Major site update: Group blocking, more external links and upcoming infrastructure upgrades

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Aggregator gang
Jun 30, 2018
Why are people hating on Manga Plus its literally one of the few legal sites with FREE manga
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012

Circumvention of this feature will result in a ban because of the no trolling rule.
Mar 1, 2018
Why are people hating on Manga Plus its literally one of the few legal sites with FREE manga
personally, it was because of the repeated flood of MangaPlus "uploads" at the same time, which ended up making the Main page's Latest Update kinda useless, because it kept other group's releases from showing up for a while. and the fact that most of those are not what i read, i have no qualms adding MangaPlus to my group-block.

additionally it's that it's not really an upload, but a link to MangaPlus site. i've heard talk about the site being riddled with ads and the user interface not being upto standard (not big issues for me personally), but the biggest issue is that the publisher doesn't allow access to older chapters for some series. yes, it is a legal site run by the publishers, and no one's forcing folks to go over there, but i guess it rubs people the wrong way that MangaPlus links are on MD. Just don't go there if you don't want to.
May 10, 2018

the biggest issue is that the publisher doesn't allow access to older chapters for some series

Didn't think any official site would pull that nonsense nowadays, since it was one of the reasons people hated Mangabox (along with them throwing multiple mangas in the dumpster without finishing the English releases).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
>> the biggest issue is that the publisher doesn't allow access to older chapters for some series

> Didn't think any official site would pull that nonsense nowadays, since it was one of the reasons people hated Mangabox (along with them throwing multiple mangas in the dumpster without finishing the English releases).

ROFL. Why would official publisher give everything for free? You get 3 first and 3-7 last chapters. Want more? Go to bookwalker/viz/RLshop and buy it! You aren't working for free IRL, am I wrong?
Jan 31, 2018
can we get updates base on Language settings? like in the mdlist, instead of a manga get bumped from new non english chapters..
Sep 7, 2019
I read the update banner, but thought it didn't matter. Why would I want to block a group?

YAY! New chapter of Iruma-kun......huh? Yeah...WTF is this? Why would you jump so far ahead? THAT's what the new feature is about.....let's check the forums which I never read before....

oh and yeah....SSSSS....BuhLOCKED

Thanks Devs!! I didn't know I would need that feature!
Mar 15, 2018
@Teasday No, and it's probably not going to happen. There's going to be a performance cost associated with every single blocking mechanism, and series-specific blocks start getting overly fine-grained.

Not a problem, I just thought I'd posit the feature to see if it was something that could be implemented. :) Thank you for the reply!
Mar 1, 2018
seems to be resolved. after blocking a certain group, their 3 releases disappeared. but the 3 were replaced by other groups' releases, resulting in no loss. i verified by counting 42 releases, both before & after blocking. Thanks for addressing this issue, MD Team!
Aggregator gang
Mar 5, 2019
The best way to describe my issue is with chinese and korean comics is I can't get into the names, more so than anything else. I can forgive almost anything if the story is entertaining, does not need to be good, just needs me to be engaged.

On the point you said about their characters being sociopaths... I don't know how much I can really describe due to content or where the line gets drawn at racist, but here goes. at the very least with chinese culture, you have to understand they lived under communism, there was no ownership of anything, anything can be taken at any point in time, and even though much of that laxed by now, they still have a heavy mindset of 'its not mine so who cares' this sees things they 'own', buildings, historical places just fall into disrepair if not just becoming piles of shit. you also have the mentality of if you help, you either caused the problem and are helping out of guilt, or you are going to get stuck with any medical bill, this is why you have videos online of people being injured/killed in accidents and no one helps at all or even stops.

so when it comes to chinese comics... how do you one up the common way of thinking? and this is where I can't really say more because it can easily be misconstrued as racist, but I think from this you can draw the lines to what I want to say about chinese comics and the sociopath characters.

