This whole thing leaves me baffled in so many aspects... Like, the font choice is awful, but the dude put in the effort to change the font for when the characters are shouting (but both times they are different fonts??). They also went through the effort of translating some minor dialogues that they could've just as easily ignored... but didn't translate others.
And they even put in the effort to clean the panels and redraw when necessary, but they used really weird techniques in each instance, like fucking up the reflection of the teacup or the BG and Werner's shoulder in page 24. Yet they put in the effort of coloring it with screentones instead of the pure color.
Page 23 really blew my mind. In that page they did a pretty decent job redrawing the bloodstained floor - just to use RAINBOW font there.
All in all, I think they focused on the wrong things while neglecting the more important ones, like typesetting and grammar. I'd be really happy if another group took up translating this series, but this is not it.