Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusenmochi Datta node, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei toshite Jiyuu ni Ikitai - Vol. 8 Ch. 40.1

Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
So, I'm going to try to be less "wall of text" here. Wish me luck...

His existence is suspicious.
Firstly, they likely have to scan him to attempt to identify him, like reading a license plate but with more than a paragraph of text.
Then they notice that the ship doesn't match literally anything known to be manufactured, and this is coming from a location that specializes in manufacturing, so they would certainly know this.
This would cause them to run a more detailed scan. Is it an enemy ship as-of-yet unseen? It certainly isn't a friendly prototype or they would have some information on it.
Additionally someone would have broadcast information that an as-of-yet unknown ship has been spotted, causing anyone with interest in engineering to come and join in, which, as mentioned previously, is literally everyone in the region.

Basically, in real world equivalent, he is flying an unknown, virtually unidentified ship (and likely unannounced) through the airspace of the manufacturing plant for various mercenaries and governments.
I would call that "sus af".
Its rare not unknown, so its in their records, just they haven't seen one in person. they also know of him as part of the interest was his achievements. So he isn't unknown, and they clearly were able to pull up info with the ID, so they knew who he was and affiliation. As for showing up unannounced, That is almost certainly the norm, they are both manufacturing and retailer, customers come all the time.
Scanning the ID which is broadcast is also very different from scanning the ship.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Its rare not unknown, so its in their records, just they haven't seen one in person. they also know of him as part of the interest was his achievements. So he isn't unknown, and they clearly were able to pull up info with the ID, so they knew who he was and affiliation. As for showing up unannounced, That is almost certainly the norm, they are both manufacturing and retailer, customers come all the time.
Scanning the ID which is broadcast is also very different from scanning the ship.
You'll have to forgive me. I haven't read the source material so I am much less knowledgeable than someone who has. All of the information I have is from the manga that has been published (and translated) thus far, and from my memory (which is diagnosed below average).
I seem to recall that because was Isekai-ed he has a ship that was created outside of this universes authorities (obviously not by his universe of origin, but from a game, if I recall correctly). If that is true then either his entire ship is "of a unique design" (and potentially technology, though not necessarily "more advanced", just different), or some aspects of his ship (such as weapons technology, which another user has "spoiler"-ed is unique, again if I recall this very thread correctly) are unique.
They don't know him, they may have "heard of" him, but that would also make him more interesting. If they have his ID it's mostly likely through scanning him; while it certainly is possible that they all constantly broadcast who and what they are, scanning would be a way to confirm that information.
As for the last sentence, yes, many people show up unannounced (although I was actually wrong on this point as they called ahead) however if your long range sensors "sense" a ping suggesting a ship has appeared from FTL someone is going to investigate it, leading to the line of events I listed.

There is only one problem with my line of reasoning. You may be aware of information that I am not (i.e. from the source material), otherwise all either of us have is purely speculation. Current humans are absolutely nowhere near the technology required for the technology required for the technology they have in this manga and therefore we can only speculate about it and the legality around it (except, even then, in this very chapter, he is explicitly told that, while the ones scanning him are clearly being a nuisance, they are legally allowed to do it).

So, are you a reader of the source material?
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2023
So, I'm going to try to be less "wall of text" here. Wish me luck...

His existence is suspicious.
Firstly, they likely have to scan him to attempt to identify him, like reading a license plate but with more than a paragraph of text.
Then they notice that the ship doesn't match literally anything known to be manufactured, and this is coming from a location that specializes in manufacturing, so they would certainly know this.
This would cause them to run a more detailed scan. Is it an enemy ship as-of-yet unseen? It certainly isn't a friendly prototype or they would have some information on it.
Additionally someone would have broadcast information that an as-of-yet unknown ship has been spotted, causing anyone with interest in engineering to come and join in, which, as mentioned previously, is literally everyone in the region.

Basically, in real world equivalent, he is flying an unknown, virtually unidentified ship (and likely unannounced) through the airspace of the manufacturing plant for various mercenaries and governments.
I would call that "sus af".
That's like saying that "you" need to write down the information of every car you see. They're not security or law enforcement. So, they don't "have to" scan a lone ship that visits the star system.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
That's like saying that "you" need to write down the information of every car you see. They're not security or law enforcement. So, they don't "have to" scan a lone ship that visits the star system.
You are assuming that a "scan" is like "writing down" the information. If ever we have the technology to remotely acquire information on objects (especially in space) it will be utilized the same as "simply looking at" a car today.
If we ever get the technology to have independently owned space craft that can travel between solar systems, they will be capable of moving at speeds and vectors and at distances that would make getting ANY identifiable information impossible. You would have to use computer tracked scanning technology. The sole exception is if everyone irrevocably radio (or equivalent long distances technology) transmits satisfactory identifying information constantly (like every time one transmission ends, within a few minutes at most, another one begins).
Why? Because ships would be appearing and disappearing at random within the solar system constantly. The only way to identify (or even re-identify, in the case you leave visual and/or sensor range) would be the scanning or reading of (what you can only hope is) a reliable transmission of identification.

