How can you be this dense.
Him having guns or not doesn't change the fact she failed hard.
I could make a very long list. But will refrain no to... Especially since you haven't even adressed any of my previous points!
Not rushed in like a bull....? Dude, she sent half her troops without sending a clone scout or anything in first to check things out... They got completly annihlated and she learnt nothing from it. How can you claim that she is a "tactical genius" when she fails to even to do some of the most basic of tactics?! Gather intel... Oh wait, what is this "we view them as the natural conclusion given what little information she has available". SHE HAS NO INTEL AND SHE STILL SENT HALF HER TROOP BECAUSE SHE UNDERESTIMATED HIM!
How can you not understand that THIS IS a shitty tactical move?!
Her mentor warned her, she still couldn't see past her HUBRIS (this is a real word, a real concept, and a real fallacy and downfall), and lost HALF HER TROOPS WHILE GAINING NOTHING!
And she should have already here guessed that the wind-shield was ineffective, and not get completly suprised when her rat friend died like nothing. That they had died so easily should already there be a red flagg.
Unless one could claim that her troops didn't posses the ability to create wind-shields.
But that makes it even more stupid because how did she expect to do generate anything with her troops when they can't even defend themselves?
Forget guns, they have no armour, no wind- or regular sheilds.. How could this shit unit even withstand arrows? Adress please!
She got completly suprised when the wind-shield didn't have any effect and killed her rat friend. Meaning that the wind-shield magic hadn't been used up until that point!
So choose, and adress this one!
Did she fail to properly equip her troops?
Or did she not utilize their full potential in order to gather intel about the "iron pipes" abilites?
Either way, this is a major blunder. Guns or no guns!