Meme Girls - Ch. 37 - iPhone & Android

Jun 11, 2018
I thought people wanted thin phones, so Android-chan and iPhone-chan is suprisingly thick.
Not that I mind...
Active member
Jan 5, 2019
This is why PC is master race: those thighs

...What do you mean that's completely different?
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2018
The way microtransaction based mobile games treat you, what these 2 phone-girls are saying is totally true. More and more games lately are like "Whale, or get out" and are so obviously pay to win (some even as far as pay to play more than 15 minutes at a time) that I honestly feel like gacha and microtransaction based "free" to play mobile "games" are leading to the decline of gaming.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
Unfortunately micro transaction are not limited to mobile games anymore.
It seems to become a standard even for PC games.

Truly the whole game industry has gone done the drain.
It is now:
1. Pay to get a half-finished bug-ridden product.
2. Pay for updates / patches to get "additional content" - namely the bug fixes and the 2nd half of the product that should have already been available on the original version of product.
3. What? After just paying for the product and for the "additional content" you expect to be able to rank in the top? No way in hell! At least fork out another 500 bucks for exclusive content only obtainable via micro transactions.

In other words:
Pay at least 10 times of the money that the game in its final version with ALL content available would have cost like 10 years ago or earlier in a comparable situation.
--> See Warcraft 3 (Reforged) back then and now for example.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2018
Yeah, I noticed this about lots of AAA games recently. I always wind up feeling foolish unless I wait 3-4 years to play, cause that's when the port/final upgraded version/goty edition with expansions will be available for about $10. And even if games on release are a bad deal, there are plenty of people who gobble it up and aggressively reject any criticism of the practice, or suggestion that they should be getting a better deal, so obviously it'll keep going. >_<; Honestly, I feel like indie games are a much better deal right now. Most of my favorite games of the past few years-- Stardew Valley, Bastion, Undertale, Magical Diaries have all been "smaller" titles. But the level of completion still somehow feels higher than stuff coming out of Squeenix, Bethesda, etc.

It's also probably going to lead to the decline of a lot of people's sanity. Lots of little kids these days are raised by their phones and tablets. That's not great by itself but the fact that SO many games are centered around gambling mechanics and specifically designed to be addictive is going to be super damaging to their mental development.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
The only thing worth spending 1000 bucks on is porn of these two.
Jun 26, 2018
Same here. Except for Magical Diaries which I don't know it's basically the same list for me plus VA-11 Hall-A. The only thing I have my eyes on this year is Cyberpunk 2077. Sometimes I feel like I need to look for another hobby.

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