These are not motor vehicles traveling on predefined paths (called roads), not even airplanes traveling on (mostly) predetermined flight paths. These are interstellar space craft that can travel 360 by 360 by 360 at any orientation at varying speeds between anywhere under the speed of light and over it.
To assume that "security" or "law enforcement" would be able to be present in any way beyond general long distance "full system" scans, and then reactionary travel to the location of emergency is like assuming that anyone driving on Earth will be caught by law enforcement immediately, regardless of where they are or whether a law enforcement vehicle is currently within immediate visual range of them. In other words, impossible, impractical and insane.

No. In an environment where individuals can own and operate interstellar ships (heck, even in an environment where different nations or plane and simple different interest groups can own and operate interstellar ships) it would most likely be required to scan and identify nearby ships, if only so they can automatically be reported to a central intelligence authority.
In these situations, if you were to rely on the "good will" of those around you or the immediate response of local authorities, you would be dead. Unless you had immediately accessable escape pods with shielding and/or armor better than the ship that was just attacked (or crashed into)... and, let's be honest, if you did then why wouldn't you use that shielding/armor for the ship? ... then ANY emergency that permanently disabled your ship would kill you. You can't "pull over and wait by the 'side of the road' in space"...

The only point I will concede is that they don't have to scan "in detail" every ship. A brief "identifying" scan would be enough, and it would only need to be done by those who are along the vector of the ship originally. I.e. not "every ship in the area coming to do a full structural scan." However, even then if my understanding of the very premise of the manga: that he Isekai-ed into a universe with the equipment he had in a game, but that (most importantly) IS NOT THE UNIVERSE OF THE GAME, then he literally has a ship that is unique to this universe. He is in a solar system that is known for manufacturing and design of ships with something unique. Of course he is going to be harassed with scans trying to understand (and probably rip off) the unknown designs of his ship.
And, if I don't understand the very premise of the manga, everything written before "The only point I concede..." still stands.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2023
You are assuming that a "scan" is like "writing down" the information. If ever we have the technology to remotely acquire information on objects (especially in space) it will be utilized the same as "simply looking at" a car today.
I only read these first two sentences.

A "scan" is the thorough inspection of an object and "writing down" all information related to it. People with dubious intentions would benefit more from this than anyone else.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I only read these first two sentences.

A "scan" is the thorough inspection of an object and "writing down" all information related to it. People with dubious intentions would benefit more from this than anyone else.
You are making an illogical, irrational and just plain wrong assumption. And since you ignored everything I said that proves or provides evidence of this I won't bother replying further.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
You'll have to forgive me. I haven't read the source material so I am much less knowledgeable than someone who has. All of the information I have is from the manga that has been published (and translated) thus far, and from my memory (which is diagnosed below average).
I seem to recall that because was Isekai-ed he has a ship that was created outside of this universes authorities (obviously not by his universe of origin, but from a game, if I recall correctly). If that is true then either his entire ship is "of a unique design" (and potentially technology, though not necessarily "more advanced", just different), or some aspects of his ship (such as weapons technology, which another user has "spoiler"-ed is unique, again if I recall this very thread correctly) are unique.
They don't know him, they may have "heard of" him, but that would also make him more interesting. If they have his ID it's mostly likely through scanning him; while it certainly is possible that they all constantly broadcast who and what they are, scanning would be a way to confirm that information.
As for the last sentence, yes, many people show up unannounced (although I was actually wrong on this point as they called ahead) however if your long range sensors "sense" a ping suggesting a ship has appeared from FTL someone is going to investigate it, leading to the line of events I listed.

There is only one problem with my line of reasoning. You may be aware of information that I am not (i.e. from the source material), otherwise all either of us have is purely speculation. Current humans are absolutely nowhere near the technology required for the technology required for the technology they have in this manga and therefore we can only speculate about it and the legality around it (except, even then, in this very chapter, he is explicitly told that, while the ones scanning him are clearly being a nuisance, they are legally allowed to do it).

