Why people are saying this is axed? There is no message in chapter, this is litteraly what happend in story, he diceded that he will live and survive in this world, what you guys smoking?
Aw yeah baby time to go nuts, I like the idea of an OP main character that's actually aware and willing to use is full power without being and edgy or/and angsty fuck.
I think I will also look for the LN? WN? or whatever and give it a read.
@minngeilo cuz this is where a standard 'promote the LN' series would end. There's like a kajillion series where the MC overcomes the first obstacle/arc/character development/love interest and the publishers go 'end of the manga, go buy the LN' fade to black
this chapter feels like those "middle school syndrome" kids the Japanese always make fun of. All cringy. Why were you holding back? you were, according to those messages the number 1 player. what happened to all your stuff being locked behind a pay wall?(the crystals). All of a sudden you can just use all your stuff? i thought you had already resolved your self to live in this world as said in past chapters. i think i understand better now why this manga is called "the stupid FPS player...."
Was it axed? I feel like the releases were always sporadic and far apart. This last chapter does feel like a hastily made ending though.
The light novel is not so bad, it had a lot of potential what with the core concept being interesting and the world building being ambitious. I feel like a better artist and a more experience author could have made a hit with this. Even with it's flaws I've been following this for since 2017. So I'm pretty much a fan despite all my complaints.