The Witch's Servant and the Demon Lord's Horns

Active member
Apr 19, 2019
I suddenly felt the urge yesterday to pick up where I left in my One Piece super rewatch before being confined... I needed to stop because I got to Robin's backstory and I was depressed enough thank you very much lol. Anyway, funnily enough this guy appears in the exact episode I was at:

I totally forgot until then what his name was, what are the chances I'd learn of an other character with that name the same week I rewatch this episode haha.
But also, he's a red head who was part of a fucked up military organisation antagonistic to the MCs, but who left to help a friend, and who got defeated by an ice user (I'm also betting he's still alive)... I wonder if Mochi did that on purpose for fun, or if it's truely just a weird little coincidence 😅
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
unironically: the prequel is just so much better in damn near every way. i read it first so i guess i just expected this to have a serious tone, but oh well.
Apr 30, 2020
I went in not expecting much and was super turned off at first by the stereotypical shounen perverted demon lord (don’t worry he doesn’t get much screen time after the first few chaps) BUT oh boy does this series goes above and beyond my hopes for what a manga is capable of.

The shounen ai tag is misleading, in the sense that the story is much more queer and much more complicated than that. It deals a lot with gender identity as well as sexuality, so it’s not shounen ai if one of them doesn’t identify as a man (or a woman, either). Edit: my bad, aside from that there are like, 3 more shounen ai pair. It is not just shounen ai would be a better description.

It’s got comedy, fighting, magic, and ...coming of age stories. I wish I could have read this a struggling teen. Just a warning though, the allegory of monsters/witches as lgbtq people is strong with this one, (or maybe it’s me reading waay too much into it) and guess what, the church hates them to the point of killing one on sight.
There is a character that is a religious zealot who used to be friends with our monster protag but now hates him. In the end,
he does get better tho.

10/10 couldn’t stop reading and it’s 5AM and I have written multiple looooong comments on this series.
Active member
Apr 19, 2019
@vy0110: the shoumen ai tag is here probably more because Lloyd and Eric are clearly in love with each other, as well as the fact that Arsenio is in a love triangle with a guy and a non-binary 'boy' and is living his life as a chaotic bi accidently flirting with all kind of people.

I love how (even if they might appear like they are) there is basically no straight pairing in here not gonna lie haha.
Also I would still not call Sauro a religious zealot, both him and Arsenio have a hard time unlearning the ignorance they being raised in about the magic world but they're not that bad to the point they should be called zealots, have you actually read what happened some of you guys, and why exactly Sauro was so mad in the first chapters he appeared in?
Apr 30, 2020
@Georg-Prime I completely forgot about [insert all other pairings] haha. You are right, shounen ai does apply in that case.
And for the religious zealot comment that’s just my first impression from the initial chapters he appeared in.
He went crazy at the mention of witches. He tried to kill his best friend without even considering his pleas T^T
I actually have not read the prequel bc I know it will hurt so I‘m not an adequate judge for his character.
Active member
Apr 19, 2019
@vy0110: you definitely get a better understanding at his personality and his reasons after reading the prequel yes, but even then just with what we learn in the main series, he clearly cares more about Arsenio than the job of eradicating monsters/witches. He would have gone for the demon king first/more if he was just a religeous zealot. But considering what they know about demons and witches, he thought this one was trying to lie and manipulate him while using the face and memories of someone important to him - like in any stories with that kind of creatures, he knew (or thought he knew) that the creature was trying to hurt him and the other men, and going around doing evil deeds while wearing Arsenio's bodysuit: that anger was not blind prejudice and/or any desire to just kill, it was pain (and some reasons you'll see in the prequel).
And of course it didn't help that Arsenio went and actually lied and used his anger to get him to attack King Bull, like do you even remember this page ^^" :
It was like he just confirmed everything he thought about demons, it's only then that he tried to seriously kill him.

And as I said in a previous post, the very first thing he did when he met some of the MCs, was to help Betty and Eric to get away from a crappy situation with his assholes colleagues. Basically he was introduced as a good man who didn't know his dear friend was actually alive and was really in pain in seeing a monster using/insulting Arsenio's memory. And tried to talk with other monsters as soon as he learned that they might not be all bad. But also he did cry and say sorry to Arsenio several times, he def feels guilty for not having taken the time to talk and actually listen to him at first, it's not like he has no remorse at all.
Apr 30, 2020
I didn’t really see Betty and Eric’s first encounter with him that way, so I guess that’s why I thought he was a fanatic. Also I might have an Arsenio bias and automatically distrust ppl who hurt him 😅 It’s true that for most of his life he has been taught that monsters/witches = evil, and I have to give it to him for making up his mind relatively quickly after meeting Arsenio in again in female form. props to you Sauro
Active member
Apr 19, 2019
@vy0110: he made a head sign toward Eric after he distracted the other soldiers with his fire, and we can see Eric's expression that he understood just before they fled ;)
I also like Arsenio a lot he's a great MC, I find him mostly relatable, and... it's also why I'm very protective of Sauro lol (and the other people he cares about in general 😉 ).
Mar 7, 2020
God damn, it hasn't even been a week and
Rei coming out to Lloyd
still hits me in an incredibly real way. I can 100% imagine having that conversation; hell, I think I've had that conversation
Dec 4, 2018
I can't believe I just binge read every chapter available today. My brain has short circuited. What is man? what is woman? what is life? I feel like it doesn't matter anymore because all I want is a happy ending now.


Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2018
I've suspected this for a while but like...
Is Sauro just a Cú Chulainn expy??
Sep 24, 2019
Almost feels like I should go back and decrease my rating on other mangas to better represent how well I liked this one. Wound up binging to the latest.. this story hits all the good points re: relationships, queer genderfuckery stuff, character growth and worldbuilding..

At this point I'm fond of every character. Even somehow rooting for King Bull of all people to find
a consensual birth canal/partner who isn't Rei

Gonna binge the rest of this author's works over the next week
Active member
Apr 19, 2019
@IamTrueLegend64 did you forget about the others already? ^^"
@Velsy there are several characters who have their body magically changed into the opposite sex - for the moment it's mainly 3 characters who were born male, 2 of them change back regurlarily, one for health reasons, while the third one is stuck and it's part of the main plot to find them a way to get their body in their original form.
Mar 7, 2020
@Georg-Prime honestly this story needs the LGBT tag in addition to genderswap but as far as I can tell mangadex's tags are from two decades ago.
Rei reads as trans or nonbinary to me, Eric gives off strong genderfluid vibes, and Arsenio is the only one of the genderswapped that seems to prefer a masculine body (aka mostly cis).
Jun 11, 2020
just incase anyone like myself was confused why the new chapter were repeats and were scared there may not be any new chapter being printed in japan because you suck at following the links to the japanese tabokin to verfiy where the series stand:
generic scans has decided to go back to do older chapter themselves while the new chapters are being worked on with cleaning. A similair tag is posted at the end of chapter 1 and 2 that they posted.
Thank you generic scans and take all the time you need as you have been doing a great job.😀

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