Maria no Danzai - Ch. 29 - The Mansion of Terror

Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
Nah, the sec I saw that arrow pierce his eye, I thought to myself: "holy fuck, we've entered Jojo territories of pain 😰"
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2018
She's really getting ready to danzai. That's crazy.

Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2019
Brrrruuuhhhh. I can not wait for this series to be picked up for an anime mini-series lol. You know they're gonna animate him removing his eye all slow and detailed to fill up time lol.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2023
God, fuck this "don't you dare hurt my nakama!!!" gyaruo NTR character moron. I don't wanna see him die just like that, I want Maria to make him realize that all his friends just hang out with him because he gets them stuff and he's the only one stupid enough to think their time together meant anything. I want him to die knowing none of his friendships are real and not one of his friends ever valued his life in any way.
Maybe that's what the last page was trying to convey, or at least scratching the surface. Knowing how cruel and twisted Okaya is and how he has dropped any sense of care and concern for the two 'friends' who have disappeared already, he should know by now that in his eyes, those two have 'spent their usefulness', and whether they're alive or dead, he has cut them off from his life without any remorse.

The last page showed that even with how ridiculously strong and brutal the dumbass is that his physical characteristics can be a valuable asset to Okaya, once he was put in the same position as all his other victims, he finally sees his true colors, at least manifested in someone else who's approaching them with the same level of cold malice as he has. He has spent his 'usefulness' to Okaya and is now disposing him, and to make sure his connection to him is really 'cut off', he'll sever as many pieces as possible to get the message across.
Apr 10, 2023
Why are we acting like the logic and limitations of real life can be applied to a manga? The bully should have been dead, but he isn't cause the story requires him to suffer. Maria being a professional killer within two years isn't that strange in a fictional world.
Because this is a vaguely grounded story, and we're expending a lot of energy to accept the fact that a mother isn't just motivated to kill to avenge her son, but is also actively getting away with it. There does comes point where the story is too ridiculous, you know. Just because Star Wars is about magical Space Wizards doesn't mean you wouldn't ask questions the moment a big lipped alligator shows up to do a song and dance bit.

Well, you know that this dude is a dumbass and is not the type to analyse anything for possible traps.
Also, Maria has been luring him into all of these traps, so I'd say it would be weird if he suddenly got super smart and avoided all the traps. Wouldn't ya agree?
No, I mean that they literally work. You ever made a Rube Goldberg machine? They fail at the best of times. Rigging up an entire house with traps that don't occasionally dud out, on top of everything else, is pushing it.

She's really getting ready to danzai. That's crazy.

I want what he's having.
Group Leader
Feb 9, 2024
No, I mean that they literally work. You ever made a Rube Goldberg machine? They fail at the best of times. Rigging up an entire house with traps that don't occasionally dud out, on top of everything else, is pushing it.
Well, what if Maria was practicing how to make the traps to make them as reliable as they can be? That is also an option, considering we don't exactly know what happened in the time-skip.
May 1, 2024
The police aren't able to find out why these students go missing when their teacher just so happens to have bought a small militia's worth of explosives and weaponry
Active member
Nov 6, 2019
I don't think he should be able to lift his arms after being shot in both shoulders with a crossbow lmao.. let alone basically walking away unharmed from an explosive
Apr 10, 2023
Well, what if Maria was practicing how to make the traps to make them as reliable as they can be? That is also an option, considering we don't exactly know what happened in the time-skip.
She'd have to practice making traps at the manor, since there's no generalized "improvised trap making" strategy by definition. And there would be obvious signs of bomb testing. Look, this whole thing's just a stretch. Just saying "Well what if she prepared?" just pushes the problem somewhere else.
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
Why are we acting like the logic and limitations of real life can be applied to a manga? The bully should have been dead, but he isn't cause the story requires him to suffer. Maria being a professional killer within two years isn't that strange in a fictional world.
Of course, but it's weird when a story tries to first adhere to normal logic, but then throws it all overboard and goes with whatever that is, was all I'm saying 🫡

Obviously in the end its just a fictional story
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2020
Who are we kidding? Are we really surprised he was alive after ALL he has been through? And I'm sure next chapter he will still be alive.
Apr 25, 2019
wth, thats some superhuman shit. did he not feel pain? he got electrified in the eyes and still manage to pull that out? i dont know anymore
Apr 25, 2019
Of course, but it's weird when a story tries to first adhere to normal logic, but then throws it all overboard and goes with whatever that is, was all I'm saying 🫡

Obviously in the end its just a fictional story
of course, LOL! ok lets start writing and put everything i can think of even if goes against the logic of real life. lets say luffy can teleport now to another world or ichigo of bleach can 1 hit the universe now.
Active member
Mar 13, 2023
Yeah, no. The story's made it clear she blew the principal once to get her position, then lead him on for a while after that. These are all oddly specific things to have worked on in the first place. And even if she somehow specifically practiced to, among other things, make bombs and electrified harpoons, that's still weeks of prep, and WAY too much money for a single home. The best case scenario here is she specifically planned this over a year ago, then spent all her time off-screen fine-tuning everything. The worse is she came up with this recently, then just magically put it all together. There's only so much contrivance I'm willing to put up with.

The drowning trap? That was plausible. A hose, some silicone, a combination lock, and a rusty saw. That's not hard to. The difficult thing was getting the boy there. But that's not exactly hard to do either.
That's the same thing i thought when i finished to read this chapter. The others executions are really more plausible and easy to do, but this house full of complex traps is bullshit.
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
of course, LOL! ok lets start writing and put everything i can think of even if goes against the logic of real life. lets say luffy can teleport now to another world or ichigo of bleach can 1 hit the universe now.
Don't do drugs kids 😶

All I was referring to is the story not being centered in some fantasy setting, nor inside a Sci-fi setting, instead just some normal functioning world, with her somehow being the exception including the people she's entangled with.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2019
Because this is a vaguely grounded story, and we're expending a lot of energy to accept the fact that a mother isn't just motivated to kill to avenge her son, but is also actively getting away with it. There does comes point where the story is too ridiculous, you know. Just because Star Wars is about magical Space Wizards doesn't mean you wouldn't ask questions the moment a big lipped alligator shows up to do a song and dance bit.
Okay, but nothing in the story has even come close to a "big lipped alligator moment". Maria getting away with her kills in a revenge manga isn't really ridiculous.

Of course, but it's weird when a story tries to first adhere to normal logic, but then throws it all overboard and goes with whatever that is, was all I'm saying 🫡

Obviously in the end its just a fictional story
The story never really followed normal logic. The first chapter has Maria's son jumping off a cliff and he somehow survives until the truck kills him.
Feb 25, 2023
some people are complaining that things are going her way but honestly it’s refreshing to see a story where the revenge goes smoothly, I’m tired of asspulls in the villain’s favor, let revenge have the last laugh.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2024
Ah Maria has prepared well and adrenaline is keeping dumb victim going. Hoping the next chapter brings this to a closes so we can move forward to the ultimate confrontation: her husband after she's done.

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