Meguro-san wa Hajimete ja Nai

Aggregator gang
Apr 17, 2020
This manga honestly has one of the best romance plots that I've ever read, however, people that don't like the idea of how Meguro's gone through past relationships that only involved sex, giving this godsend manga a one star immediately.
Our protagonist, Koga, helps Meguro learn what an actual real relationship is, as she's gone through relationships that only consisted of sex, rendering her to believe that's what a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship is. He's a genuinely good guy, but he's stubborn and a crybaby.
Jul 10, 2019
I always knew the fan base is filled with low life people who can't even let a girl live out of free will. Yet these are the same people who rate 10 on every Harem Manga. Jeez the whole "pure women" and "control over the other gender". Culture needs to stop. Grow the fucc up boys.

I say even if the girl wants to have sex with multiple people then it's her choice. You can't slut shame people man. Specifically because you are all gonna die virgins like seriously
Oct 15, 2020
The guy is too wimpy and the girl is too boring. Not my cup of tea. Maybe this genre just isn't for me.
Nov 9, 2020
That's why our elders say that "it's not good to have sex before marriage." (Now anyone who don't agree with me just don't curse me)
Sep 25, 2020
How so? Did the girl in the manga sound like she was less of a complex human being cause she had sex before wedlock? I personally find it ludicrous; its a personal choice that stems from your character traits, background, and willingness to try new things not some kind of deprecating curse. Its not good to restrict people's freedom of action cause you disagree with their choices.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 15, 2018
I might be wrong about that, but to me it feels like this manga is written by a woman. While in itself, it's not a problem, in the case of a shounen manga, there's one for me here: I can't relate to the main character at all. He feels "false", for a lack of a more appropriate word, like he is written by someone who doesn't know how a teenage boy would act and react. And, yeah, in the case of a shounen, that's a pretty blunt error.

I've tried to read it, but I can't go further than 10 chapters, it feels too artificial for me, or too forced maybe.
Apr 21, 2020
IMO I give 0 fucks about her past if she fucks, she fucks whoever the fuck she wants. what i care about is an interesting story but the "i need to study" arc is getting extremely boring
May 24, 2020
Imo it doesn’t really matter about if she’s a virgin or not as long as I’m the only one fucking you while we’re together then there’s no problem and it’s not like her past boyfriends gon come and beat my ass

Unless she got like 10+ bodies then ima have to pass
Sep 25, 2020
@Yousuckgoof bro 10+ bodies is baby bitch game if you take in account one night stands in college, i know a girl whos probably gonna hit the triple digits soon enough
Aggregator gang
May 11, 2020
i guess this is too much to be shounen, considering the demographic can't jack off to their waifu cuz she is not 'pure' anymore lmao. but i don't judge, i also like that when i was a kid.
May 24, 2020
I’m only in 10th grade so 10 bodies is heavy asf 10 is honestly pushing it college bitches is diffrent if yo shit over 20 in college I can’t bag you simple. @onrainydays
Sep 25, 2020
@yousuckgoof People are attracted differently by the idea and more or less free-spirited though, by the end of highschool Id gotten down with ten different girls, but I know folks whod be notorious for not doing anyone even though they clearly could and guys who were p much manwhores
It really depends on what kind of person you grow up to be, its not even about putting thought into it or putting value in yourself either
Dec 24, 2019
holy fuck she let every dude fuck her at the first date and now this chucklord is dating her like for over a year and didnt even get to second base
May 24, 2020
No kap spittin straight facts I honestly don’t wanna be a manwhore I’d rather get a girlfriend and just have one pussy to myself rather than getting leftovers from 5 diffrent niggas kuz as long as I do my job right as a bf she ain’t gon cheat @onrainydays
Sep 25, 2020
@yousuckgoof Bro let me tell you rn your girl existed before you were there and will be there after you're gone, whether she got down with one, two, five, ten guys only affects how she behaves right. that's something you can judge separately from her past bfs
what im saying is dont care too much about that, i mean especially in the 10th grade where everyones kinda finding out what they really like
true on that last part though
May 24, 2020
@onrainydays you wise asf ima call you shishou but I never gave af about bitches in the first place that’s only if I want sum pussy just gon kill two birds with one stone the only thing I care about is money so I can just laze around in my free time

And I think of it like this “ I don’t care about any of the people in this world if I haven’t met them like the people dying everyday so I don’t really care about who she was in the past kuz I don’t know her nor do I care”
Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2020
Again why does a manga like this have almost 600 comments, NTR lovers from and are probably laughing at this comment section, to anyone here who's crying about her fucking another guy BEFORE Koga you honestly should be happy, at least you haven't seen the opposite of this plot where they actually show the fucking. If you want to question people saying how Meguro isn't a slut, I want you to go incognito and type in the search bar 'nhentai Neotare' then click the first link and go read some from the most popular THEN come back here and compare the two, then you'll finally stop whining about how Meguro is a slut and how Koga is a cuck, because they are the furthest thing from it :)
Aug 15, 2020
Too much slice of life, not enough story, almost every chapter is the same. Female lead is boring af and like a brainless doll. The male lead is a simp🙄

The female lead slept with EVERY guy who asked her and somehow the entire school stays silent about It. The prettiest girl in school is also the biggest slut, but somehow no girl bullies her, no guys who try to hook up with her. After she went into a relationship with our main character the entire school pretended that her past didn't exist. Does that sound realistic to you? Do teenagers, even in manga, behave that way?

To sum this manga up, in the first chapter MC confesses to FMC, she accepts as always but tells him about how she slept with everyone. He still wants to be her boyfriend. After that it's never mentioned again and she slowly falls for him. Every chapter is about cute moments between them.

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