For me, their reader is crap.
mangadex has the only tolerable online reader, I use it largely because my old main source for manga downloads shit the bed and never recovered, I'm still able to get older things but it is months behind on many current things.
I hate most groups readers too, the only group I find tolerable is lhtranslation because their strip reader gets out of my way, does not disable me doing things like right clicking and middle clicking, so i read on their site.
but god, is reading online such and inconvenience when you are going from reading everything locally.

On that note, great job mangadex, outside of groups throwing bitch fits and ripping their manga off site, you made this as painless as reading offline, kudos.
Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018

I can tell you with certainty that sociopathy in Chinese fiction has nothing to do with Communism. 100% sure. And I won't even have to discuss your understanding of communism.

How can I be so sure? Because I'm reading the first of the Four Great Classical Novels, Water Margin, written 600 years ago, long before anything like Communism had been theorised.

In this novel, a band of bandits described as "heroes" go through adventures in Song China, facing government forces (normally described as hopelessly corrupt) and other dangers. I haven't finished it yet, am only on the middle of the second volume out of five, but here are some episodes:

i. A certain character is a military man who's betrayed by his general. He enters the general's palace in a disguise to kill him and his partners in betrayal. In the process, he kills several servants, one of the general's concubines and her two little daughters, and goes on killing until he feels "his rage is sated".

ii. A usual interrogation procedure is to promise the person will live if they spout the truth. The person, normally a servant or a minor soldier, obeys and is immediately killed after supplying the information.

iii. A certain character subdues a road innkeeper who's a cannibal and bakes clients into pies to sell. He then lets her go and befriends her just because he finds out she's allied with the bandits.

iv. Another character, a military man who wants to remain loyal to the government and refuses to join the "heroes", is released by them to go back to the provincial capital, only to find the place severely damaged by an attack, with lots of civilians dead and wholesale destruction. He is then accused by the provincial governor of having led his troops in the attack on the city, and is immediately set upon by other soldiers, barely managing to escape. Having no other choice of refuge, he goes back to the bandits' place - only for them to unashamedly admit to him that they had disguised themselves as his troops and used his banner to perpetrate the attack and have it blamed on him so that he would have no choice but to join them. HE ACCEPTS.

v. It's perfectly fine to kill your wife for infidelity or just being annoying.

Anyone who doesn't exert some detachment in analysing fiction will become a Sinophobe after reading that novel. The above are just a few of the examples so far and I have three more volumes to go.

As for me, I'm pretty sure that novel doesn't reflect societal values at large, neither back then and much less nowadays. It's just wish-fulfilment porn. I'm not a specialist so I wouldn't know what motivated the authors, but if I were to hazard a guess, it would have to do with the type of "know-your-place" society Ming China (when the novel was written) was. Social mobility seems to have been generally low. The literate classes who would consume this kind of literature would be mainly civil servants. If you are a civil servant who lives in a rigid code of social and ceremonial conduct, must bow your head to undeserving superiors your whole day and can become the fall guy for a corruption scheme at any moment, I'd not be surprised if you relished reading a book about men who live by their sword, grab what they want, kill whom they want (especially government officials), and answer to no authority. The characters are just doing what you'd like to do to your boss, the local politician or even your wife(!)

I never said I consider manhua fundamentally different from manga and manhwa. We find pretty good examples of sociopaths in these, too. They are probably an outlet and nothing more, nowadays just as in the past. My only objection to manhua is that their narrative technique is crude and lacks subtlety, probably because it hasn't been perfected over decades like manga, or actively copied and adapted its techniques like manhwa. As Chinese cartoonists practise more, they'll improve.

(Then again, I know you're addressing Narf and not me.)