So, are you a reader of the source material?
I do not read the novel, I am a manga reader like you. I just bother to actually read what we are told.
So first off, no the ship is not custom, or well not unique custom. The game he played he was basically sucked into and it became a real universe. All the ships in the game that you could buy have been one to one with ships he has encountered, like the elf's ship that he knew its weakness and flaw because it was a ship in game. The one he is using is rare, but does exist in that world, it is customized, but only within the limits of what you could customize in game, no different than what this retailer is talking about of the ship they are about to buy having options.
As for the ID, no you are very very wrong. Ships broadcast their IDs as they have said repeatedly, so you simply need to have a receiver open to receive the info they are sending. Vs scanning is you probing them with a signal or wave and forcibly taking detailed information. A example is reading someone's nametag for their name, vs putting them through a xray machine.
As for someone is going to investigate, yeah, the station itself, or your law enforcement will, not thousands of civilian vessels.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
I do not read the novel, I am a manga reader like you. I just bother to actually read what we are told.
So first off, no the ship is not custom, or well not unique custom. The game he played he was basically sucked into and it became a real universe. All the ships in the game that you could buy have been one to one with ships he has encountered, like the elf's ship that he knew its weakness and flaw because it was a ship in game. The one he is using is rare, but does exist in that world, it is customized, but only within the limits of what you could customize in game, no different than what this retailer is talking about of the ship they are about to buy having options.
As for the ID, no you are very very wrong. Ships broadcast their IDs as they have said repeatedly, so you simply need to have a receiver open to receive the info they are sending. Vs scanning is you probing them with a signal or wave and forcibly taking detailed information. A example is reading someone's nametag for their name, vs putting them through a xray machine.
As for someone is going to investigate, yeah, the station itself, or your law enforcement will, not thousands of civilian vessels.
Ok. I concede that I misremembered information previously given. But, on the other hand I am effectively reading between 25 and 100 different mangas... So...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
Ok. I concede that I misremembered information previously given. But, on the other hand I am effectively reading between 25 and 100 different mangas... So...
That excuse doesn't work on people reading over ten times that number who did remember.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2019
if you read this reply on page 4, scroll up and you will see how tall they are supposed to be (while not really accurate since the artist kinda botched the art) in the novel. But in general, they are supposed to be as tall as elementary school kid. The manga tries to make them look older, middle schooler at least.
I know I don't have much artistic sense. But I'm surprised you guys can see the drawings and say "hmm the LN looks like an elementary students, while the manga looks like middle schooler".

I honestly can't tell haha. Maybe because I'm Asian, and irl around me, the height between kids and adults aren't that drastic.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
That excuse doesn't work on people reading over ten times that number who did remember.
Ok. Two things. One, I just checked, a grand total of 1342 manga are in my "reading" library. I sincerely doubt that they are all being actively updated, and my "sense of it" is that only one tenth of that is. No, I am not going to bother to count the different manga updated in the past month via "updates".
Two, I have been diagnosed with a mental disability, which includes a memory deficiency, since the seventh grade.

Yes, I should have actively looked up what I was talking about. Yes, it was actively stupid of me to not do so. No, you flaunting that is not an appropriate reaction or response.

Additionally, what I said was only incorrect in the very specific case of what has already been specifically stated in this manga. In other similarly science fiction interstellar examples, such as Elite Dangerous, my examples stand.
"Scanning" is not solely the very specific type of "scanning" presented in this chapter. It constitutes any instance of using "sensors" to "collect" information from something "at a distance". The form of "scanning" (that I do agree is harassment, but is very clearly not illegal, and is stated and acted upon as such in this chapter) that they were doing is a longer an more detailed "scanning" to acquire more detailed information than what a simple "sensors sweep" gets.
Additionally, the military and mercenaries are NOT law enforcement. That I would be the equivalent of police officers, and the military goes far beyond that (but is still used against things like pirates that are a clear and present danger to everyone and warrants and military response). Unless the judicial has been removed in favor of pure military in this universe; death first, trial later (if ever) then.
And with the presence of mercenaries, yes, random "non-law enforcement" ships would show up for random and hostile ships. The mercenaries are NOT law enforcement. That would be, at worst the military, and at best the police force. Mercenaries are a third party. Or are you saying that the manga puts them as Government Jobs? What page of what chapter explicitly states them as such?

I will refrain from explaining the idiocy and inefficiency of using radio broadcasting as the sole source of identification, but only because I am on a phone and don't want to work with the number of tabs to research GPS and other methods of determining the exact origin of a radio broadcast.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
Ok. Two things. One, I just checked, a grand total of 1342 manga are in my "reading" library. I sincerely doubt that they are all being actively updated, and my "sense of it" is that only one tenth of that is. No, I am not going to bother to count the different manga updated in the past month via "updates".
Two, I have been diagnosed with a mental disability, which includes a memory deficiency, since the seventh grade.

