Meguro-san wa Hajimete ja Nai

Apr 5, 2024
TLDR: It is a really sweet series about two people who struggle with relationships slowly learning how to love each other and be confident in and with themselves. The story also follows a lot of "different" types of relationships and people and the struggles that come with. Good series, worth a read.

Hey ya'll, just caught up to the series(72 at the time of writing) in a single sitting, and not gonna lie, I have no idea what this comment section is. I swear to god the people yelling about her being a slut(kinda but not really) or trying to claim this is some ntr shit haven't read the series. That or they read the first couple chapters and then stopped. I will say that this series is, for the most part, incredibly wholesome. It is literally about a broken girl and awkward guy learning to not only go after what they want, but also learning how to love. Did the FMC make mistakes in the past, yeah, but the story also very clearly shows that she was kinda manipulated into thinking what she was doing was normal by the first person she was with. There are moments during these flashback scenes where you can see that she isn't necessarily the most comfortable or complete agree with this guys ideas, but goes along with them because she "loves" him, and even that "love" is very skewed. The main character then comes in and slowly teaches her that these ideas aren't necessarily true and that, basically, her view of love/relationships had been incredibly warped. I will also say that the story very rarely focuses directly on her backstory, and it's used more as flavor text than anything else. Literally the majority of chapters are just the two of them in a lovey-dovey relationship to the point where I could describe it as being sickeningly wholesome.

Now with all that said, the series, in my eyes, gets kinda tainted when they start bringing in some of the side characters in later chapters(~50+). The story during these sections becomes far less about the two MCs and more about the other side characters and their, frankly, damaged personalities and relationships. The one I personally hate the most is the FMCs best friend. It was an incredibly difficult set of chapters to read and made me really not like her as a person and feel really bad for the guy she is with. The weirdest part is that at around this time the series really focuses on this idea of these people being incapable of feeling/understanding love. Like, literally 4 out of 5 of these side characters have a variation of this very problem. Hell you could even say the FMC had this as well until the MC came along. The only thing is that I feel like the author doesn't fully believe this and is setting these characters up to eventually fall in love/find healthy relationships, much like the FMC, but it's too early to know. Regardless, if you're anything like me, just know that the later chapters are probably going to upset you to a certain degree. I will state though that these arcs have mostly lukewarm/bittersweet endings and never truly end on a depressing note; but they are none the less upsetting.

Another thing is these latest couple chapters have me a bit spooked. I get the feeling they are setting stuff up for some kind of misunderstanding or old feelings temporarily resurfacing to occur. I wouldn't call it anything ntr related, but definitely giving me uh-oh kinda vibes. I don't think this will be the case given everything in the story thus far, but the shit being setup is definitely being done to create potential conflict between the MC and FMC. I hope I am wrong and it doesn't; and we just get more wholesome shit, because I definitely feel that this is where both the author and the series excel in.
yeah... well, about the last part... a storm is coming and i don't think many people will like it...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
The earlier comments of this thread did not age well after the latest arc at chaps 70+
Nov 8, 2023
I really wish there was an easy ignore manga button.

For those that wonder, no the chick was not in some serious past relationships she simply lets people bang her if they ask her. Just wanted to make that clear because most people her make it sound as if she just had an ex boyfriend or two.

