Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusenmochi Datta node, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei toshite Jiyuu ni Ikitai

Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018
Elite Dangerous / Eve-online space Isekai.

There is not a whole lot to go by as there are only 9 chapters so far, but it looks like it's going to be a ship combat space odyssey.

The MC is a person from earth who is transported into a world similar to a space combat game he was playing.
He gets his favourite spaceship from the game that is a hard-hitting scout ship with weapons that can almost rival low tier battlecruisers in terms of damage output.
Afterwards, he is trying to find a way to return home while travelling around doing mercenary work.

It's pretty standard so far but its only 9 chapters in so he barely got his hand on his crew members harem in the picture.
The way he recruits them are pretty basic and the second one is a bit stupid, but there may be an explanation of why the stupid things happened the way it did...
The girl in question is the space elf on the right of the MC.

Spoilers for why she joins the crew and why it's stupid.
She is a mercenary veteran of 5 years who drives a ship that explodes by itself after going out of control, something that apparently is a known design flaw( at least to the MC )
I find it strange why a veteran would drive a suicide ship if its public knowledge that the flaw exists, seems like a beginner mistake considering the ship is the most important thing to a mercenary.
Because of the ship going out of control and corrupt officials,
who according to spoilers I read gets punished for It
she is forced to pay a fee that would make her a debt slave.
MC then saves her from the debt and she joins his crew.

The story so far in the first 9 chapters is only him recruiting his crew and two space battles and a little world-building on the first space station that he lands on.
That said the last chapters ends with
some suspicious ships that might be disguised army vessels of another invading nation
and potential future conflicts that might drive the story forward.
Not a lot more I can really say other then fact that the MC is a natural casanova who gets laid multiple times in the first 9 chapters thanks to his kind nature and his awesome ship money.
It got potential, but I have seen other stories drop the ball before.

The first 9 chapters is a good start but nothing exceptional.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

well unless the ship is new model in universe or its a 1 / 10.000 chance for it to happen the knowledge that it can just randomly explode shout spread to the public fairly quickly.
You have to consider it's designed to let the pilot survive the explosion , so the pilot should be able to share the info after it happens.
The first few times people might just scoff at it, but once it happens more then a few times people should start to notise and it becomes public knowledge.
Unless somebody like its creator is actively supressing the spread of information somehow.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2020
It's a trashy harem space isekai, but at least he isnt all rapey (though he is a creep).

Yo if the general lady doesnt join the harem i riot.
Active member
Aug 17, 2020
I'm not a fan of the harem trope, but it didn't bother me much in this one (yet). It's played straight without the wishy-washy tsundere nonsense of most other isekai with all parties aware and consenting.

Also space-isekai is pretty interesting as an alternative to the standard fantasy setting. As so often, though, the isekai part is pretty superfluous. Suspended animation or some time-capsule thingy plus some downloadable knowledge (skillsofts á la cyper/nanopunk) would have worked even better and fully in-world. Very minor gripe though.

It reads like a space-sim with some galge elements. Which I definitely would play and feel guilty about if it existed 🧐
Jun 13, 2019
Who cares if this is just another shitty isekai mango. GIVE ME MORE SPACE ELVES.
Aug 25, 2019
I know this title from the other work the author made which is that Isekai Minecraft. And in both works, the 1st sex scene came fast. That's it, this author is in my favorite now.

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