The real Chinese people are just as capable of compassion, solidarity and working for the common good as anyone else. How could they not be, given that their society hasn't collapsed as it would if it had sociopathic tendencies? Indifference to suffering in big cities is no news anywhere. There are even chronicles in my country narrating just that. You try dressing in poor clothes and faking a heart attack in the middle of a busy street in any big Western city and see how lucky you'll be.
Sep 21, 2018
People should go look at the chapters done by SSSSS and you should see why he and that group deserves to be blocked. Yeah sure no one can force a translator to translate what they want, but deliberately translating random chapters and sniping all over just for fun and trolling is not right either. I would say that guy gets off on the hate his trolling cause so just block him and his group, and ignore them, better that way than to fight and give the mods more headaches.
Sep 22, 2018
Hi !
Many thanks for this new maj, and for everything you've done so far ^_^

Just I don't know if it was already pointed out, but even when blocking a group (e.g. the infamous SSSSS one), their chapters still appear in the "top chapter tab" on the home page... in the end it doesn't bother me that much but I thought for some people it could be troublesome if they want to completely block certain groups ^^

Have a nice day and soon to come weekend to you all :)
Aggregator gang
Mar 5, 2019
@Kendama My understanding of what communism did and correct me if i'm wrong, left generations of people to never really own things, some of the biggest places you can see this as an issues is communal ground in china, or just how trash, and I don't mean just garbage, it's not uncommon to just find something like a bike on the side of a road, rusting because the chain broke. even though china largely isn't communist anymore, the mindset that that instills is strong.

I went on to describe another massive problem, where in china if you show compassion, lets say someone got ran over by a car, and you go to help, you are going to be investigated as the person who did it, and when an ambulance comes you will be stuck with the bill, this has created a society where people will walk past someone dying on the side of the road and not even stop, there are numerous videos of this.

And this is on top of a society that in the past had a one child policy, this lead to quite a bit of... let's use the euphemism of 'fun' with how to deal with a kid that wasn't the sex you wanted, or a society where there are 1.3-1.5 billion people and for quite a large portion of recent history, china was very anti intellectual which also stems from again the recent history of communism.

now to me, if a character just walked past someone stone faced without even looking, who was less than 5 feet away, trying to get help and will die without immediate help, I would only be able to call that person a psychopath/sociopath.
the problem is how do you one up that in china where that reaction is the norm?

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't understand how people get that way, I can easily connect the dots and there are several points where it got bad, probably one of the more disastrous things for china was the post ww2 preparation for ww3, the purging of the intellectuals which lead to anti intellectualism especially among the lower class and the massive population that resulted severely diminishing the value of human life.

But beyond that china has a saying that is a beefed up version of 'buyer beware' which goes along the lines of 'of course they screwed you, you actually believed them that it only cost X, are you stupid' where you are more or less at fault for getting scammed not the person scamming you did anything wrong. the examples I was given of this are old but it goes along the lines of lets say you go on a vacation and its 500$ for 2 days 3 nights, now this is not an unreasonable price, in fact it sounds like a small bit off of what you would expect it to cost so you go for it, you show up for the bus, and now you have to pay 50$ to get on it, oh, and your vacation is non refundable, so now you are in for 500, and pony up 50$ for bus. things are slow, and people need to use the bathroom, so they make a pitstop, its 20$ to use the bathroom. so after that, you go back to the buss, but now you have to pay the 50$ again because they don't consider it the same ride. you get to where you went and you put your stuff down, what they said was not what they sold you, they showed you the room that was fit for 1 person, but they never told you they put temp bunks in the room and sold it to 12 other people, you food is the bare minimum to keep you not starving, and the ride back is 100$ because it's going to be really hard to get a ride back from there without going on the same bus. the numbers are honestly a bit lower then I was told, but it's been so long that I can't give it better, but this was told as a typical scam that people 'fall' for and are not dealt with. this kind of crap is apparently just the norm.

and from here, the only way to make someone worse then what they see as the norm in western countries turns into comically evil sociopath.

I could be wrong, and likely am in some areas of what i'm able to see since most of what I know comes from cctv footage, explanations of what the events are playing out as they are, and people who visited on work visas telling their horror stories and how happy they were to never get injured, along with the state of china described by people who love visiting the old ruins or construction sites that failed and go on to explain in detail the history of why things are the way they are.
Jan 19, 2018
@Yatsuki Well, I agree for the most part. But, even I gotta admit there is one laughable part about what he is doing. Thanks to his efforts, the bot sites are also getting trolled by the releases. Needless to say, the readers there are not happy about it either. I went and looked for laughs. 😆
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