Yes, I should have actively looked up what I was talking about. Yes, it was actively stupid of me to not do so. No, you flaunting that is not an appropriate reaction or response.

Additionally, what I said was only incorrect in the very specific case of what has already been specifically stated in this manga. In other similarly science fiction interstellar examples, such as Elite Dangerous, my examples stand.
"Scanning" is not solely the very specific type of "scanning" presented in this chapter. It constitutes any instance of using "sensors" to "collect" information from something "at a distance". The form of "scanning" (that I do agree is harassment, but is very clearly not illegal, and is stated and acted upon as such in this chapter) that they were doing is a longer an more detailed "scanning" to acquire more detailed information than what a simple "sensors sweep" gets.
Additionally, the military and mercenaries are NOT law enforcement. That I would be the equivalent of police officers, and the military goes far beyond that (but is still used against things like pirates that are a clear and present danger to everyone and warrants and military response). Unless the judicial has been removed in favor of pure military in this universe; death first, trial later (if ever) then.
And with the presence of mercenaries, yes, random "non-law enforcement" ships would show up for random and hostile ships. The mercenaries are NOT law enforcement. That would be, at worst the military, and at best the police force. Mercenaries are a third party. Or are you saying that the manga puts them as Government Jobs? What page of what chapter explicitly states them as such?

I will refrain from explaining the idiocy and inefficiency of using radio broadcasting as the sole source of identification, but only because I am on a phone and don't want to work with the number of tabs to research GPS and other methods of determining the exact origin of a radio broadcast.
Holy crap, that was meant to be a minor jab at worst and mostly a joke, I only said it as you have been strangely defensive in a lot of your comments.
As for who I was referring to as law enforcement, I mostly meant the stations itself and its staff. I would assume there is some form of commanded and air traffic control to manage the traffic. As well as some form of enforcement belonging to the station, and that each station would have some form of these. When in the area of a station it would fall on them to conduct scans and keep tabs on who is present as the local authority. Stations absolute would have some form of self defense force. Whatever form they take would be who I would be calling law enforcement in this case.
As for the IDs, they are clearly in a database that can be checked, as for if they can be faked or not we haven't heard or seen any instances, I would think the AI's would be involved in that behind the scenes and make it rather difficult if not out right impossible. So far the only instances we have seen of ID problems it them just being turned off, which would be a red flag on its own.
Also games are not a good source for somthing like this, they tend to bundle things for game mechanic and qol sake, even if those are very different actions. Receiving data being broadcast and actively scanning are very different, but are often just lumped under scanning in games, despite being more accurately called display all gathered data.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2019
I know I don't have much artistic sense. But I'm surprised you guys can see the drawings and say "hmm the LN looks like an elementary students, while the manga looks like middle schooler".

I honestly can't tell haha. Maybe because I'm Asian, and irl around me, the height between kids and adults aren't that drastic.
Naah, it doesn't have anything to do with artistic sense or your culture. It's mostly about comparison and proportion.

How tall they are compared to an adult or what considered an adult. Usually, in media elementary schooler is depicted as tall as the stomach of an adult while middle schooler is around the chest up to the shoulder and highschooler height is from neck high to as tall as an adult.

Another way to see it is from their proportion, how big is the head compared to the body, how long is their limb compared to the adult, etc. An easy and popular yet not so reliable way is to count how many "head" the character is by using the size of the character head and see how tall they are. Using this method, most child character is around 3 to 4 head tall, but considering Qiqi and Paimon from Genshin Impact both are 3 head tall but have different size you could see how unreliable it is since it will need the context
Active member
May 8, 2023
They did their damnedest to make the "dwarves" appear as tall as possible in the manga huh? Well we'll see what they did to tina and wiska soon enough i guess.
How tall were the dwarves in the wn/ln?

Also I'm sorry but I must Uooohhhh cute dwarves 😭
you-know-they-look-underage sized
Well if the LN Illustrations are anything to go by, probably this
Picture of Tina & Wiska in the official EN lightnovel
You can also estimate their height compared to Hiro here
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Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
No. Its a shit series of videos by a uninspiring animator with only toilet humor.
Just no. Crack a joke about something else. Of all the memes or shitty internet things that needs to die, Skibidi is one.
"only toilet humor" That is technically correct (partially, at least), given that the bad guys in it are all heads in toilets, but having actually watched some of it I have to say that the humor doesn't really fall under what would traditionally be considered "toilet humor". I'd also say it doesn't really fall under the category of "humor" at all, given that it's mostly an action/combat series, with some heavy mecha themes.

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