Mi-chan wa Kawaretai - Ch. 14 - Cat or Human

Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2019
yeah it doesn't matter if she choose either a cat or human.
i will fuck Mii-chan the same way
Dex-chan lover
Mar 26, 2023
Man she's still pussyfootin' round the big deal about it. I get it that she doesn't want him to do it just to keep her human. Honestly I see a moment where he just straight up says "nah no way, that's illegal" just for laughs.

Besides all that I think this is gonna be a last lap kinda moment right now. I wanna see where iori 's head goes about all this when he finds out. And unless the author gives us two endings(which I highly doubt) I'm gonna put my chips in for the cat ending.

Thanks for the chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 11, 2020
Her saying that she doesn't care what life she chooses, hits hard in a way.
She neither particularly likes being a cat nor a human. It's a bit like asking someone what country they prefer to live in? USA or Japan? Having the choice between two completely different directions and still not wanting either path. :fml:
Dex-chan lover
Apr 5, 2019
I don't know how long this manga is, but there's a whole layer of characterization to deal with still. "Am I worthy" already came up, but there's a big looming "is this really what she should be doing" feeling that is just sort of hanging there. Shouldn't she find someone else? Why me? You know, those.
You know in real life the "Am i worthy" of someone's feelings doesn't mean shit, because you don't get to decide that its the other person, not you. Even if you wonder and self-doubt a million times, it wouldn't change a thing because if someone else loves you you aren't the person that decides if its right or if you are worthy, other people will decide that. You just need to strive to be the best version of yourself to meet their expectations, if there are any to begin with, maybe you already are perfect in their eyes.
Apr 5, 2023
Man she's still pussyfootin' round the big deal about it. I get it that she doesn't want him to do it just to keep her human. Honestly I see a moment where he just straight up says "nah no way, that's illegal" just for laughs.
Japan's AOC being 16, that's unlikely (even if some extreme beta MLs have grasped at that as an excuse).

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