug 19, 2018
I smell a Karen in this comment section. Btw using the dictionary to make a point about the meaning of a word is fucking pointless. It says that literally can mean figuratively you know the basically opposite of what the word means. All credibility has been lost at that point.

You don't like mean words. Grow the fuck up. Get out of your safe space and live in the real world where no one gives a fuck how you feel. Your just some asshole on the internet telling people what to do. Good luck with that.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
can't tell if this manga is good or awful wrt lgbt issues
I can imagine someone being offended I guess but it doesn't really diminish anyone and the author's not afraid of making this manga silly and horny at the same time, A+
Mar 1, 2018
Trap is a slur. If your not offended by it, cool; other people are, and they'd like not having to read assholes gaslighting their discomfort with the slur for the sake of some idiotic internet forum pride. If people calling you out makes you uncomfortable, ignore it and move on before mods get involved like with every LGBTIA+ content on this site.

Is this manga really that horny/ecchi? It looks intriguing and I wanted to flip through comments to see how the plot and character development appealed to readers.
Mar 1, 2018
Old comments are leading me to believe this is a very sexy and queer experience and funny to boot, so I'm down to give it a go 💜
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 5, 2019
Is there any particular reason why Rei's name uses Japanese spelling instead of Western (Ray)? It's just something that suddenly hit me today after this latest chapter, how much it stands out that he has a typical Japanese name when everyone else in his family and the story has Western names due to this taking place in fantasy Europe.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2019
Please add the [Shounen Ai] tag, Chapter 15, Page 29. The story has passed the border of genderswap and gone into full-blown LGBT sexual exploration, and the translator has acknowledged it as such by asking readers who don't want to read this type of story to leave.

It's beautiful to like LGBT stories, but please label them as such.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
Found out some spoilers that Arsenio falls for his childhood friend instead and turns into a girl to be with him, and seeing the volume covers it seems to be true, I was really liking the story so far but this love cube was complicated enough, I am gonna drop this.

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