Make it possible to REALLY hide the menu

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 6, 2020
You know how you can "collapse the menu"? Well, there's still that bar with the white arrow that never goes away. I propose we change that. Make it possible to COMPLETELY hide the menu when reading manga, at least for PC users. After all we can still press "t" to reverse it. I don't how easy or possible this would be, but it would be great for people who like to read in double pages.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 26, 2018
I normally leave it on. So imagine that when I misclick and collapse it, and I don't remember the shorcut button I have to go all the trouble to clear the cookies/cache and login again, or have to go to private tabs to learn about the shorcut that I rarely use just to restore it once.

So yeah, I am against it. Unless it is just temporarily hidden, and when you hover at the edge, it appears again then sure, go ahead.
Group Leader
Jan 25, 2020
I’d say maybe have this as an addable setting… but by default make it turned off. Personally, having something that I can’t make NOT hover would bother me more than anything. But I do love this idea.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@Nick_Asano Allowing people to hide it completely creates the problem of "wtf my menu is missing how do I get it back, I don't know what button I pushed"
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 6, 2020
@Plykiya Understandable. which is why (like @Calvitre suggested) we would make it an addable non-default setting. The only bottlenecks now are HOW do we create this program and how do we make this applicable to phones and other devices? @MavB_Ver also makes a good suggestion when suggesting that the bar reappear when hovering over it, similar to a computer taskbar.
Jan 25, 2018
I think it's something worth looking into for the people who want it assuming that the dev time involved wouldn't be to outrageous. I imagine that hiding a UI element wouldn't be too difficult to implement and as long as it wasn't enabled by default shouldn't inconvenience anyone or have too many accidental mishaps with the larger user base. Hopefully someone finds the time to look into it at least.

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