Feel free to read it of course but I feel like one should be clear about what exactly is going on.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 28, 2020
75 chapters in and I don't even remember some of the stuff that happened especially early chapters (and no I don't think the plot of this is worth it to binge reread). Focus was lost from the MC and instead on the side characters of female MC past Ch 40 if I recall. Now with the current arc it just feels weird that MC setup his GF (female MC) with their EX. Might be time for me to drop this.
Aug 23, 2019
As I said on the latest chapter:
I'm more amazed by the fact NONE of you saw the "writing on the wall" for the last what? 60 chapters? I'm not event talking about 30.5, this shit have had red flags of bullshit since chapter fucking one, just came back to read the comments and is pure gold. And it was not a lack of warning, a lot of people said that this was going to be a shitshow and got called incels... welp "you get what fucking deserve" I guess...
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2024
I’m really disappointed with this Author. All that has happened throughout the story went wasted. There has been ups and downs through the manga but not sure what happened but the writing became so bad all the way towards the end. Especially from late chapter 60s. What a way to throw all that development away.
Jul 22, 2024
She don't deserve Bro at all she should have stayed a whore tbh. But that just my opinion because I hate whores
Jan 28, 2024
yeah... well, about the last part... a storm is coming and i don't think many people will like it...
Right, Chap 76 as of writing this, and I came here to know what people would think of the recent developpements. Apparently the whole comment section is filled with brainrot and bad takes, so I won't bother with early entries.
I mostly agree with Truesalt, in the general sense, but the last couple chapters don't compute for me. I don't care about the FMC's body count or the "wimpy" personality of the MC, and the premice doesn't bother me. I also appreciate the side characters having their own takes and outlooks on things, while I agree that there are too many outliers that are "irregulars" on their view of love and relationships. To each their own, but it feels kinda forced to have this many of them gathered in the same friend group. To the issue at hand:
The last two chapters are an antithesis of the whole progress we've had up to now. Ending the relationship is a robotic way to look at things, if she really is in love with the guy, then it won't stop her from thinking about him and having feelings, and yeah, you could have them see each other less because they want to focus on their stydies or whatever, but don't break up over it???
I mean, it feels like she's still detached if she thinks that way, if you can just shut them out of your mind completely then were you even in love with them in the first place? Everyone just agreeing in chap 76 is also straight up moronic. It feels like the author really want to justify his choice, and therefore have all characters vindicate it.
The MC should be heartbroken, and the FMC should be made to realise that her actions are hurtful to him, and from there having communication and therefore progress (both narrative and in the relationship). But no, all characters are robots now, I guess. It feels like the MC has been influenced by her and now rationalyse the result instead of having an emotional response. In the end it feels tone deaf. Also, the FMC's former first love should have stayed a flashback only character. It's obvious the author brought him back up just to stir shit up with the readers, even if nothing ends up happening.
I'm not saying everything should be smooth sailing all the time, but you can't have them being, yeah, we're happy and growing and learning alongside each other, but then there's this thing I want to do so let's break up but we're totally still in love and I'll wait for you forever and all that bullshit. That's not how relationship work, it's not believable. What next? We're happily married and have a kid but I want to focus on my career so let's divorce, but I still love you btw?
With her being tutored by her ex still, the shitstorm of comments on the way is only gonna get worse. It should have stayed focused on the growing up part and the relationship and maybe also leaning more on the sex side of things. Her being experienced feels like a meaningless point in her backstory if it's not touched upon in the present. MC going slow and insecure is par of the course with the archetype he's written within, but then it's up to the FMC to move things along at least in this aspect of their relationship.
I don't think we're set up for ntr, at least. I don't think the author has what it takes to write shit like this. But the tension we have now is also not good, being ruined by the characters all being robots. My guess: we're gonna have a mirror setting to that of the beginning, where she's entering uni, being "single", having her reputation of being easy, and being pursued by guys, but this time around she's gonna turn them down. We'll see...
Aggregator gang
May 12, 2019
Manga starts with kinda interesting premise but ends flat and is just another "blue-ball-the-series", honestly it leaves a very bad taste in my mouth 6/10 overall score, now excuse me I'm going to treat myself with reading a fluffy romance as a palette cleanser
Jun 22, 2024
This is totally disappointing, but very accurate. Captain save-a-ho always loses. Whenever you meet a girl, and think "I can save/fix her", don't. The first thing she will realize is that she can do better, every time.
Feb 19, 2019
Seems like she realized the only way she could focus on studying was to end the relationship (seems silly, but whatever). It's heavily implied that they'll get back together later on. Maybe once she passes her tests, maybe after she gets into university, or maybe a much larger time jump. Seen a few of those on this site. That would signal the wrap-up.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 3, 2024
Reading portoguese comments regarding the ending makes me think of the say "all good things come to those who wait", EXCEPT in this case is "some bad things can be avoided by those who wait", thank you past me for not trusting this Mangaka.

I think the premise was a good idea that could break away from tropes about purity in Manga....except, it ended up being a gimmick.

I wish more writers understood this: is more interesting and believable if you can write about the consequences of flying cars on a world, than just feature flying cars.

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