Majo no Geboku to Maou no Tsuno

Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
I came to the comments to see people's opinions of the manga so I can see if I should read this, not to read about a dumb debate that is very reminiscent of twitter SJWs getting offended over the littlest things.
Jan 21, 2018
If you want to know an opinion, i think this is totally worth reading.
I thought at first it was kinda ridiculous, but its actually really fun, the faces are super funny in their simplicity and the characters have fun personalities
The comment section is very aggressive SJW twitter-like, but the manga is totally chill on how they handle the gender thing going on. Honestly the way you'd want people in real life to talk about it
Jan 30, 2019
Love this little manga, a true shame transtrenders be using it to get offended on behalf of actual trans peeps. I am sure this comment section will scare away a bunch of people who will just love the cutsie love stories :3.
Apr 24, 2019
I can back up CrateKitten, this manga is super chill and the interaction between the cast are really cool and feel real
It do have some weird part KOF KOF demon king, but it change about how "serious" it treat this subject (the writing is on a light note but the theme is taken seriously)
May 4, 2020
This manga already have 10 volumes and still ongoing. Hope the scantalation teams continue releasing, If only I know Japanese I would gladly help. But welp there's nothing we can do but support the Scantalaion Teams.
Aug 31, 2019
it actually have 11 volumes in total, i can't wait until we reach the latest chapter!!
Aggregator gang
Dec 1, 2019
This is a good story. The mix of comedy and seriousness is good. And though it sometimes is about gender and sexual orientation, it's not annoying to read like some other works (thinking of a manga about a trap cafe or something, forgot the name).
Def recommend.
Jan 3, 2019
just came to confirm the gay vibe from the prequel and it appeared to be a loli bait but it was gay shit all along
fuck this to the trash it is
Dec 18, 2018
Thank you for letting me know about the gay vibe before i even opened it. I saw the picture and i immediately thought this shit was going to be on some gay shit then read the description and wasn't so sure but now i know this shit aint for me...
Feb 11, 2018
Shounen, shounen-ai and genderswap?

I don't plan to read this but I gotta say, that's a really interesting mix of tags.
Apr 29, 2020
Okay so my opinion is really mix
I came from reading the prequel which was amazing and a masterpiece. But then i learn this Exists and got excited. Shock but my dismay that the plot start with kinda transphobic not funny comedy and the stuff i was into in the prequel was only shown after like 40 chapter into it.
Hopefuly, it does get better as the author (which i like Their other work) also gets better and actually start tackling trans issue kinda correctly at the end. Still wish half of the character wasn’t there and that it was just the servant and master against a childhood friend that want revenge but its getting there... i think.
At the end, just read the prequel and if the author decide to rewrite this, i’ll be all over this cause i know they can do better then the first 20 chapters (As exemple with pandora hearts and vanitas case)
Edit: okay it got super better and the trans represation gets so good. Just think its a really long wait for it to become good.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
please don't put the whole "pedo-hunter" thing on front that's so uncomfortable to read just put it on the back like usual so people who don't want to know whatever it is that's happening with the comment section have some semblance of peace
May 3, 2020

Nobody gives a fuck about Trans issues. This comes from Japan, its going to have Japanese cultural norms and beliefs, stop whining because they don't pander to your stupid ass, you aren't even buying the fucking issues, but reading free scans online. God, so sick of you fucking losers complaining because your agenda isn't in every piece of media on the face of Earth. Reading this shit for free and you still have the balls to say they should be doing things your way.
Apr 24, 2020
@Yeetucus this whole manga is about trans-issues and none of these ideas come from Japanese cultural norms- the author's assistant said that he hoped this manga would get younger people thinking about the difference between sex and gender, dumbass. But go off, person who complains about the "trans agenda".
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2020
WTF? How is this transphobic?

The author is literally showing the perspectives of how you can be a man in a woman's body, or a woman in a man's body. It's also quite clear on sexuality without getting overly preachy.

And it's not weird to fall in love with someone just because of their gender - you can't force attraction. But if your best friend was suddenly put into a really cute girl's body it'd be hard to NOT feel SOME attraction at least. That's like a two for one combo.

For the people running away cause it seems too gay - good. Run farrrr away in the other direction please. Don't contaminate this shit
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
I love how Sauro just immediately disintegrates once he's in the same room with Arsenio for more than a few minutes. The events of this chapter would take like a dozen chapters in other series with how this stuff is typically paced, but here? No time for that, let's get going. Great writing

The pillow bit was A+
Feb 9, 2020
This manga talked about gender better than most other manga... so ppl who think this is transphobic I really don’t understand... you got all kind of love here and I think it did really well in explore it too.

And so far I have a feeling I keep falling into the ghost ship.... but I really love big sis/arsenio and Sauro/arsenio. Idk I love it I love the more mature interactions and adult jokes.
Jan 30, 2019
Can the transtrenders yeet from this comment section! This manga is not transphobic and you clearly are to sensitive to be on the internet if this super chill and cutsie manga offends you!

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